Microsoft Plus! 98 CD-ROM Directory Listing (1 of 3) (187860)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Plus! 98

This article was previously published under Q187860


This article lists the directory contents of the Plus! 98 CD-ROM. This article lists the contents of the root folder, the Games folder, and the Pie folder.


Contents of the Root Folder

AUTORUN  EXE     1,244,672  05-01-98  8:01p autorun.exe
AUTORUN  INF            46  05-01-98  8:01p autorun.inf
GAMES           <DIR>       05-01-98  8:01p games
PIE             <DIR>       05-01-98  8:01p pie
PLUS98          <DIR>       05-01-98  8:01p plus98
PLUS98   ICO           767  05-01-98  8:01p plus98.ico
README   TXT        18,675  05-01-98  8:01p readme.txt
SETUP    EXE       449,536  05-01-98  8:01p setup.exe

         5 file(s)      1,713,696 bytes

Contents of the Games Folder

DEMOS           <DIR>       05-01-98  8:01p demos
GOLF            <DIR>       05-01-98  8:01p golf
GOLF     ICO         7,078  05-01-98  8:01p golf.ico

         1 file(s)          7,078 bytes

Contents of the Games\Demos Folder

2_3CLICK AVI    14,903,286  05-01-98  8:01p 2_3click.avi
AIMDEM   AVI     9,773,660  05-01-98  8:01p aimdem.avi
GFEAT    AVI    16,190,168  05-01-98  8:01p gfeat.avi
NATSWING AVI    10,542,342  05-01-98  8:01p natswing.avi
SIMMODE  AVI     9,739,272  05-01-98  8:01p simmode.avi

         5 file(s)     61,148,728 bytes

Contents of the Games\Golf Folder

PRESERVE        <DIR>       05-01-98  8:01p preserve
SOUNDS          <DIR>       05-01-98  8:01p sounds

Contents of the Games\Golf\Preserve Folder

COLORS   CRS           693  05-01-98  8:01p
COLORS2  CRS           603  05-01-98  8:01p
FLYBYS          <DIR>       05-01-98  8:01p flybys
GROUND          <DIR>       05-01-98  8:01p ground
MEMSIZE  CRS            21  05-01-98  8:01p
MISC            <DIR>       05-01-98  8:01p misc
MIT      CRS         4,815  05-01-98  8:01p
MODELS   CRS         3,574  05-01-98  8:01p
NITEM    CRS         2,059  05-01-98  8:01p
OBJECTS         <DIR>       05-01-98  8:01p objects
OLIST    CRS         1,402  05-01-98  8:01p
PB1      IHC         4,282  05-01-98  8:01p pb1.ihc
PB1      VFO       491,914  05-01-98  8:01p pb1.vfo
PB2      IHC         4,272  05-01-98  8:01p pb2.ihc
PB2      VFO       773,778  05-01-98  8:01p pb2.vfo
PB3      IHC         4,282  05-01-98  8:01p pb3.ihc
PB3      VFO       714,149  05-01-98  8:01p pb3.vfo
PB4      IHC         4,295  05-01-98  8:01p pb4.ihc
PB4      VFO       653,622  05-01-98  8:01p pb4.vfo
PB5      IHC         4,254  05-01-98  8:01p pb5.ihc
PB5      VFO       514,837  05-01-98  8:01p pb5.vfo
PB6      IHC         4,288  05-01-98  8:01p pb6.ihc
PB6      VFO       585,518  05-01-98  8:01p pb6.vfo
PB7      IHC         4,287  05-01-98  8:01p pb7.ihc
PB7      VFO       787,765  05-01-98  8:01p pb7.vfo
PB8      IHC         4,279  05-01-98  8:01p pb8.ihc
PB8      VFO       696,256  05-01-98  8:01p pb8.vfo
PB9      IHC         4,249  05-01-98  8:01p pb9.ihc
PB9      VFO       422,418  05-01-98  8:01p pb9.vfo
PBSTROKE BMP       155,006  05-01-98  8:01p pbstroke.bmp
SEASONS  CRS         1,888  05-01-98  8:01p
SKYTABLE CRS           435  05-01-98  8:01p
TLIST    CRS         1,484  05-01-98  8:01p
TTABLE   CRS         6,311  05-01-98  8:01p

