Error 3710
An error occurred while opening the Help file.
Explanation: Windows NT could not find a file of Help information.
Action: Be sure the Net.hlp file is in the same directory as Net.exe, which
is usually in your system directory. This directory should also be on your
search path (specified by the PATH command). If you cannot find the Help
file on your computer, contact your network administrator. Your
administrator should copy the Help file from the Windows NT distribution
disks to your computer.
Error 3711
The Help file is empty.
Explanation: Help file, Net.hlp, is damaged. The file is usually in your
system directory.
Action: Contact your network administrator. Your administrator should copy
the Help file from the Windows NT distribution disks to your computer. If
the problem persists, contact technical support.
Error 3712
The Help file is corrupted.
Explanation: Help file, Net.hlp, is damaged. The file is usually in your
system directory.
Action: Contact your network administrator. Your administrator should copy
the Help file from the Windows NT distribution disks to your computer. If
the problem persists, contact technical support.
Error 3713
Could not find a domain controller for domain ***.
Explanation: Either this domain does not have logon security and therefore
does not have a domain controller, or its domain controller is currently
Action: If this domain does not have logon security, you cannot use this
domain. Otherwise, retry the command. If the problem persists, ask your
network administrator if the domain controller is running.
Error 3714
This operation is privileged on systems with earlier versions of the
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any
action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You
must have administrative privilege on the remote computer to perform this
task because that computer is running a previous version of LAN Manager.
Action: To complete this task, ask your administrator to give you
administrative privilege on the remote computer, or have that computer
upgraded to Windows NT.
Error 3716
The device type is unknown.
Explanation: You typed an invalid device name.
Action: Check the spelling of the device name. Valid device names are LPT1:
to LPT9: for printers and A: to Z: for disk devices.
Error 3717
The log file has been corrupted.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any
action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The log
file you are using is damaged.
Action: If you may need to refer to this log file in the future, copy it to
another filename, and then clear it so that you can start another one.
Error 3718
Program filenames must end with .EXE.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any
action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The
Netrun service runs only programs with the filename extension .exe.
Action: To use a program with a .com extension, an administrator must
rename it to a .exe file.
Error 3719
A matching share could not be found so nothing was deleted.
Explanation: Windows NT could not find the resource you wanted to stop
Action: Check the spelling of the share name. To see a list of resources
the server is sharing, type:
Error 3720
A bad value is in the units-per-week field of the user record.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any
action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The
internal record of this user is invalid.
Action: Contact technical support.
Error 3721
The password is invalid for ***.
Explanation: You used an incorrect password.
Action: Check that you have the correct password, and then retype it. If
you cannot remember your password, see your network administrator to have
your password changed.
Error 3722
An error occurred while sending a message to ***.
Explanation: An error occurred when a message was sent to the alias you
selected. An additional error message should follow this one. It will tell
you what action to take to correct the error.
Action: Follow the recommended action in the second error message.
Error 3723
The password or user name is invalid for ***.
Explanation: Either your password or your user name is incorrect.
Action: Retry the operation with the correct password or user name. If you
cannot remember your password, see your network administrator to have your
password changed.
Error 3725
An error occurred when the share was deleted.
Explanation: An error occurred when Windows NT tried to stop sharing the
Action: Try again to stop sharing the resource. If no more information
about this error is displayed, use Event Viewer to read the system log. If
no more information appears in Event Viewer and the problem persists,
contact technical support.
Error 3726
The user name is invalid.
Explanation: You typed an invalid user name.
Action: Retype the command with a valid user name.
Error 3727
The password is invalid.
Explanation: You typed an invalid password.
Action: Retype the command, using a valid password.
Error 3728
The passwords do not match.
Explanation: The two passwords you typed did not match.
Action: Be sure to type identical passwords.
Error 3729
Your persistent connections were not all restored.
Explanation: Loading of the profile stopped after an error occurred.
Action: No action is needed.
Error 3730
This is not a valid computer name or domain name.
Explanation: You typed an invalid computer name or domain.
Action: Retype the command with a valid computer name or domain. If you
need further assistance, contact your network administrator.
Error 3732
Default permissions cannot be set for that resource.
Error 3734
A valid password was not entered.
Explanation: You typed an invalid password.
Action: Type a valid password.
Error 3735
A valid name was not entered.
Explanation: You typed an invalid name.
Action: Type a valid name.
Error 3736
The resource named cannot be shared.
Explanation: You cannot share this resource.
Action: No action is needed.
Error 3737
The permissions string contains invalid permissions.
Error 3738
You can only perform this operation on printers and communication
Explanation: This command is valid only for device names of printers and
communication devices.
Action: No action is needed.
Error 3742
*** is an invalid user or group name.
Explanation: You typed an invalid user name or group name.
Action: Check the spelling of the user or group name. To see a list of
existing users, type:
To see a list of existing local groups, type:
To see a list of existing global groups, type:
Error 3743
The server is not configured for remote administration.
Explanation: The server is not set up to be administered remotely.
Action: For the server to be administered remotely, you must share the
server's ADMIN$ and IPC$ resources.
