XADM: ESE97 Error Codes (177761)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5

This article was previously published under Q177761


The following table lists the ESE97 error codes, with the following columns:
  • Error Number (in decimal and hexadecimal)
  • Error Message
  • Description (from source code comments)
  • Decimal Equivalent


Dec   Hex         Error Message                  Description                        Decimal from Hex
 0    0x00000000  JET_errSuccess                 Successful Operation

 -1   0xFFFFFFFF  JET_wrnNyi                     Function Not Yet Implemented       4294967295

SYSTEM errors
 -100 0xFFFFFF9C  JET_errRfsFailure              JET_errRfsFailure                  4294967196
 -101 0xFFFFFF9B  JET_errRfsNotArmed             JET_errRfsFailure                  4294967195
 -102 0xFFFFFF9A  JET_errFileClose               Could not close DOS file           4294967194
 -103 0xFFFFFF99  JET_errOutOfThreads            Could not start thread             4294967193
 -105 0xFFFFFF97  JET_errTooManyIO               System busy due to too many IOs    4294967191

  200 0x000000C8  wrnBFCacheMiss                 page latch caused a cache miss     200
 -201 0xFFFFFF37  errBFPageNotCached             page is not cached                 4294967095
 -202 0xFFFFFF36  errBFLatchConflict             page latch conflict                4294967094
 -250 0xFFFFFF06  errBFIPageEvicted              page evicted from the cache        4294967046
 -251 0xFFFFFF05  errBFIPageCached               page already cached                4294967045
 -252 0xFFFFFF04  errBFIOutOfOLPs                out of OLPs                        4294967044
 -253 0xFFFFFF03  errBFIOutOfBatchIOBuffers      out of Batch I/O Buffers           4294967043
 -254 0xFFFFFF02  errBFINoBufferAvailable        no buffer available for immediate  
                                                 use                                4294967042 
 -255 0xFFFFFF01  JET_errDatabaseBufferDependenciesCorrupted                        
                                                 buffer dependencies were 
                                                 improperly set                     4294967041 

  275 0x00000113  wrnVERRCEMoved                 RCE was moved instead of being     
                                                 cleaned                            275

 -300 0xFFFFFED4  errPMOutOfPageSpace            Out of page space                  4294966996
 -301 0xFFFFFED3  errPMItagTooBig                Itag too big                        4294966995
 -302 0xFFFFFED2  errPMRecDeleted                Record deleted                      4294966994
 -303 0xFFFFFED1  errPMTagsUsedUp                Tags used up                        4294966993 
  304 0x00000130  wrnBMConflict                  conflict in BM Clean up            304
 -305 0xFFFFFECF  errDIRNoShortCircuit           No Short Circuit Avail             4294966991
 -306 0xFFFFFECE  errDIRCannotSplit              Cannot horizontally split FDP      4294966990
 -307 0xFFFFFECD  errDIRTop                      Cannot go up                       4294966989
  308 0x00000134  errDIRFDP                      On an FDP Node                     308
 -309 0xFFFFFECB  errDIRNotSynchronous           May have left critical section     4294966987
  310 0x00000136  wrnDIREmptyPage                Moved through empty page           310
 -311 0xFFFFFEC9  errSPConflict                  Device extent being extended       4294966985
  312 0x00000138  wrnNDFoundLess                 Found Less                         312
  313 0x00000139  wrnNDFoundGreater              Found Greater                      313
  314 0x0000013A  wrnNDNotFoundInPage            for smart refresh                  314
 -312 0xFFFFFEC8  errNDNotFound                  Not found                          4294966984
 -314 0xFFFFFEC6  errNDOutSonRange               Son out of range                   4294966982
 -315 0xFFFFFEC5  errNDOutItemRange              Item out of range                  4294966981
 -316 0xFFFFFEC4  errNDGreaterThanAllItems       Greater than all items             4294966980
 -317 0xFFFFFEC3  errNDLastItemNode              Last node of item list             4294966979
 -318 0xFFFFFEC2  errNDFirstItemNode             First node of item list            4294966978
  319 0x0000013F  wrnNDDuplicateItem             Duplicated Item                    319
 -320 0xFFFFFEC0  errNDNoItem                    Item not there                     4294966976
  321 0x00000141  JET_wrnRemainingVersions       Some versions couldn't be cleaned  321
 -322 0xFFFFFEBE  JET_errPreviousVersion         Version already existed            4294966974
 -323 0xFFFFFEBD  JET_errPageBoundary            Reached Page Boundary              4294966973
 -324 0xFFFFFEBC  JET_errKeyBoundary             Reached Key Boundary               4294966972
 -325 0xFFFFFEBB  errDIRInPageFather             sridFather in page to free         4294966971
 -326 0xFFFFFEBA  errBMMaxKeyInPage              used by OLC to avoid cleanup of    
                                                 parent pages                       4294966970
 -327 0xFFFFFEB9  JET_errBadPageLink             next/previous page link page does  
                                                 not point back to source           4294966969
 -328 0xFFFFFEB8  JET_errBadBookmark             bookmark has no corresponding      
                                                 address in database                4294966968
  329 0x00000149  wrnBMCleanNullOp               BMClean returns this on            
                                                 encountering a page                329 deleted MaxKeyInPage
                                                                                       [but there was no
 -330 0xFFFFFEB6  errBTOperNone                  Split with no accompanying         4294966966 insert/replace
 -331 0xFFFFFEB5  errSPOutOfAvailExtCacheSpace   unable to make update to AvailExt 
                                                 tree since                         4294966965 in-cursor space
                                                                                               cache is depleted
 -332 0xFFFFFEB4  errSPOutOfOwnExtCacheSpace     unable to make update to OwnExt 
                                                 tree since                         4294966964 in-cursor space 
                                                                                               cache is depleted
  333 0x0000014D  wrnBTMultipageOLC              needs multipage OLC operation      333
 -334 0xFFFFFEB2  JET_errNTSystemCallFailed      can not get OS version             4294966962
  335 0x0000014F  wrnBTShallowTree               BTree is only one or two levels 
                                                 deep                               335
 -336 0xFFFFFEB0  errBTMergeNotSynchronous       Multiple threads attempting to 
                                                 perform merge/split on same page 
                                                 (likely OLD vs. RCEClean)          4294966960