        30 file(s)      5,857,036 bytes

Contents of the Games\Golf\Preserve\Flybys Folder

FB01VID  AVI     2,420,296  05-01-98  8:01p fb01vid.avi
FB02VID  AVI     2,414,572  05-01-98  8:01p fb02vid.avi
FB03VID  AVI     2,416,144  05-01-98  8:01p fb03vid.avi
FB04VID  AVI     2,723,004  05-01-98  8:01p fb04vid.avi
FB05VID  AVI     2,109,152  05-01-98  8:01p fb05vid.avi
FB06VID  AVI     2,726,980  05-01-98  8:01p fb06vid.avi
FB07VID  AVI     2,412,448  05-01-98  8:01p fb07vid.avi
FB08VID  AVI     2,514,164  05-01-98  8:01p fb08vid.avi
FB09VID  AVI     2,106,404  05-01-98  8:01p fb09vid.avi

         9 file(s)     21,843,164 bytes

Contents of the Games\Golf\Preserve\Ground Folder

ASPHALT  BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p asphalt.bmp
BBOARD   BMP        66,614  05-01-98  8:01p bboard.bmp
BINNER   BMP         5,174  05-01-98  8:01p binner.bmp
BSIDE    BMP         5,174  05-01-98  8:01p bside.bmp
BSTOP    BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p bstop.bmp
BTOP     BMP         5,174  05-01-98  8:01p btop.bmp
CLIFF    BMP        66,614  05-01-98  8:01p cliff.bmp
CLIFF2   BMP        66,614  05-01-98  8:01p cliff2.bmp
DIRT     BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p dirt.bmp
FAIRTRAN BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p fairtran.bmp
FAIRWAY  BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p fairway.bmp
FAIRWAYD BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p fairwayd.bmp
GRAVEL5  BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p gravel5.bmp
GREEN    BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p green.bmp
GREEN1   BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p green1.bmp
GREEN2   BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p green2.bmp
GREEN3   BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p green3.bmp
HEATH1B  BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p heath1b.bmp
HROUGH   BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p hrough.bmp
NPWATER3 BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p npwater3.bmp
POND     BMP         1,334  05-01-98  8:01p pond.bmp
ROUGH    BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p rough.bmp
SAND1A   BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p sand1a.bmp
SANDRGH  BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p sandrgh.bmp
STOP     BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p stop.bmp
TOP      BMP         5,174  05-01-98  8:01p top.bmp
TOP2     BMP         5,174  05-01-98  8:01p top2.bmp
WALL1A   BMP        66,614  05-01-98  8:01p wall1a.bmp
WATER3   BMP        66,614  05-01-98  8:01p water3.bmp
WATERSD2 BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p watersd2.bmp
WATERSD3 BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p watersd3.bmp
WATERSND BMP        17,462  05-01-98  8:01p watersnd.bmp

        32 file(s)        726,976 bytes

Contents of the Games\Golf\Preserve\Misc Folder

BBACK    BMP     1,473,846  05-01-98  8:01p bback.bmp
CLEAR1   BMP       263,222  05-01-98  8:01p clear1.bmp
CLEAR2   BMP       263,222  05-01-98  8:01p clear2.bmp
CLOUDY1  BMP       263,222  05-01-98  8:01p cloudy1.bmp
CLOUDY2  BMP       263,222  05-01-98  8:01p cloudy2.bmp
FLAG     BMP         9,270  05-01-98  8:01p flag.bmp
FLAGPOLE BMP           576  05-01-98  8:01p flagpole.bmp
PARTLY1  BMP       263,222  05-01-98  8:01p partly1.bmp
PARTLY2  BMP       263,222  05-01-98  8:01p partly2.bmp
POLE2    BMP         1,142  05-01-98  8:01p pole2.bmp
RAINY    BMP       263,222  05-01-98  8:01p rainy.bmp
TMB      BMP         5,174  05-01-98  8:01p tmb.bmp
TMG      BMP         5,174  05-01-98  8:01p tmg.bmp
TMR      BMP         5,174  05-01-98  8:01p tmr.bmp
TMT      BMP         1,094  05-01-98  8:01p tmt.bmp
TMW      BMP         5,174  05-01-98  8:01p tmw.bmp
TOPPIN   BMP         2,102  05-01-98  8:01p toppin.bmp
W4X4     BMP         1,094  05-01-98  8:01p w4x4.bmp

