Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 for Macintosh
Microsoft Internet Explorer is a World Wide Web (WWW) browser for the
Macintosh. The WWW is the fastest growing component of the Internet today.
In order to use a WWW browser, you will need a modem or network access,
access to the Internet, and software that enables your computer to
communicate with the Internet.
If you performed a minimum or custom install and did not install
Java[ASCII 153] components, the Java features discussed in these Release
Notes might not apply to you.
Java users should read the Java Release Notes for Java support
System Requirements
- Macintosh with 68030 or higher processor
- System 7.1 or higher
- 8 MB of RAM with Virtual Memory on (12MB recommended)
- 12 MB of hard disk space for Internet Explorer
- 8.5 MB of hard disk space for the Java VM, which now includes support
for JDK 1.1.4
Access to the Internet
You must have access to the Internet through an Internet service provider
or the network to which your computer is connected.
Internet software
- Open Transport 1.1.1 or higher or MacTCP 2.0.6
- If you are a dial-up user, Config PPP or similar PPP connection
software (Control Panel) with PPP (Extension)
New and Improved Features
Ease of Use and Personalization
- Channel Definition Format (.cdf) support brings timely content from the
Internet to your computer
- Explorer bars give you quick access to favorites, history, search, and
channels items
- Enhanced AutoComplete lets you use Control and Arrow key combinations
to move through the folders and files. Plus, click and hold the arrow
next to the Address bar to review list of possible matches
- Toolbar styles let you customize the look of the Button bar
- Tooltips provide descriptions of browser elements
- Mac OS 8 contextual menus support increases productivity
- History menus on the Back and Forward buttons give you easy access to
the history in the current session
- Combined Mail and News toolbar button lets you select from different
mail and news options from within the browser
- Favorite and history list search support can help keep you organized
Offline features
- Cached pages are retrieved faster making the offline experience even
- Web site archiving lets you download entire sites to your hard disk
instead of the cache so that you can move the content to other
computers and view the content offline
- Offline Channels support can save you Internet connection time
Web Content Standards
- Dynamic HTML support including Document Object Model, Cascading Style
Sheet (CSS1) Positioning, Dynamic styles, data binding, and dynamic
- Enhanced scripting support provides fast, comprehensive,
language-dependent script handling capability for users of ECMA-262
Script (the recently approved JavaScript standard based on JavaScript
- HTML 4.0 support
- Dynamic Web font embedding for improved print and Web delivery
- HTTP 1.1 support improves page download speed
Java support
- The fastest performance for Java applets on the Macintosh
- The most up-to-date support for Java Development Kit (JDK) up to and
including JDK 1.1.4 features
International support
- Internet Explorer includes new support for Unicode by installing and
relying upon Apple's Text Encoding Converter 1.3.1 (TEC) System
Extension. The browser relies on TEC to properly render international
- Security zones divide the Internet and Intranet into trusted (safe)
sites and restricted (unsafe) areas. Once zones have established,
browser security defaults can be set for each zone so that you can
reduce the number of security-related dialog boxes
Tips and Troubleshooting
Problems Launching Internet Explorer
In general, if you are experiencing difficulties accessing any page on the
World Wide Web, please try one or both of the following:
Delete the Explorer folder and the MS Internet Cache folder
- Open your hard drive, and then open the System folder.
- Open the Preferences folder, and then drag the Explorer folder and
the MS Internet Cache folder to your desktop.
- Launch Internet Explorer again. New Explorer and MS Internet Cache
folders will be automatically created.
- To use your old favorites, open the Explorer folder on your desktop
from step 2, and then drag the "favorites.html" file into the new
Explorer folder (located in the Preferences folder).
- Once you're satisfied that your browser is working properly and your
favorites have been saved (they appear in the favorites window in
Explorer), feel free to throw away the Explorer and MS Internet Cache
folders on your desktop as they may unnecessarily consume hard drive
Delete the Internet preferences file
- Open your hard drive, and then open the System folder.
- Open the Preferences folder, and then drag the Internet Preferences
file to your desktop.
- Launch Internet Explorer again. A new Internet Preferences file will
be automatically created.
- If you have modified your default Internet Config settings, you will
need to reset them again.
Empty Internet Explorer's Cache
Printing a Web Page that Uses Frames
Some web pages are designed using frames (subsections of the window that
display different information). In order to print the information in a
particular frame, click in that frame and choose Print from the File menu.
