By default, in Exchange Server, Lotus Notes users are displayed in
<FirstName LastName> format. Exchange Server users are displayed in
<FirstName LastName> format.
In Lotus Notes, Notes users are displayed in <LastName, FirstName> format.
Exchange Server users are displayed in <LastName, FirstName> format.
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5
One of the following files is usually involved:
- If modifying the display name of Lotus Notes users in Exchange Server, use the following file:
(Lotus Notes to
Exchange Server directory synchronization)
- If modifying the display name of Exchange Server users in Lotus Notes,
use the following file:
(Exchange Server to
Lotus Notes directory synchronization)
Listing of default Mapnotes.tbl:
Alias = ISEQUAL( ShortName, "", SUBSTR( FullName, 1, 64 ), ShortName )
FullName = X500( FullName, "CN" )
TA = "NOTES:" Strip( FullName, ";", "L", "R" ) "@" MailDomain
FirstName = FirstName
LastName = LastName
Department = Department
Office = Location
Initials = Initials
Listing of modified Mapnotes.tbl:
Alias = ISEQUAL( ShortName, "", SUBSTR( FullName, 1, 64 ), ShortName )
;Default rule:
;FullName = X500( FullName, "CN" )
;Changed rule. This rule changes the display name of Notes users to
;appear as <LastName, FirstName> in the Exchange Server GAL. It
;preserves the Display name of Notes Groups.
FullName = ISEQUAL( ShortName, "", X500( FullName, "CN" ), X500( LastName ", " FirstName, "CN" ))
TA = "NOTES:" Strip( FullName, ";", "L", "R" ) "@" MailDomain
FirstName = FirstName
LastName = LastName
Company = Company
Department = Department
Office = Location
Initials = Initials
As always, before making any changes, it is a good idea to make a backup
copy of the file(s) you are about to modify. Then follow these steps:
- Change the 'FullName' mapping rule as shown in the file listing above.
- Copy the modified Mapnotes.tbl file into your Exchsrvr\Connect\
Exchconn\Dxamex directory, replacing the existing file.
The next step may be done at off peak hours, so the impact to your
messaging environment is minimal. - Run Lotus Notes to Exchange Server directory synchronization. Click
Immediate Full Reload on the Directory Synchronization tab of the Notes
Connector property page.
The Lotus Notes users originally appearing in Exchange Server as <FirstName
LastName> should change to the <LastName, FirstName> format. It is not
necessary to clear the current container you have for Lotus Notes users.
It is not recommended to change the default mapping from Exchange Server to
Lotus Notes of the FullName field. The FullName field is used for replying
to the message. If you change this format, when a Notes user addresses an
Exchange Server user from the address book, the e-mail will likely not go
through because the recipient address will not exactly match the Lotus
Notes proxy in Exchange Server of that Exchange Server user.
When you open the address book itself, that is, Names.nsf, you see a view
in which the first column is not an actual field in the person document.
Notes combines the first name and last name and displays them together
under the Name column.
Take care to distinguish whether you are looking at an actual field of the
document that you would like changed (in which case you may not be able to
make changes for the above reason), or whether you are looking at a view,
which you can certainly modify if you have the permission.
Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server and Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
In Exchange 2000 and in Exchange 2003, you must modify the Mapnotes.tbl file so that the distinguished name matches the
FullName. This enables Exchange and Lotus Notes to synchronize
As always, before you make any changes, it is a good idea to make a backup
copy of the files that you are about to modify.
To modify the Mapnotes.tbl file and to synchronize
Firstname, follow these steps:
- Open Windows Explorer, and then locate <drive>:\Program Files\exchsrvr\conndata\dxamex.
- Make a backup copy of Mapnotes.tbl by saving a version of it that is named Mapnotes.old.
- Open Mapnotes.tbl in Notepad, and then insert the following two lines of text:
FullName = ISEQUAL( Firstname, "", X500( FullName, "CN" ), X500( LastName ", " FirstName, "CN" ))
DN = ISEQUAL( Firstname, "", X500( FullName, "CN" ), X500( LastName ", " FirstName, "CN" ))
Note The first parameter in the ISEQUAL function is the FirstName value, and the second parameter is a NULL character (""). This function means: When FirstName is not NULL, use the LastName, FirstName format. When FirstName is NULL, use the FirstNameLastName format. Because FirstName is NULL, this would just be LastName. - Save the changes, and then quit Notepad.
- Restart the Microsoft Exchange Connectivity Controller service and the Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes service.
- Open Active Directory Users and Computers, and then locate the container that holds the Lotus Notes contacts.
- Delete all existing Notes contacts.
- Close Active Directory Users and Computers.
- Open Exchange System Manager, and then locate the Connectors container.
- Right-click the Lotus Notes connector, and then click Properties.
- Click the Dirsync Options tab.
- Under Notes to Exchange Directory Synchronization, click Immediate Full Reload.
- Close Exchange System Manager.
- Monitor your Application log. When the import is complete, you will see a 60387 event.
Note To modify the
name field in Active Directory, you must modify the distinguished name. You must do this because the
name field is tied to the distinguished name and to the canonical name. This is a change from Exchange Server 5.5, where the
FullName field was the only thing that needed to be modified.
For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Customizing directory synchronization between Exchange and Notes