        18 file(s)      3,352,374 bytes

Contents of the Games\Golf\Preserve\Objects Folder

O_B15A1  LMP         3,453  05-01-98  8:01p o_b15a1.lmp
O_B15A2  LMP         7,518  05-01-98  8:01p o_b15a2.lmp
O_B15A3  LMP        20,224  05-01-98  8:01p o_b15a3.lmp
O_B15A4  LMP        60,169  05-01-98  8:01p o_b15a4.lmp
O_B15A5  LMP       204,449  05-01-98  8:01p o_b15a5.lmp
O_B15A6  LMP       179,925  05-01-98  8:01p o_b15a6.lmp
O_B15A7  LMP       117,053  05-01-98  8:01p o_b15a7.lmp
O_B16A1  LMP         2,133  05-01-98  8:01p o_b16a1.lmp
O_B16A2  LMP         3,753  05-01-98  8:01p o_b16a2.lmp
O_B16A3  LMP         8,260  05-01-98  8:01p o_b16a3.lmp
O_B16A4  LMP        21,609  05-01-98  8:01p o_b16a4.lmp
O_B16A5  LMP        62,655  05-01-98  8:01p o_b16a5.lmp
O_B16A6  LMP        49,255  05-01-98  8:01p o_b16a6.lmp
O_B16A7  LMP        45,235  05-01-98  8:01p o_b16a7.lmp
O_B2A1   LMP         2,969  05-01-98  8:01p o_b2a1.lmp
O_B2A2   LMP         6,527  05-01-98  8:01p o_b2a2.lmp
O_B2A3   LMP        17,464  05-01-98  8:01p o_b2a3.lmp
O_B2A4   LMP        51,187  05-01-98  8:01p o_b2a4.lmp
O_B2A5   LMP       156,095  05-01-98  8:01p o_b2a5.lmp
O_B2A6   LMP       166,466  05-01-98  8:01p o_b2a6.lmp
O_B2A7   LMP       115,891  05-01-98  8:01p o_b2a7.lmp
O_B3A1   LMP         3,049  05-01-98  8:01p o_b3a1.lmp
O_B3A2   LMP         7,044  05-01-98  8:01p o_b3a2.lmp
O_B3A3   LMP        19,907  05-01-98  8:01p o_b3a3.lmp
O_B3A4   LMP        62,779  05-01-98  8:01p o_b3a4.lmp
O_B3A5   LMP       202,467  05-01-98  8:01p o_b3a5.lmp
O_B3A6   LMP       332,075  05-01-98  8:01p o_b3a6.lmp
O_B3A7   LMP       333,429  05-01-98  8:01p o_b3a7.lmp
O_B4A1   LMP         2,530  05-01-98  8:01p o_b4a1.lmp
O_B4A2   LMP         5,134  05-01-98  8:01p o_b4a2.lmp
O_B4A3   LMP        13,362  05-01-98  8:01p o_b4a3.lmp
O_B4A4   LMP        40,931  05-01-98  8:01p o_b4a4.lmp
O_B4A5   LMP       130,972  05-01-98  8:01p o_b4a5.lmp
O_B4A6   LMP       122,354  05-01-98  8:01p o_b4a6.lmp
O_B4A7   LMP        46,624  05-01-98  8:01p o_b4a7.lmp
O_B5A1   LMP         3,397  05-01-98  8:01p o_b5a1.lmp
O_B5A2   LMP         8,207  05-01-98  8:01p o_b5a2.lmp
O_B5A3   LMP        26,884  05-01-98  8:01p o_b5a3.lmp
O_B5A4   LMP        97,805  05-01-98  8:01p o_b5a4.lmp
O_B5A5   LMP       298,351  05-01-98  8:01p o_b5a5.lmp
O_B5A6   LMP       534,042  05-01-98  8:01p o_b5a6.lmp
O_B5A7   LMP       538,440  05-01-98  8:01p o_b5a7.lmp
O_BCK2A1 LMP         2,982  05-01-98  8:01p o_bck2a1.lmp
O_BCK2A2 LMP        11,784  05-01-98  8:01p o_bck2a2.lmp
O_BCK2A3 LMP        65,506  05-01-98  8:01p o_bck2a3.lmp
O_BCK2A4 LMP       381,737  05-01-98  8:01p o_bck2a4.lmp
O_BCK3A1 LMP         3,113  05-01-98  8:01p o_bck3a1.lmp
O_BCK3A2 LMP        12,561  05-01-98  8:01p o_bck3a2.lmp