  400 0x00000190  wrnFLDKeyTooBig                Key too big (truncated it)         400
 -401 0xFFFFFE6F  errFLDTooManySegments          Too many key segments              4294966895
  402 0x00000192  wrnFLDNullKey                  Key is entirely NULL               402
  403 0x00000193  wrnFLDOutOfKeys                No more keys to extract            403
  404 0x00000194  wrnFLDNullSeg                  Null segment in key                404
  405 0x00000195  wrnFLDNotPresentInIndex                                           405
  406 0x00000196  JET_wrnSeparateLongValue       Separated long value               406
  407 0x00000197  wrnRECLongField                Separated long value               407
  408 0x00000198  wrnFLDNullFirstSeg             Null first segment in key          408
 -408 0xFFFFFE68  JET_errKeyTooBig               Key with column truncation still 
                                                 truncated                          4294966888

 -500 0xFFFFFE0C  JET_errInvalidLoggedOperation  Logged operation cannot be redone  4294966796
 -501 0xFFFFFE0B  JET_errLogFileCorrupt          Log file is corrupt                4294966795
 -502 0xFFFFFE0A  errLGNoMoreRecords             Last log record read               4294966794
 -503 0xFFFFFE09  JET_errNoBackupDirectory       No backup directory given          4294966793
 -504 0xFFFFFE08  JET_errBackupDirectoryNotEmpty The backup directory is not empty  4294966792
 -505 0xFFFFFE07  JET_errBackupInProgress        Backup is active already           4294966791
 -506 0xFFFFFE06  JET_errRestoreInProgress       Restore in progress                4294966790
 -509 0xFFFFFE03  JET_errMissingPreviousLogFile  Missing the log file for check 
                                                 point                              4294966787
 -510 0xFFFFFE02  JET_errLogWriteFail            Fail when writing to log file      4294966786
 -514 0xFFFFFDFE  JET_errBadLogVersion           Version of log file is not 
                                                 compatible with Jet version        4294966782
 -515 0xFFFFFDFD  JET_errInvalidLogSequence      Timestamp in next log does not 
                                                 match expected                     4294966781
 -516 0xFFFFFDFC  JET_errLoggingDisabled         Log is not active                  4294966780
 -517 0xFFFFFDFB  JET_errLogBufferTooSmall       Log buffer is too small for 
                                                 recovery                           4294966779
 -518 0xFFFFFDFA  errLGNotSynchronous            retry to LGLogRec                  4294966778
 -519 0xFFFFFDF9  JET_errLogSequenceEnd          Exceed maximum log file number     4294966777
 -520 0xFFFFFDF8  JET_errNoBackup                No backup in progress              4294966776
 -521 0xFFFFFDF7  JET_errInvalidBackupSequence   Backup call out of sequence        4294966775
 -523 0xFFFFFDF5  JET_errBackupNotAllowedYet     Cannot do backup now               4294966773
 -524 0xFFFFFDF4  JET_errDeleteBackupFileFail    Could not delete backup file       4294966772
 -525 0xFFFFFDF3  JET_errMakeBackupDirectoryFail Could not make backup temp 
                                                 directory                          4294966771
 -526 0xFFFFFDF2  JET_errInvalidBackup           Cannot incremental backup when 
                                                 circular logging enabled        4294966770
 -527 0xFFFFFDF1  JET_errRecoveredWithErrors     For repair, restored with errors   4294966769
 -528 0xFFFFFDF0  JET_errMissingLogFile          current log file missing           4294966768
 -529 0xFFFFFDEF  JET_errLogDiskFull             log disk full                      4294966767
 -530 0xFFFFFDEE  JET_errBadLogSignature         bad signature for a log file       4294966766
 -531 0xFFFFFDED  JET_errBadDbSignature          bad signature for a db file        4294966765
 -532 0xFFFFFDEC  JET_errBadCheckpointSignature  bad signature for a checkpoint 
