During a full online backup and after the Exchange Server directory has
been backed up, Windows NT backup stops, with the following error messages written
to the event viewer when it begins to back up the information store.
Event ID: 15
Source: EDB
Description: MSExchangeIS ((190)) The database engine has stopped the
backup with error -1811.
Event ID: 105
Source: ESE97
Type: Error
Category: Logging/Recovery
MSExchangeIS ((202) ) The database engine has stopped the backup with error -1811.
Error -1811 is JET_errFileNotFound. The error above signals that a
transaction log file is either missing or corrupt. Perform the following
steps to work around this problem:
- Stop the Information Store service.
- Remove all the .LOG files from the \Exchsrvr\Mdbdata directory, and
place them in a temporary directory.
- Find the Edb.chk file (located in the \Exchsrvr\Mdbdata directory on one
of the drives), and place it in the temporary directory.
- Start the Information Store service.
- Start the full online backup of the Exchange Server again.
Result: The full online backup should complete without error.