OFF98: Contents of the ODBC 3.0 ReadMe Text File (180182)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition

This article was previously published under Q180182


The ODBC 3.0 Read Me is a text file that contains supplemental information about installing and using the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers that are included with Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition. The "More Information" section in this article contains the complete text of this file, which is located on your Microsoft Office 98 compact disc (CD) in the following folder:

Value Pack:Data Access:ODBC Components


        INTERSOLV DataDirect ODBC Pack for Power Macintosh
        Version 3.01
        November 1997

This README file contains database driver information not included in the
INTERSOLV DataDirect ODBC Drivers Reference or the online help. It covers
the following topics:

   Version 3.01 for Power Macintosh
   Available DataDirect ODBC Drivers
   Installing the DataDirect ODBC Drivers
   System Requirements for the Client
   About ODBC Preferences
   About the ODBC Demo
   Notes and Known Problems
   Contacting INTERSOLV Answerline for Technical Support
   Installed Files

Version 3.01 for Power Macintosh

This new version of the DataDirect ODBC Pack for Power Macintosh features a
new Installer program and a new format for Driver Setup dialog boxes that
adheres to Apple Human Interface guidelines and is more consistent with the
DataDirect ODBC Pack on other platforms.  The following list summarizes
features in version 3.01.

   ODBC 3.0 Compliance
           * Extended Diagnostic capabilities
           * Catalog function enhancements
           * Named parameter support for stored procedure execution
           * Vastly extended metadata information
           * Numerous performance enhancing options
           * Granular access to parameter/result information

   All Drivers
           * Thread Safe on all platforms
           * SQLBulkOperations/SQL_ADD (formerly SQLSetPos/SQL_ADD)
           * Driver configuration enhancements including Tab dialogs
           * Support for bookmarks
           * Multiple environment handles supported

   All Flat-File Drivers
           * ALTER TABLE support for read/write drivers
           * Column ALIAS support
           * Changeable file extensions (xBASE and Text)

           * Foxpro 3 support

           * SQLTablePrivileges support
           * SQLColumnPrivileges support
           * Scrollable cursor support
           * Option to enable SQLDescribeParam support
           * Option to enable Scrollable cursor support

           * Long data enhancements
           * Quoted identifier support
           * Enhanced multi-threading support
           * Many new configuration options

           * Support for UPDATE and DELETE DMLs
           * Support for international decimal representations

           Available DataDirect ODBC Drivers

The following drivers are available:

   Driver                      Supports

   dBASE                       dBASE IV and V files and FoxPro files
                               versions 2.5 and 3.0

   FoxPro 3.0 DBC              FoxPro 3.0 DBC

   Oracle                      Oracle 7.x and 8.0
                              (driver linked against SQL*NET

   Sybase                      System 10 and System 11 from Sybase
                              (driver linked against 10.03 client)

   Text                        ASCII text files

Installing the DataDirect ODBC Drivers:

For information about installing the DataDirect ODBC Pack, refer to the
DataDirect ODBC Pack Installation Guide.

System Requirements for the Client:

The ODBC Pack for Power Macintosh requires:

   System 7.1 or greater (System 8 is supported)
   8 MB memory
   6 MB of free space on the startup drive

About ODBC Preferences:

We have included a sample ODBC Preferences file, which defines data sources
to enable you to use the ODBC drivers. If necessary, you can edit ODBC
Preferences using SimpleText.  We strongly suggest, however, that you use
the ODBC Setup Control Panel to configure and modify the data sources
defined in your ODBC Preferences file.

In the ODBC Preferences file, the ODBC Data Sources section describes the
available data sources.  The name to the left of the equal sign is the data
source name.  The name to the right of the equal sign is the driver name.
Each data source has a section that describes the options for that data
source.  You may change the data source name; however, if you do so, you
must change the section name for that data source to match the data source
name.  DO NOT CHANGE THE DRIVER NAME.  ODBC will not be able to find your
data source if the driver name is changed. Do not change the Driver entry
under each section.  Please refer to the INTERSOLV DataDirect ODBC Drivers
Reference for more information on configuring data sources.

About ODBC Demo:

ODBC Demo is a demonstration application that will make three attempts to
connect to a data source.  If unsuccessful, it will return an error
message.  The ODBC Demo folder contains source code and a Code Warrior 2.x
project that explains how to build an application using ODBC.

