When you are attempting to log on to a Microsoft Exchange Server computer
using Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA), you may receive the following
error message:
Failed to connect to the Microsoft Exchange Server, <servername>.
If you are using Exchange Server version 5.0, the Winnt directory and all
of its subdirectories must have Change permissions set on them for the
Domain Users group. The Winnt\System32 directory must have at least Read
permissions set for the Domain Users group.
When you use Microsoft Exchange Active Server Components to access
information on a computer running Microsoft Exchange Server, files with an
.mmp extension are created in your Winnt directory by default.
The .mmp file is a temporary file used by Active Messaging to store certain
profile information during the active session. This file should be deleted
after the user logs off and the session is closed.
Because these files must be created dynamically, the Microsoft Internet
Information Server (IIS) Anonymous Logon account (IUSR_Server by default)
needs to have Change permissions on the Winnt directory. Refer to
Microsoft Knowledge Base article
"XWEB: .MMP File Created by MS
Exchange Active Server," for an optional workaround to having Change
permissions on the Winnt directory.
If you are using Exchange Server version 5.0 Service Pack 1 or later,
verify that the Winnt directory and all of its sub-directories have at
least Read permissions set on them for the Domain Users group. Verify that
the Winnt\System32 directory has at least Read permissions set for the
Domain User group.
If you are using Exchange Server version 5.5 or later, no special
permissions have to be set on the Winnt directory.
You may need to change the permissions on the Exchsrvr\Webdata directory
and all of its sub-directories to Read. Verify also that the
Exchsrvr\Webtemp directory and all of its sub-directories are set to