Error 3752
No users have sessions with this server.
Explanation: No users have sessions with this server.
Action: No action is needed.
Error 3753
User *** is not a member of group ***.
Explanation: This user is not a member of the group.
Action: No action is needed.
Error 3754
User *** is already a member of group ***.
Explanation: This user is already a member of the group.
Action: No action is needed.
Error 3755
There is no such user: ***.
Explanation: You typed an unknown user name.
Action: Check the spelling of the user name and then retype the command.
Error 3756
This is an invalid response.
Error 3757
No valid response was provided.
Explanation: You did not provide a valid response to a Windows NT prompt.
Action: Type a valid response.
Error 3758
The destination list provided does not match the destination list of the
printer queue.
Error 3759
Your password cannot be changed until ***.
Error 3760
*** is not a recognized day of the week.
Explanation: The day you specified is invalid. Valid days are Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Valid
abbreviations are M, T, W, Th, F, Sa, and Su.
Action: Retype the command, using valid names or abbreviations.
Error 3761
The time range specified ends before it starts.
Explanation: You specified a time range that starts later than it ends.
Time ranges must start and end on the same day.
Action: Retype the command with a valid time range. You can use either the
12-hour or the 24-hour time format. When you use the 12-hour format, you
must specify either AM or PM for each time. When you use the 24-hour
format, do not specify AM or PM.
Error 3762
*** is not a recognized hour.
Explanation: You specified an hour in a format that could not be
recognized. The hour can be a number from 0 to 12 in 12-hour format or 0 to
24 in 24-hour format. If you use the 12-hour format, you must specify
either A.M. or P.M. for each time.
Action: Retype the command with the correct hour format.
Error 3763
*** is not a valid specification for minutes.
Explanation: You specified the minutes in a format that could not be
recognized. Typing the minutes is optional, but if included, the format
must be :00 (a colon and two zeros).
Action: Retype the command, either omitting the minutes or using the
correct format (:00).
Error 3764
Time supplied is not exactly on the hour.
Explanation: Specifying minutes in your logon command is optional, but if
included, the minutes must be in the format :00 (a colon and two zeros).
Action: Retype the command, either omitting the minutes or using the
correct format (:00).
Error 3765
12 and 24 hour time formats may not be mixed.
Explanation: You mixed 12-hour and 24-hour formats in your time
specification. If you use the 12-hour format (with A.M. and P.M.), the
hours must be from 0 to 12. If you use 24-hour format, the hours must be
from 0 to 24.
Action: Retype the command with either the 12-hour or 24-hour format.
Error 3766
*** is not a valid 12-hour suffix.
Explanation: You tried to use the 12-hour format, but the time was followed
by text that was neither AM nor PM. If you use the 12-hour format, you must
follow each time with either AM, A.M., PM, or P.M.
Action: Retype the command with the correct forms of A.M. and P.M.
Error 3767
An illegal date format has been supplied.
Explanation: You used an illegal date format.
Action: Retype the command with a correct date format. Dates should be
typed in the form mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy, depending on the country code.
Months can be represented by a number, spelled out, or abbreviated to
exactly 3 letters. Use commas or slashes to separate the parts of the date,
but do not use spaces. If you do not specify the year, Windows NT assumes
it to be the next occurrence of the date.
Error 3768
An illegal day range has been supplied.
Explanation: You specified an illegal range of days. You must also type a
hyphen between the first and last days of each range.
Action: When specifying days, use only the complete names of the days or
valid Windows NT abbreviations. Valid abbreviations are: M, T, W, Th, F,
Sa, and Su.
Use a hyphen to separate the beginning and end of each range of days.
Error 3769
An illegal time range has been supplied.
Explanation: You typed an invalid time range.
Action: Retype the command with a valid time range. Use either the 12-hour
format, with the numbers 0-12 and A.M. and P.M., or the 24-hour format,
with the numbers 0-24. Use a hyphen to separate the beginning and end of a
time range, as in 9AM-4PM.
Error 3770
Arguments to NET USER are invalid. Check the minimum password length
and/or arguments supplied.
Explanation: You typed invalid options or variables with the command.
Action: Retype the command, using valid options and variables. When you add
a user account, the password you set for the user must conform to your
system's guidelines for password length.
Error 3771
The value for ENABLESCRIPT must be YES.
Explanation: The /ENABLESCRIPT option of the NET USER command accepts only
YES as a value.
Action: Retype the command, either specifying /ENABLESCRIPT:YES or not
specifying /ENABLESCRIPT.
Error 3773
An illegal country code has been supplied.
Explanation: You typed an invalid country code.
Action: Specify a valid country code.
Error 3774
The user was successfully created but could not be added to the USERS
local group.
Explanation: The user was successfully created but could not be added to
the USERS local group.
Action: Try deleting the user. Then add the user to the local group again.
If the problem persists, contact technical support.
Error 3775
The user context supplied is invalid.
Explanation: The user context you supplied with /USER is invalid.
Action: Retype the command with a valid user context which may be a simple
user name or a qualified user name (in the form Domain\Username).
Error 3776
The dynamic-link library *** could not be loaded, or an error occurred
while trying to use it.
