DISCONN disconnects a session.
disconn [sessionname] [/server:servername] [/v] [/?]disconn [sessionID]
[/server:servername] [/v] [/?]
Identifies the session. The name was created by the system administrator
when the session was configured.
Specifies the ID of a session.
Specifies the Terminal Server. Otherwise, the current Terminal Server is
/v (verbose)
Displays information about the actions being performed.
/? (help)
Displays the syntax for the command and information about the command's
DISCONN -- Additional Notes
If no ID or name for the session is specified, disconn uses the current
session ID. If you specify the name of the session, it must identify an
active session.
Any processes associated with the session ID continue to run in the
background. DISCONN is not the same as logoff, which terminates all
processes associated with the session ID. Sessions running at the system
console cannot be disconnected.
DISCONN -- Examples
To disconnect the current session, type:
To disconnect from a specific session, for example session 10, type:
disconn 10
To disconnect from the session TERM04, type:
disconn TERM04