When you run a Visual Basic for Applications macro that modifies or deletes
a specific style, you may receive the following error message:
Run-time error '5841':
The requested member of the collection does not exist.
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The following Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications example code tests
for the presence of a specific style. If the style exists, the macro checks
to see whether the specified style is a built-in style. If it is not a built-in
style, the macro tests whether the style is currently in use. If the style
is in use, the style is deleted.
Sub DoesStyleExist()
Dim styStyle As Style
Dim sMsg As String
Dim sStyleName As String
' The style to delete.
' Note: Character case is utilized with styles.
' For example, "mystyle" is different from "MYSTYLE".
sStyleName = "mystyle"
' Initial message.
sMsg = " style does not exist."
For Each styStyle In ActiveDocument.Styles
' Does the style exist?
If styStyle.NameLocal = sStyleName Then
' Cannot delete a built in style.
If styStyle.BuiltIn = False Then
' Is the style being used?
If styStyle.InUse Then
' Delete the Style
sMsg = " style has been deleted."
Exit For
End If
sMsg = " style is a built-in style."
Exit For
End If
End If
' Display a message indicating the resulting action.
MsgBox sStyleName & sMsg
End Sub
For information about how to do this in earlier versions of Word, please
see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
117826 WD: WordBasic Macro to Test for an Existing Style Name