To work around this problem, use one of the following methods depending on
whether you are using a File Data DSN or a User DSN.
Method 1: You Are Using a File DSN
If the name of the data source in the Data Source Name dialog box in
Microsoft Query is not followed by an asterisk (*), you are using a File
DSN to access the database.
This workaround requires using ResEdit. ResEdit is manufactured by Apple
computer, Inc., a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty,
implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.
ResEdit is available for download from the Apple World Wide Web site:
The third-party contact information included in this article is provided
to help you find the technical support you need. This contact information
is subject to change without notice. Microsoft in no way guarantees the
accuracy of this third-party contact information.
Changing the Creator Type
NOTE: Make a backup copy of your File DSN before you make the following
To use this method, first change the creator type. To do this, follow these
- Start ResEdit. Click the startup screen.
- Open the File DSN for your data source. By default, File DSNs
are stored in the System Folder:Preferences:ODBC File Data Sources
- When you are prompted to add a resource fork to the file, click OK.
- Click "Get Info for <data source name>" on the File menu, where <data
source name is the name of your data source.
- Type TEXT in the Type box, and then
close the Info for <data source name> window.
- Click Yes when you are prompted to save the changes.
- On the File menu, click Quit.
Editing the DSN File in SimpleText
These steps specify that you should use SimpleText, which is normally
installed with the Macintosh System Software. However, you can use any text
editor when you follow these steps:
- Start SimpleText.
- Open the File DSN that you edited with ResEdit.
The file has a layout that is similar to the following:
DATABASE=Macintosh HD:Microsoft Office 98:Sample Files
DRIVER={Microsoft 3.01 dBASE PPC}
[Microsoft Office]
- Add the following line at the end of the [ODBC] section:
- On the File Menu, click Save.
- Click Quit to quit SimpleText.
Restoring the File Type
Next, restore the file type. To do this, follow these steps:
- Start ResEdit.
- Open the File DSN.
- Click "Get Info for <data source name>" on the File menu, where <data
source name is the name of your data source.
- Type DSN in the Type box.
Note the blank space after the "N."
- Type odbc in the Creator box.
- Close the Info for <data source name> window, and click Yes when
you are prompted to save the changes.
- On the File menu, click Quit.
You can perform parameter queries in fields that contain numeric data.
Method 2: Are Using a User DSN
If the name of the data source in the Data Source Name dialog box in
Microsoft Query is followed by an asterisk (*), you are using a User DSN to
access your database.
The following steps specify using SimpleText, which is normally installed
with the Macintosh System Software. However, you can use any text editor to
perform these steps.
NOTE: Make a backup copy of your ODBC Preferences PPC file before you make
the following modifications.
To use this method, follow these steps:
- Start SimpleText.
- Open the "ODBC Preferences PPC" file. This file is located in the System
Folder:Preferences folder.
The file contains a section titled [ODBC Data Sources], which lists all
of your user data sources. Each user data source has its own section in
the file.
- Locate the section that contains the information pertaining to your data
source. Add the following line at the end of the section:
- On the File Menu, click Save.
- Click Quit to quit SimpleText.
You can perform parameter queries in fields that contain numeric data.
For more information about creating parameter queries, click the Office
Assistant, type
parameter query, click Search, and then click to view
"Create a new query."
NOTE: If the Assistant is hidden, click the Office Assistant button on the
Standard toolbar. If Microsoft Help is not installed on your computer,
please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
120802 Office: How to Add/Remove a Single Office
Program or Component