When you work with section breaks, you should display non-printing
characters. To do this, follow these steps:
- On the Tools menu, click Preferences, and then click the View tab.
- Under Non Printing Characters, click to select ALL.
- Click OK.
Determining the Type of Section Break
In Word 98 Macintosh Edition, the type of section Break is shown on your
screen, in parenthesis, after the words Section Break. This is not where
the properties of that section break are stored. The properties for the
type of section break indicated on the screen are stored in the next
section break (which may have a different type of section break indicated).
If there are no additional section breaks in your document, the properties
for that section break are stored in the last paragraph mark of the
document. The section breaks act as an embedded code that stores or
maintains the properties of the section above it.
For Example, if you have a one-page document and half way down the page,
you insert an Odd Page Section Break and then further into your document on
Page 1, you insert a Next Page Section Break, in normal view, you will see
the following:
Section Break (Odd Page)
Section Break (Next Page)
If you place the insertion point above Section Break (Odd Page), the
Status Bar will show: Page 1 Sec 1. To see the actual properties for
the first section, on the Format menu, click Document and then click
the Layout tab. Under Section Start, Word will indicate that the section
is New Page. The settings for this section break are stored in the
section break below where the insertion point is located or as shown
on the screen, Section Break (Odd Page).
If you place the insertion point between Section Break (Odd Page) and
Section Break (Next Page), the Status Bar will show: Page 3 Sec 2. To
see the actual properties for the second section, on the Format menu,
click Document and then click the Layout tab. Under Section Start,
Word will indicate that the section is Odd Page. The settings for this
section break are stored in the section break below where your
insertion point is located or as shown on the screen, Section Break
(Next Page).
If you place the insertion point below Section Break (Next Page), the
Status Bar will show: Page 4 Sec 3. To see the actual properties for
the third section, on the Format menu, click Document and then click
the Layout tab. Under Section Start, Word will indicate that the section
is New Page. The settings for this section break are stored in the last
paragraph mark of the document (because there are no more section breaks in
the document).
NOTE: A section break indicated on your screen as Next Page will be
defined as New Page on the Layout tab of the Page Setup dialog box.
This means that if you delete the last section break shown on the screen as
Section Break (Next Page), the formatting of section 2 (Odd Page) will
change to the formatting of section 3 (Next Page); therefore, the odd page
section is gone and on the screen, the Section Break (Next Page) is
correctly shown. In effect the Odd Page section break was deleted and the
attributes of the last section (Next Page) were applied to the information
above the deleted section break.
Deleting a Section Break
When you delete a section break, you also delete the section formatting for
the text above it. That text becomes part of the section that follows it,
and it assumes the formatting of that section.
To delete a section break, follow these steps:
- On the View menu, click Normal.
The section break is represented by a double dotted line with the
words "Section Break (Type)" in the center.
- Select the section break, press the DELETE key to remove the section