Explanation: A system dynamic-link library could not be loaded.
Action: Make sure the file specified is in your system directory. If it is
not, contact your network administrator.
Error 3777
Sending files is no longer supported.
Explanation: The NET SEND command no longer sends files.
Action: Type the message you want to send on the same line as NET SEND.
Error 3778
You may not specify paths for ADMIN$ and IPC$ shares.
Explanation: When you are creating the special shares IPC$ or ADMIN$, you
may not specify a path.
Action: Retype the command without a path. For example, type:
Error 3779
User or group *** is already a member of local group ***.
Explanation: The account (user or global group) is already in the local
group you are trying to add it to.
Action: No action is needed.
Error 3780
There is no such user or group: ***.
Explanation: The user or group specified does not exist.
Action: Retype the command with a correct user name or group name.
Error 3781
There is no such computer: ***.
Explanation: The computer account specified does not exist.
Action: Retype the command with a correct computer name.
Error 3782
The computer *** already exists.
Explanation: The computer account specified already exists.
Action: Select a different computer name.
Error 3783
There is no such global user or group: ***.
Explanation: The global user or group specified does not exist.
Action: Retype the command with a correct user name or group name.
Error 3790
The system could not find message: ***.
Explanation: The system could not find the message.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
Error 3802
This schedule date is invalid.
Explanation: You typed an invalid schedule date.
Action: Specify either a day of the month represented by a number between 1
and 31, or a day of the week represented by one of the following
abbreviations: M, T, W, Th, F, Sa, or Su.
Error 3803
The LANMAN root directory is unavailable.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any
action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The
root directory for LAN Manager is unavailable.
Action: Be sure the workstation is running and the directory containing the
LAN Manager software is accessible.
Error 3804
The SCHED.LOG file could not be opened.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any
action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. Either
the Sched.log file has been opened by another process or the disk is full.
Action: Be sure the disk is not full. If another process has opened the
file, you will have to wait for it to close the file before you can open
Error 3805
The Server service has not been started.
Explanation: The Server service must be running for this command to run.
Action: Start the server, and then retype the command.
Error 3806
The AT job ID does not exist.
Explanation: You specified a job identification number that does not exist.
Action: To see the list of jobs and identification numbers in the schedule
file, type:
Error 3807
The AT schedule file is corrupted.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any
action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The
schedule file is damaged.
Action: Restore the schedule file, Sched.log, from a backup copy, or delete
the file and create a new one with the AT utility. Sched.log is in the
LANMAN\LOGS directory.
Error 3808
The delete failed due to a problem with the AT schedule file.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any
action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. LAN
Manager cannot find the job you are trying to delete.
Action: Check the job identification number by typing:
Try again to delete the job, using the correct job identification number.
If the error persists, the schedule file, Sched.log, may be damaged.
Restore Sched.log from a backup copy, or delete it and create a new one
with the AT utility. Sched.log is in the Lanman\Logs folder.
Error 3809
The command line cannot exceed 259 characters.
Explanation: Commands used with the AT utility cannot exceed 259
Action: Type a command with 259 or fewer characters.
Error 3810
The AT schedule file could not be updated because the disk is full.
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any
action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. You
cannot update the schedule file because the disk is full.
Action: Make room on the disk by deleting unnecessary files.
Error 3812
The AT schedule file is invalid. Please delete the file and create a new
Explanation: This message should occur only on a down-level computer. Any
action to correct the problem should be performed on that computer. The
schedule file has been damaged, possibly by system errors.
Action: Restore the schedule file, SCHED.LOG, from a backup copy, or delete
the file and create a new one with the AT utility. Sched.log is in the
Lanman\Logs folder.
Error 3813
The AT schedule file was deleted.
Explanation: The schedule file was cleared.
Action: No action is needed.
Error 3814
The syntax of this command is:
AT [id] [/DELETE]
AT time [/EVERY:date | /NEXT:date] command
The AT command schedules a program command to run at a later date and
time on a server. It also displays the list of programs and commands
scheduled to be run.
You can specify the date as M,T,W,Th,F,Sa,Su or 1-31 for the day of the
You can specify the time in the 24 hour HH:MM format.
Error 3815
The AT command has timed-out. Please try again later.
Explanation: The command could not be completed because another scheduled
command is currently running.
Action: Try the command later.
Error 3816
The minimum password age for user accounts cannot be greater than the
maximum password age.
Explanation: The minimum password age specified must not be greater than
the maximum.
Action: Specify a minimum password age that is less than the maximum
password age.
Error 3817
You have specified a value that is incompatible with servers with down-
level software. Please specify a lower value.
Explanation: User account values cannot be replicated to down-level servers
unless the account values are compatible with the down-level server's
Action: No action is needed.
Error 3870
*** is not a valid computer name.
Explanation: The computer name you specified is invalid.
Action: Check the spelling of the computer name.
Error 3871
*** is not a valid Windows NT network message number.
Explanation: The specified message number does not represent a Windows NT
Action: Check that you typed the correct message number. To see more
information about system messages, type
where message# is the message number.