Notes and Known Problems:

The following are notes, known problems, or restrictions with version 3.01
of the DataDirect ODBC Pack for Power Macintosh.

These are the only known problems with this version.  If you find others,
please report them to INTERSOLV as soon as possible.

Text Driver Changes

Changes have been made to two of the tabs available when you are
configuring the Driver:

Advanced Tab--The "Return Additional Tables" pane has been removed to the
Mac File Types tab.

Mac File Types Tab--"Find tables by using" and "Return Additional Tables"
panes have been added to the Mac File Types tab.  Select one of the radio
buttons in the "Find tables by using" pane to specify whether to use
Macintosh file types or DOS file name extensions to locate tables.  If you
choose to "Return Additional Tables," you can do so either by matching file
types or file name extensions.  Your choice under the "Find tables by
using" pane determines which selection box is active in the "Return
Additional Tables" pane.  See the Text Driver chapter of the ODBC Drivers
Reference for complete information about returning additional tables.

ODBC Driver Manager

ODBC 3.0 drivers require the 3.0 version of the ODBC Driver Manager PPC.
Because the ODBC 3.0 Driver Manager is compatible with 2.x compliant
drivers, all 2.x versions of the Driver Manager should be removed from your
Extensions folder to ensure application stability.  Failing to remove older
versions of the Driver Manager may result in application errors and
abnormal terminations.

Microsoft Office 4.2 Compatibility

Because Microsoft developed version 4.2 of Microsoft Office to use 680x0
ODBC even on the Power Macintosh, the ODBC Drivers are not currently
compatible.  The current ODBC Drivers are intended for Power Macintosh
processing only.  INTERSOLV is working to develop compatibility with the
forthcoming version of office


The column attributes 1001 and 1002, which were assigned as INTERSOLV
specific attributes, were inadvertently used as system attributes by the
Microsoft 3.0 ODBC implementation. Applications using those attributes
should now use 1901 and 1902 respectively.


Because of inconsistencies in the ODBC specification, users attempting to
use SQL_C_NUMERIC parameters should set the precision and scale values of
the corresponding structure, and the descriptor fields in the APD.

For Text Users

Restriction:  When encountering an invalid file, you may receive too many
or duplicate errors from SQLError.

Contacting INTERSOLV Answerline for Technical Support:

Before calling INTERSOLV Answerline, please collect basic information about
your system to help us understand the environment in which you are working
and the exact steps to reproduce the problem.

Installed Files:

Choosing the standard installation copies the following files into System

   INTERSOLV 3.01 Base Library         Classes needed by all drivers
   INTERSOLV 3.01 Flat Library         Classes needed by flat-file drivers
                                      (installed only in the case of flat-
                                       file drivers)
   INTERSOLV Translate PPC             INTERSOLV sample translation shared
   INTERSOLV 3.01 Utilities Library    Utilities required by all drivers
   ODBC Configuration Manager PPC
   ODBC Cursor Library PPC
   ODBC Driver Manager PPC
   ODBC Trace Library PPC
   ODBC 2.x Bridge PPC                 Allows applications built under ODBC
                                       2.X Driver Manager to use the 3.0
                                       Driver Manager

The standard installation copies the following files (one file only for
single-driver installations) into System Folder:Extensions:ODBC:

   INTERSOLV 3.01 dBASE driver
   INTERSOLV 3.01 FoxProDB driver
   INTERSOLV 3.01 Oracle driver
   INTERSOLV 3.01 Sybase driver
   INTERSOLV 3.01 Text driver

The standard installation copies the following file into System
Folder:Control Panels:

   ODBC Setup PPC                      INTERSOLV ODBC Administrator

The standard installation copies the following files into ODBC Demo:

   ODBC Connection Test               Previously built demo application
   ODBC Connection Test.1             Code Warrior 2.x project file for
                                      building the demo application

The standard installation copies the following files into ODBC Demo:ODBC


The standard installation copies the following files into ODBC Demo:DemoMac


The standard installation copies the following files into ODBC Demo:ODBC

   ODBC Configuration Manager PPC
   ODBC Driver Manager PPC

The standard installation copies the following files into System

   ODBC Preferences PPC                Defines ODBC data sources
   IVODBC.LIC                          License file


Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/2/2002