                                                 file                               4294966764
 -533 0xFFFFFDEB  JET_errCheckpointCorrupt       checkpoint file not found or 
                                                 corrupt                            4294966763
 -534 0xFFFFFDEA  JET_errMissingPatchPage        patch file page not found during 
                                                 recovery                           4294966762
 -535 0xFFFFFDE9  JET_errBadPatchPage            patch file page is not valid       4294966761
 -536 0xFFFFFDE8  JET_errRedoAbruptEnded         Redo abruptly ended due to sudden 
                                                 failure in reading logs from log file  4294966760
 -550 0xFFFFFDDA  JET_errDatabaseInconsistent    database is in inconsistent state  4294966746
 -551 0xFFFFFDD9  JET_errConsistentTimeMismatch  database last consistent time 
                                                 unmatched                          4294966745
 -552 0xFFFFFDD8  JET_errDatabasePatchFileMismatch  patch file is not generated 
                                                    from this backup                4294966744
 -553 0xFFFFFDD7  JET_errEndingRestoreLogTooLow  the starting log number too low 
                                                 for the restore                    4294966743
 -554 0xFFFFFDD6  JET_errStartingRestoreLogTooHigh  the starting log number too 
                                                    high for the restore            4294966742
 -555 0xFFFFFDD5  JET_errGivenLogFileHasBadSignature  Restore log file has bad 
                                                      signature                     4294966741
 -556 0xFFFFFDD4  JET_errGivenLogFileIsNotContiguous  Restore log file is not 
                                                      contiguous                    4294966740
 -557 0xFFFFFDD3  JET_errMissingRestoreLogFiles  Some restore log files are missing 4294966739
  558 0x0000022E  JET_wrnExistingLogFileHasBadSignature  Existing log file has bad 
                                                        signature                   558
  559 0x0000022F  JET_wrnExistingLogFileIsNotContiguous  Existing log file is not
                                                         contiguous                 559
 -560 0xFFFFFDD0  JET_errMissingFullBackup       The database miss a previous full 
                                                 backup befor incremental backup    4294966736
 -561 0xFFFFFDCF  JET_errBadBackupDatabaseSize   The backup database size is not 
                                                 in 4k                              4294966735
 -562 0xFFFFFDCE  JET_errDatabaseAlreadyUpgraded Attempted to upgrade a database 
                                                 that is already current            4294966734
 -563 0xFFFFFDCD  JET_errDatabaseIncompleteUpgrade  Attempted to use a database 
                                                    which was only partially converted to the current format - 
                                                    must restore from backup        4294966733
  564 0x00000234  JET_wrnSkipThisRecord          Skip this record, used by convert, 
                                                 internal only                      564
 -900 0xFFFFFC7C  JET_errInvalidGrbit            Grbit is not valid in the context 
                                                 of this API call                   4294966396
 -1000 0xFFFFFC18  JET_errTermInProgress         Termination in progress            4294966296
 -1001 0xFFFFFC17  JET_errFeatureNotAvailable    API not supported                  4294966295
 -1002 0xFFFFFC16  JET_errInvalidName            Invalid name                       4294966294
 -1003 0xFFFFFC15  JET_errInvalidParameter       Invalid API parameter              4294966293
  1004 0x000003EC  JET_wrnColumnNull             Column is NULL-valued              1004