Offline Browsing
Downloading large Web sites is memory intensive and may consume a lot of
disk space. Java applets and Macintosh ActiveX controls are not downloaded
for offline browsing.
QuickTime and QuickTime PowerPlug
If you have QuickTime installed, Internet Explorer requires that the
QuickTime PowerPlug be installed in your Extensions folder in your System
folder. QuickTime extensions are available for download from
QuickTime and QuickDraw 3D
If you use the Extensions Manager to disable QuickTime and QuickDraw 3D,
you need to remove the appropriate QuickTime and QuickDraw 3D libraries.
If you are using Internet Explorer to view VRML pages, you must have
QuickDraw 3D version 1.5 or later installed. QuickDraw 3D is available
for download from
If you experience problems viewing a page that uses plug-ins, you will
most likely need to increase the memory allotted to Internet Explorer. To
do so, quit Internet Explorer if it is running, select the Internet
Explorer icon, and then choose Get Info from the File menu. (Make sure you
select the icon for the Internet Explorer program, not an alias to the
program.) Try increasing the Preferred Size to 8000K.
Some Web pages may have ActiveX controls that have been built for the
Win32 platform and don't support Mac OS. If this happens and you are
unable to view the page, you can turn off the viewing of ActiveX content.
To do so, choose Preferences from the Edit menu, click Web Content under
Web Browser, and then clear the Enable ActiveX check box. If this fixes
your problem, the ActiveX control most likely did not support Mac OS.
Note: Please be aware that in this release, Internet Explorer cannot
verify the integrity of ActiveX controls. Download and use ActiveX
controls from trusted servers only.
Internet Explorer does not currently support VBScript, however, most pages
use JScript. If you open a page that uses VBScript Internet Explorer will
alert you with a dialog box.
Browsing Secure Pages through a Proxy Server
Sometimes you may encounter difficulties in accessing secure web pages
when browsing through a proxy server. With certain proxy servers you may
be able to correct this situation (the proxy server must support
- Choose Preferences from the Edit menu
- Click on "Proxies" in the lefthand column of the Preferences Window
- Using the "Method" popup menu choose "Tunnel"
- Click "OK"
Using Help
Internet Explorer Help is available from the Help (?) menu and will give
you the information you need to use the powerful features of Internet
- Click a topic area on the left to see a list of related procedures. To
open the procedures in a separate window, press and hold on the topic
area link, and then choose Open Link In New Window from the menu that
- Click Index to see the Index. Use the Index just as you would an index
in a book.
- Click Tips & Tricks for information about a particular menu item and
its keyboard shortcut.
- Internet Explorer Help is best viewed in Internet Explorer.
- To print, click in the frame that contains the information you want,
and then choose Print from the File menu.
Technical Support
Microsoft offers technical support and services ranging from self-help
tools to direct assistance with a Microsoft technical engineer. For more
information on options in your area, read support.txt located in Internet
Explorer 4.0: Help: Technical Support.
Also, included in the Technical Support folder are documents that may
assist you with setting up, connecting to the Internet, as well as general
You can also access Microsoft's online support resources at
Reporting Bugs and Making Suggestions
Send mail to with your bugs and suggestions.
System configuration information (on the Apple menu, choose About Internet
Explorer, and then click Support).
- Version of operating system
- Type of Macintosh
- Type of connection to the Internet
Steps that lead to the problem. For example:
- Start Microsoft Internet Explorer.
- From the File menu, choose Open.
- Click the Cancel button.
- Result: Nothing happens.
Any other information that will help us reproduce the bug successfully.
Although you will not receive a response via e-mail, all bug reports will
be read and evaluated by the engineering team. We appreciate your
feedback. Technical Support questions should not be directed to this e-
mail address. Please refer to the Technical Support section of this
document for more information.
Visit the Internet Explorer for Macintosh home page
Learn more about the many features and updates of Internet Explorer by
visiting our home page at
Join the Internet Explorer for Macintosh newsgroup
Interact with other users of Internet Explorer for Macintosh by joining
Microsoft Internet Explorer for Macintosh Copyright 1995-98 Microsoft
Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
QuickTime, QuickTime VR, and the QuickTime logo are all trademarks of
Apple Computer Inc. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer.
Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.