WD97: Sample Macro to Create Popup Toolbar (185712)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Word 97 for Windows
This article was previously published under Q185712 SUMMARY
This article contains example Visual Basic for Applications code for macros
that create a toolbar that contains a main menu, associated submenus, and
assigned macros that run when you click a menu.
MORE INFORMATIONMicrosoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes
that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the
tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can
help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not
modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to
meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may
want to contact a Microsoft Certified Partner or the Microsoft fee-based
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The following Visual Basic for Applications macro creates a toolbar named
"My Toolbar," creates a main menu, submenus, and assigns a macro to run
when the menus are clicked.
Sub CreatePopupToolbarExample()
Dim cbToolBar As CommandBar
Dim cbMenuBar As CommandBarPopup
Dim cbSuBMnu1 As CommandBarButton
Dim cbSuBMnu2 As CommandBarPopup
Dim cbSuBMnu2_PopUp As CommandBarButton
Dim strToolBar As String
Dim iCount As Integer
' Replace "My Toolbar" with a name
' you want to use for your toolbar.
strToolBar = "My Toolbar"
' If a toolbar of this name already exists,
' append a number to the end of name to
' differentiate one from the other.
For Each cbToolBar In CommandBars
If Left$(cbToolBar.Name, Len(strToolBar)) = strToolBar Then
iCount = iCount + 1
End If
If iCount > 0 Then strToolBar = strToolBar & iCount
' Create and display the Toolbar.
Set cbToolBar = CommandBars.Add(Name:=strToolBar, _
cbToolBar.Visible = True
' Create Main PopUp Menu on Toolbar.
Set cbMenuBar = cbToolBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
cbMenuBar.Caption = "Main Menu"
' Add a Menu Button and a Popup
' Menu to the "Main PopUp Menu."
With cbMenuBar.Controls
Set cbSuBMnu1 = .Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
Set cbSuBMnu2 = .Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
End With
' Set properties for the sub
' button and popup menus.
With cbSuBMnu1
.Caption = "Sub Menu 1 (Button)"
.Style = msoButtonCaption
.OnAction = "ButtonAction1" ' <- Macro to run when clicked.
End With
With cbSuBMnu2
.Caption = "Sub Menu 2 (Popup)"
End With
' Add Popup menu to Sub Menu 2
With cbSuBMnu2.Controls
Set cbSuBMnu2_PopUp = .Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
End With
With cbSuBMnu2_PopUp
.Caption = "Popup 1"
.OnAction = "ButtonAction2" ' <- Macro to run when clicked.
End With
End Sub
When you click the menu item, one the following example macros will run
(these macros are associated with the button items by the OnAction
Sub ButtonAction1()
MsgBox "Button Click."
End Sub
Sub ButtonAction2()
MsgBox "Pop Up Button Click."
End Sub
For more information about creating toolbars, from the Visual Basic Editor,
click the Office Assistant, type CommandBars, click Search, and then
click Using Command Bars.
NOTE: If the Assistant is hidden, click the Office Assistant button on the
Standard toolbar. If the Assistant is not able to answer your query, please
see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
176476 OFF: Office Assistant Not Answering Visual Basic Questions
For additional information, please see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
173707 OFF97: How to Run Sample Code from Knowledge Base Articles
For more information about getting help with Visual Basic for Applications,
please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
163435 VBA: Programming Resources for Visual Basic for Applications
Modification Type: | Minor | Last Reviewed: | 10/11/2006 |
Keywords: | kbdtacode kbhowto kbmacroexample kbProgramming KB185712 |