O_BCK3A3 LMP        70,887  05-01-98  8:01p o_bck3a3.lmp
O_BCK3A4 LMP       441,162  05-01-98  8:01p o_bck3a4.lmp
O_BSH1A1 LMP         2,090  05-01-98  8:01p o_bsh1a1.lmp
O_BSH1A2 LMP         5,351  05-01-98  8:01p o_bsh1a2.lmp
O_BSH1A3 LMP        20,137  05-01-98  8:01p o_bsh1a3.lmp
O_BSH1A4 LMP        84,617  05-01-98  8:01p o_bsh1a4.lmp
O_BSH1B1 LMP         2,152  05-01-98  8:01p o_bsh1b1.lmp
O_BSH1B2 LMP         5,417  05-01-98  8:01p o_bsh1b2.lmp
O_BSH1B3 LMP        19,847  05-01-98  8:01p o_bsh1b3.lmp
O_BSH1B4 LMP        84,494  05-01-98  8:01p o_bsh1b4.lmp
O_BSH3A1 LMP         2,211  05-01-98  8:01p o_bsh3a1.lmp
O_BSH3A2 LMP         5,695  05-01-98  8:01p o_bsh3a2.lmp
O_BSH3A3 LMP        20,682  05-01-98  8:01p o_bsh3a3.lmp
O_BSH3A4 LMP        84,652  05-01-98  8:01p o_bsh3a4.lmp
O_GR11B1 LMP         1,713  05-01-98  8:01p o_gr11b1.lmp
O_GR11B2 LMP         3,369  05-01-98  8:01p o_gr11b2.lmp
O_GR11B3 LMP        10,224  05-01-98  8:01p o_gr11b3.lmp
O_GR11B4 LMP        38,558  05-01-98  8:01p o_gr11b4.lmp
O_GR15B1 LMP         1,756  05-01-98  8:01p o_gr15b1.lmp
O_GR15B2 LMP         3,325  05-01-98  8:01p o_gr15b2.lmp
O_GR15B3 LMP         9,480  05-01-98  8:01p o_gr15b3.lmp
O_GR15B4 LMP        32,614  05-01-98  8:01p o_gr15b4.lmp
O_GRS0B1 LMP         1,919  05-01-98  8:01p o_grs0b1.lmp
O_GRS0B2 LMP         4,045  05-01-98  8:01p o_grs0b2.lmp
O_GRS0B3 LMP        11,920  05-01-98  8:01p o_grs0b3.lmp
O_GRS0B4 LMP        43,423  05-01-98  8:01p o_grs0b4.lmp
O_GRS1C1 LMP         1,773  05-01-98  8:01p o_grs1c1.lmp
O_GRS1C2 LMP         3,350  05-01-98  8:01p o_grs1c2.lmp
O_GRS1C3 LMP         7,439  05-01-98  8:01p o_grs1c3.lmp
O_GRS1C4 LMP        18,573  05-01-98  8:01p o_grs1c4.lmp
O_GRS9B1 LMP         1,917  05-01-98  8:01p o_grs9b1.lmp
O_GRS9B2 LMP         3,324  05-01-98  8:01p o_grs9b2.lmp
O_GRS9B3 LMP         7,065  05-01-98  8:01p o_grs9b3.lmp
O_GRS9B4 LMP        20,469  05-01-98  8:01p o_grs9b4.lmp
O_HUT0A1 LMP         2,435  05-01-98  8:01p o_hut0a1.lmp
O_HUT0A2 LMP         7,349  05-01-98  8:01p o_hut0a2.lmp
O_HUT0A3 LMP        37,805  05-01-98  8:01p o_hut0a3.lmp
O_HUT0A4 LMP       200,528  05-01-98  8:01p o_hut0a4.lmp
SHAD     BMP       263,224  05-01-98  8:01p shad.bmp
TOP1     LMP         1,699  05-01-98  8:01p top1.lmp
TOP1B1   LMP         1,822  05-01-98  8:01p top1b1.lmp
TOP1B2   LMP         3,432  05-01-98  8:01p top1b2.lmp
TOP1B3   LMP         9,242  05-01-98  8:01p top1b3.lmp
TOP1B4   LMP        24,213  05-01-98  8:01p top1b4.lmp
TOP1B5   LMP        46,410  05-01-98  8:01p top1b5.lmp
TOP1B6   LMP        82,253  05-01-98  8:01p top1b6.lmp
TOP2     LMP         3,317  05-01-98  8:01p top2.lmp
TOP3     LMP         8,313  05-01-98  8:01p top3.lmp
TOP4     LMP        18,942  05-01-98  8:01p top4.lmp

