WD98: Limitations of Converting from WordPerfect 5.x to Word 98 (183139)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 98 Macintosh Edition

This article was previously published under Q183139


In Microsoft Word 98 Macintosh Edition, you can use the WordPerfect 5.x converter to open WordPerfect 5.x for Windows or MS-DOS documents. Word 98 does not include a WordPerfect 6.x converter or a WordPerfect version 2 or 3 for the Macintosh converter.

Additionally, you cannot save a Word 98 document in WordPerfect 6.x format. However, you can save the Word 98 document in WordPerfect 5.x format and then open the WordPerfect 5.x document in WordPerfect 6.x.


The following table lists features that are partially supported, are not supported, or that require some comment.
Yes             The feature converted from WordPerfect 5.x to Word 98.

Not Supported   The feature is not supported in one of the products.

See Comment     The feature is partially supported. Refer to the Comments
                for additional information.

                     WordPerfect 5.x
   Feature           to Word 98           Comments
   -------------     ----------------     ---------------------------------

   Strikeout         Yes                  Strikeout becomes strikethrough
   and redlining                          formatting in Word; redlining
                                          becomes tracked changes in Word

   Kerning           Yes

   Word and          Not supported
   letter spacing

   Hidden text       Yes

   [Center],         Yes                  Center and Flush Right codes
                                          convert to center- and right-
   [Flsh Rgt]                             aligned tabs

   Back tabs         See comment          Back tabs that are preceded by
                                          text are not converted

   Default tabs      See comment          Trailing default tabs at the ends
                                          of lines are not converted

   Tab leaders       See comment          Dot, dash, and underscore tab
                                          leaders are converted to the same
                                          tab leaders in Word. All other
                                          tab leaders become dot leaders in

   Keep Text         Yes

   Leading           Not supported
   between lines,

   Paragraph         Yes                  Paragraph margins are converted
                                          to margins left and right
                                          paragraph indents in Word

   Spacing between   Yes                  Spacing between paragraphs
                                          becomes paragraphs Spacing After
                                          paragraph format in Word

   Styles            See comment          From WordPerfect to Word, styles
                                          containing paragraph formatting
                                          codes convert to paragraph
                                          styles. WordPerfect styles
                                          containing only character
                                          formatting convert to character
                                          styles in Word. Text contained in
                                          a style is converted as normal

   Advance           Yes                  Advance codes are converted to
                                          ADVANCE fields in Word. Advance
                                          codes that move text upward on a
                                          page cannot be fully emulated in

   Bookmarks         Yes

   Borders and fill  Not supported
   (for column and

   Captions          Not supported

   Chapter and       Not supported
   volume numbers

   Comments          Yes                  Word does not retain comments in
                                          headers, footers, footnotes, and

   Cross-references  Not supported        Retained as plain text in
   and hypertext                          Word

   Descriptive Name  Not Supported        To retain the Descriptive Name,
                                          use the WordPerfect 5.x converter
                                          which will save the Descriptive
                                          Name into the Title field of the
                                          document properties.

   Drop caps         Not supported

   Equations         See comment          Equations are converted as
                                          editable equation objects.
                                          Equation fields are not converted

   Footnotes         Yes                  Custom footnote marks are
                                          converted to automatically
                                          numbered marks. If the numbering
                                          format of notes is changed in a
                                          document, the notes numbered with
                                          the new format are converted as
                                          custom notes

   Footnote          See comment          Footnote references are converted
   references                             properly in most cases. However,
                                          because of hidden codes in the
                                          converted file, font and style
                                          conversion is not supported.

   Indexes and       Not supported        Indexes and lists are retained as
   lists                                  plain text in Word.

   Insert Filename   Yes

   Labels and        Not supported        Text of labels is retained in
   barcodes                               Word

   Line numbers      Not supported

   Macros            Not supported

   Margins           Yes                  WordPerfect margins are measured
                                          from the top and bottom edge of
                                          the page to the top of the header
                                          and bottom of the footer,
                                          respectively. Word margins are
                                          measured from the paper's edge to
                                          body text. The conversion adjusts
                                          the margins to preserve page
                                          layout. If margins do not convert
                                          correctly, click Page Setup on
                                          the File menu, click the Margins
                                          tab, select the options you want,
                                          and then click OK.

   Master            See comment          Links to subdocuments, indexes,
   documents,                             and table of contents may be lost

   Merge codes       Not supported        Merge constructs and macros are
                                          lost when converting to Word

   Outline,          Yes                  All are converted to numbers in
   paragraph                              Word

   Page features     See comment          Center page and page binding are
   (center page,                          supported
   page binding,
   and subdivide

   Parallel columns  See comment          Parallel columns convert to

   Table vertical    Yes
   cell merge and
   cell alignment

   Text boxes/lines  See comment          Some text boxes and lines convert
                                          to Word drawing layer objects.
                                          Drawing layer objects are visible
                                          only in page layout view, print
                                          preview, and when printed.
                                          Graphics boxes that are anchored
                                          to a page or paragraph, have
                                          wrap-around text, and are
                                          located in tables, parallel
                                          columns, or headers/footers are
                                          converted to boxes with wrap
                                          through in Word. In most cases,
                                          these boxes become drawing layer
                                          objects in Word. Graphic lines
                                          become solid lines. Text that is
                                          tight-wrapped around a graphic
                                          becomes square-wrapped.

   Watermarks        See comment          If watermarks are part of the
                                          header or footer, most types
                                          will be converted to PICT

   WordPerfect       Yes                  If the WordPerfect fonts
   characters                             containing the characters are
                                          available on the system, all the
                                          characters are converted. If one
                                          or more of these fonts are not
                                          available, some characters may
                                          not be converted.

Third Party Converters

MacLink Plus by DataViz reportedly has a converter for WordPerfect versions 2 and 3 for the Macintosh. This article does not discuss possible conversion results from that product. MacLink Plus is a translation (converter) library that allows conversion between Word for Windows, Word for MS-DOS, Word for the Macintosh, and a large number of third-party products. For more information, contact DataViz at:

55 Corporate Drive
Trumbell, CT 06611
Phone: (203) 268-0030
Fax: (203) 268-4345
Web Site: http://www.dataviz.com

The third-party contact information included in this article is provided to help you find the technical support you need. This contact information is subject to change without notice. Microsoft in no way guarantees the accuracy of this third-party contact information.

The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/4/2002
Keywords:kb3rdparty kbconversion kbinfo kblayout KB183139