Error 200
The code segment cannot be greater than or equal to 64KB.
Error 203
The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
Error 205
No process in the command subtree has a signal handler.
Error 206
The filename or extension is too long.
Error 207
The ring 2 stack is in use.
Error 208
The global filename characters, * or ?, are entered incorrectly or too
many global filename characters are specified.
Error 209
The signal being posted is not correct.
Error 210
The signal handler cannot be set.
Error 212
The segment is locked and cannot be reallocated.
Error 214
Too many dynamic link modules are attached to this program or dynamic
link module.
Error 215
Can't nest calls to LoadModule.
Error 230
The pipe state is invalid.
Error 231
All pipe instances are busy.
Error 232
The pipe is being closed.
Error 233
No process is on the other end of the pipe.
Error 234
More data is available.
Error 240
The session was cancelled.
Error 254
The specified extended attribute name was invalid.
Error 255
The extended attributes are inconsistent.
Error 259
No more data is available.
Error 266
The Copy API cannot be used.
Error 267
The directory name is invalid.
Error 275
The extended attributes did not fit in the buffer.
Error 276
The extended attribute file on the mounted file system is corrupt.
Error 277
The extended attribute table file is full.
Error 278
The specified extended attribute handle is invalid.
Error 282
The mounted file system does not support extended attributes.
Error 288
Attempt to release mutex not owned by caller.
Error 298
Too many posts were made to a semaphore.
Error 299
Only part of a Read/WriteProcessMemory request was completed.
Error 487
Attempt to access invalid address.
Error 534
Arithmetic result exceeded 32 bits.
Error 535
There is a process on other end of the pipe.
Error 536
Waiting for a process to open the other end of the pipe.
Error 994
Access to the extended attribute was denied.
Error 995
The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an
application request.
Error 996
Overlapped I/O event is not in a signalled state.
Error 997
Overlapped I/O operation is in progress.
Error 998
Invalid access to memory location.
Error 999
Error performing inpage operation.