        97 file(s)      6,396,390 bytes

Contents of the Games\Golf\Sounds Folder

COMMENT  SLB    67,873,668  05-01-98  8:01p comment.slb
COMMENT  SMP        38,400  05-01-98  8:01p comment.smp

         2 file(s)     67,912,068 bytes

Contents of the Pie Folder

SAMPLES         <DIR>       05-01-98  8:01p samples
UAFILES         <DIR>       05-01-98  8:01p uafiles

Contents of the Pie\Samples Folder

BK0029   MIX       814,592  05-01-98  8:01p bk0029.mix
BK0061   MIX       738,304  05-01-98  8:01p bk0061.mix
BK0124   MIX       774,656  05-01-98  8:01p bk0124.mix
BK0180   MIX       700,416  05-01-98  8:01p bk0180.mix
BK0181   MIX       917,504  05-01-98  8:01p bk0181.mix
BK0182   MIX       775,168  05-01-98  8:01p bk0182.mix
CT0009   MIX       357,888  05-01-98  8:01p ct0009.mix
CT0090   MIX       307,200  05-01-98  8:01p ct0090.mix
CT0150   MIX       181,248  05-01-98  8:01p ct0150.mix
CT0228   MIX       278,016  05-01-98  8:01p ct0228.mix
CT0236   MIX       327,680  05-01-98  8:01p ct0236.mix
TX0059   MIX       838,144  05-01-98  8:01p tx0059.mix

        12 file(s)      7,010,816 bytes

Contents of the Pie\Uafiles Folder

CHGCONTR AVI     2,136,688  05-01-98  8:01p chgcontr.avi
CORTINT  AVI     2,436,872  05-01-98  8:01p cortint.avi
MCUTOUT  AVI     2,345,812  05-01-98  8:01p mcutout.avi
MRR      AVI     3,513,470  05-01-98  8:01p mrr.avi
STACK    AVI     6,535,080  05-01-98  8:01p stack.avi
TEXT     AVI     5,139,390  05-01-98  8:01p text.avi

         6 file(s)     22,107,312 bytes

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/16/2005
Keywords:kbinfo kbref KB187860