In Microsoft Excel, workbooks can have two kinds of links: internal or
external. Internal links are references to objects within (or internal to)
the document (for example, another cell on a given sheet or another cell on
another sheet in the same workbook). The following examples demonstrate how
an internal link might appear on your sheet:
External links are references to objects outside the document (for example
a cell on a sheet in another file). The following example demonstrates how
an external link might appear on your sheet:
='<hard drive>:documents:[WORKBOOK1]Sheet1'!$C$2
The macro in the "More Information" section of this article displays all
the defined names in the active workbook that has an external reference to
a defined name in a different workbook. External links not referenced by a
defined name are unaffected. After a defined name is deleted by the macro,
the error value "#NAME" is displayed in the cell(s) that use the defined