You can limit access to local hard disks without obtaining an updated
Internet Explorer file. Or, you can obtain an updated file that also
allows you to apply additional restrictions that are listed later in
this article.
How to Limit Local Access Without Additional Files
WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may
require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve
problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own
To limit access to the local workstation, set the data value of the NoRun
DWORD value to 0x1 in the following registry key:
Setting this value disables viewing local files by typing a file address
or URL (for example, "file://c:\") in the Address box, and also disables
the Run command on the Start menu.
Setting this value also disables the ability to browse to the local file
system using an embedded HTML link. For example, you cannot browse a file
by clicking the HTML link provided by the <a href="file://c:\">My File
System</a> tag when this registry setting is used.
If you want to disable access to a drive altogether, set the data value
of the NoDrives DWORD value as indicated:
Drive DWORD value
A 0x1
B 0x2
C 0x4
D 0x8
Set this DWORD value in the following registry key:
NOTE: Internet Explorer checks both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM) and HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) for restrictions. The browser first checks HKLM. If it finds the restriction there, it does not check HKCU for the restriction. Typically, you use HKCU for restrictions. The keys and values may already exist in HKCU for this purpose too. However, if you want to use HKLM, you can. You may need to create the appropriate keys and values to make this work. For example, on most computers, the following key exists:
However, the following key does not exist:
Only the following key exists:
You need to add the Explorer key and then the approprate values to have the browser read them from this location rather than HKCU.
NOTE: All values are in hexadecimal.
This logic uses a bitwise left shift to decide which drive to use. For
example, if you want to disable viewing drive C, set the DWORD value to
binary 0100. The code takes the return value from the function, subtracts
"A" from the value, and shifts the binary value left by that number of
For example, drive C - drive A = 2. 0001 shifted to the left twice is
0100. Binary 0100 has the hexadecimal equivalent of 0x4. This is how you
calculate the drive to disable.
As another example, if you want to disable drive N, use the following
method to calculate the hexadecimal value to place in the registry:
- Determine the numerical placement value for the letter N. If A=1, B=2,
C=3, and so on, then N=14.
- Subtract the numerical placement value for A from N (14-1=13).
- Left shift binary 0001 by 13. This becomes a binary number with 13
zeros following a 1 (0010 0000 0000 0000).
- Convert to hexadecimal: 0x2000.
To disable multiple drives, take each of the individual hexadecimal drive
values and add them together for a composite hexadecimal value for the
registry. For example, to disable drives C, D, and N, add 0x4 + 0x8 +
0x2000 to equal 0x200C.
NOTE: Microsoft has changed the behavior of the registry keys discussed in
this article for the various versions of Internet Explorer 4.01. These
changes are as follows:
- A new key, NoFileUrl, is used to disable the ability to browse the
local file system using "//file:" links on a Web page.
- Internet Explorer 4.0: Setting the NoRun value to 1 disables the
Run command on the Start menu, and prevents you from being able to
gain access to any local files using the Address box.
- Internet Explorer 4.01: Setting the NoRun value to 1 provides the same
results as with Internet Explorer 4.0, along with browsing the local
file system using "file://" links on a Web page.
- Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1: Setting the NoRun value to 1
disables the Run command on Start menu, and prevents you from being
able to gain access to any local files using the Address box.
- With Internet Explorer 4.01, you must use the new registry setting
NoFileUrl, and set it to a DWORD value of 1 to disable the ability to
browse the local file system using "file://" links on a Web page.
Therefore, to reproduce the Internet Explorer 4.01 (non-SP1) behavior, both
the NoRun and NoFileUrl keys need to be set. With the release of Internet
Explorer 4.01 SP1, you must include the new registry value NoFileUrl to
disable the ability to browse the local file system using "file://" links
on a Web page.
How to Limit Local Access with Additional Update File
Obtain an updated Shdocvw.dll file by installing Internet Explorer 4.01
Service Pack 2. You can obtain Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 2 from
the following Microsoft Web site:
The following tables list additional restrictions provided by this updated
file. You must manually edit the registry of each computer using the
updated Shdocvw.dll file and add the corresponding registry value and
setting for each restriction.
Note that these restrictions also apply when you are using Kiosk mode.
Restrictions under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet
Explorer\Restrictions: Each DWORD value must be set to 1 to be enabled. To
disable the restriction, set the value to 0.
Restriction Description
NoFileOpen Disables Open command on File menu, CTRL+O, and
NoFileNew Disables CTRL+N
NoBrowserSaveAs Disables Save and Save As on the File menu.
NoBrowserOptions Disables Internet Options on the View menu
(disables changing browser settings).
NoFavorites No Favorites menu, adding to
favorites, or organizing favorites.
NoSelectDownloadDir Prevents user from being able to select
download folder by not displaying the
Save As dialog box when a file is downloaded.
NoBrowserContextMenu Disables HTML context menu.
NoBrowserClose Disable ALT+F4.
NoFindFiles Disables the F3 key.
NoTheaterMode Disables the F11 key.
NOTE: When you install Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 2, NoFindFiles
and NoTheaterMode are automatically set to a BINARY 01 00 00 00 value in
the registry. This setting properly enables these restrictions and is set
as a BINARY value because of .inf file limitations. A DWORD value of 1 also
enables those restrictions.
The following additional restriction must be added in the
following registry location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\
Restriction Description
NoToolbarOptions Disables adding, removing, or moving toolbars.