Q.1. The Visual J++ 1.0 Setup program does not run. Do I
have a bad CD-ROM?
A. For more information about this refer to the
Microsoft Knowledge Base article
157877, PRB: Visual J++ Requires a Protected Mode
CD-ROM DriverObject in Java.
Q.2. When I attempt to extract sample
programs using the online Help in Visual J++, I get a dialog box that reads
"Infoview automation object," "error accessing sample data."
A. For
more information about this refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article
171844, FIX: InfoViewer Cannot Download Samples if
IE4.0 is Installed.
Q.3. When I try to compile simple Java applets
or applications, I get the following error J0051:
Undefined package 'lang'.
A. For more information about this refer
to the Microsoft Knowledge base article
169799, PRB: Error J0051: Undefined package 'lang'.
Q.4. When trying to debug from Visual J++, a dialog box appears with
the following message:
Failed to connect to Java debug
manager. Please make sure your JAVA components are correctly installed.
A. For more information about this refer to the Microsoft Knowledge
Base article
172201, PRB: Problem Connecting to Debug Manager in
Visual J++.
Q.5. How do I use the JDK1.1 features from Visual J++?
A. Visual J++ does not provide support for JDK1.1. In order to use
JDK1.1 you need to install the SDK2.01 for Java, whose VM and class libraries
provides JDK1.1 support. Once you install the SDK2.01 for Java, you can
integrate it with Visual J++ 1.x. For more information about how to use SDK2.01
from within Visual J++, refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article
183712, HOWTO: Installation Instructions for SDK for
Q.6. After installing IE4 in the integrated desktop mode, I am
unable to debug Java applets with Visual J++ 1.1. Why?
A. For more
information about this refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article
167998, FIX: Cannot Debug Visual J++ Programs on IE
Q.7. When trying to compile a simple Java program, I get the
following error:
error J0136: Public class 'identifier'
should not be defined in 'identifier'
A. There could be several
reasons for this error. If your Java class name is different than the file name
it is present in, then it fails with this error, for example:
public class myclass { }
When it is saved in
a file that is not Also remember to use the correct case for the
The J1036 error also occurs when there is more than one
"public" class declared in a single .java file. This is not allowed. There may
be only one public class in a .java source file. If you need to write multiple
public classes, they must each be in their own .java file.
Q.8. Why
does the MS-DOS command prompt window disappear after my Java application
terminates when executed from the Developer Studio IDE?
A. For more
information about this, refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article
169798, HOWTO: Prevent Output Window from Closing
After Running Jview.exe.