How to Trap JScript Errors in Internet Explorer 4.01 and Earlier
The following code sample demonstrates how to use the
onerror event of the
window object to trap an error in JScript code:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript" FOR="window" EVENT="onerror(msg,url,lineno)">
alert("window.onerror\n\n" +
"Error: " + msg + "\n" +
"URL: " + url + "\n" +
"Line: " + lineno);
return true; // Tell the browser not to report the error itself. //-->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript" FOR="button1" EVENT="onclick()">
<INPUT TYPE=button VALUE="Click for error" NAME=button1>
NOTE: This code sample does not always work on a computer that has Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0 installed, depending on which debugging options you select. If you turn off just-in-time debugging in Visual InterDev (from the
Tools menu, click
Options, and select
Just-in-Time debugger), you cannot click the button on the page. If you turn on just-in-time debugging, you receive a run-time error message, and the
onerror event is never fired. For this script to work with Visual InterDev 6.0, follow these steps:
- In Internet Explorer, click Internet Options from the Tools menu.
- On the Advanced tab, select the Disable Script Debugging check box.
How to Trap JScript Errors in Internet Explorer 5 and Later
try...catch...finally statement provides a way to handle errors that may occur in a given block of code while the code is still running. The
try statements contain code where an error can occur, and
catch statements contain the code to handle any error that may occur. If an error occurs in the
try statements, program control is passed to
catch statements for processing.
If the error cannot be handled in the
catch statements that are associated with the
try statements where the error occurred, use the
throw statement to propagate, or rethrow, the error to a higher-level error handler.
After all statements in
try statements have been executed and after any error-handling has occurred in
catch statements, the statements in
finally statements are unconditionally executed unless an unhandled error occurs (for example, if a run-time error occurs inside the
catch block).
The following sample code illustrates the
try...catch...finally statement:
try {
print("Outer try running..");
try {
print("Nested try running...");
throw "an error";
catch(e) {
print("Nested catch caught " + e);
throw e + " re-thrown";
finally {
print("Nested finally is running...");
catch(e) {
print("Outer catch caught " + e);
finally {
print("Outer finally running");
This code generates the following output:
Outer try running..
Nested try running...
Nested catch caught an error
Nested finally is running...
Outer catch caught an error re-thrown
Outer finally running
For more information about the
onerror event, see the following Microsoft Web site:
For more information about the
try...catch...finally and
throw statements, see the following Microsoft Web site:
For information on using JScript, see the following Microsoft Web site: