Cannot Connect to Desktop Computer Using Remote Networking (183793)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows CE Services 2.0
  • Microsoft Windows CE Services 2.1
  • Microsoft Windows CE 2.0 for the Handheld PC
  • Microsoft Windows CE 2.1 for the Handheld PC
  • Microsoft Windows CE 2.11 for the Handheld PC
  • Microsoft Windows CE 2.12 for the Handheld PC
  • Microsoft Windows CE 3.0 for the Handheld PC
  • Microsoft Windows CE 3.01 for the Handheld PC
  • Microsoft Windows CE 3.0 Professional Edition for the Handheld PC

This article was previously published under Q183793


When you create a new connection to a desktop computer using Remote Networking, you may be unable to connect to the desktop computer.


This behavior can occur if the new connection is not configured correctly.


To configure the new connection correctly, follow these steps:
  1. Tap Start, tap Programs, tap Communication, and then tap Remote Networking.
  2. Tap the desktop computer connection, and then tap Properties on the File menu.
  3. Tap Configure, and then verify that the values of the port settings match those listed in the following table.
          Setting     Value
          Data Bits   8
          Parity      None
          Stop Bits   1
  4. Tap OK, and then tap OK.
  5. Double-tap the desktop computer connection.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/26/2003
Keywords:kbenv kbprb KB183793 kbAudDeveloper