  1006 0x000003EE  JET_wrnBufferTruncated        Buffer too small for data          1006
  1007 0x000003EF  JET_wrnDatabaseAttached       Database is already attached       1007
 -1008 0xFFFFFC10  JET_errDatabaseFileReadOnly   Attach a readonly database file  
                                                 for read/write operations          4294966288
  1009 0x000003F1  JET_wrnSortOverflow           Sort does not fit in memory        1009
 -1010 0xFFFFFC0E  JET_errInvalidDatabaseId      Invalid database id                4294966286
 -1011 0xFFFFFC0D  JET_errOutOfMemory            Out of Memory                      4294966285
 -1012 0xFFFFFC0C  JET_errOutOfDatabaseSpace     Maximum database size reached      4294966284
 -1013 0xFFFFFC0B  JET_errOutOfCursors           Out of table cursors               4294966283
 -1014 0xFFFFFC0A  JET_errOutOfBuffers           Out of database page buffers       4294966282
 -1015 0xFFFFFC09  JET_errTooManyIndexes         Too many indexes                   4294966281
 -1016 0xFFFFFC08  JET_errTooManyKeys            Too many columns in an index       4294966280
 -1017 0xFFFFFC07  JET_errRecordDeleted          Record has been deleted            4294966279
 -1018 0xFFFFFC06  JET_errReadVerifyFailure      Read verification error            4294966278
 -1019 0xFFFFFC05  JET_errPageNotInitialized     Repair Only: Read an unused page   4294966277
 -1020 0xFFFFFC04  JET_errOutOfFileHandles       Out of file handles                4294966276
 -1022 0xFFFFFC02  JET_errDiskIO                 Disk IO error                      4294966274
 -1023 0xFFFFFC01  JET_errInvalidPath            Invalid file path                  4294966273
 -1024 0xFFFFFC00  JET_errInvalidSystemPath      Invalid system path                4294966272
 -1025 0xFFFFFBFF  JET_errInvalidLogDirectory    Invalid log directory              4294966271
 -1026 0xFFFFFBFE  JET_errRecordTooBig           Record larger than maximum size    4294966270
 -1027 0xFFFFFBFD  JET_errTooManyOpenDatabases   Too many open databases            4294966269
 -1028 0xFFFFFBFC  JET_errInvalidDatabase        Not a database file                4294966268
 -1029 0xFFFFFBFB  JET_errNotInitialized         JetInit not yet called             4294966267
 -1030 0xFFFFFBFA  JET_errAlreadyInitialized     JetInit already called             4294966266
 -1031 0xFFFFFBF9  JET_errInitInProgress         JetInit is underway                4294966265
 -1032 0xFFFFFBF8  JET_errFileAccessDenied       Cannot access file                 4294966264
 -1034 0xFFFFFBF6  JET_errQueryNotSupported      Query support unavailable          4294966262
 -1035 0xFFFFFBF5  JET_errSQLLinkNotSupported    SQL Link support unavailable       4294966261
 -1038 0xFFFFFBF2  JET_errBufferTooSmall         Buffer is too small                4294966258
  1039 0x0000040F  JET_wrnSeekNotEqual           SeekLE or SeekGE didn't find exact 
                                                 match                              1039
 -1040 0xFFFFFBF0  JET_errTooManyColumns         Too many columns defined           4294966256
 -1043 0xFFFFFBED  JET_errContainerNotEmpty      Container is not empty             4294966253
 -1044 0xFFFFFBEC  JET_errInvalidFilename        Filename is invalid                4294966252
 -1045 0xFFFFFBEB  JET_errInvalidBookmark        Invalid bookmark                   4294966251
 -1046 0xFFFFFBEA  JET_errColumnInUse            Column used in an index            4294966250
 -1047 0xFFFFFBE9  JET_errInvalidBufferSize      Data buffer doesn't match column 
                                                 size                               4294966249
 -1048 0xFFFFFBE8  JET_errColumnNotUpdatable     Cannot set column value            4294966248
 -1051 0xFFFFFBE5  JET_errIndexInUse             Index is in use                    4294966245
 -1052 0xFFFFFBE4  JET_errLinkNotSupported       Link support unavailable           4294966244
 -1053 0xFFFFFBE3  JET_errNullKeyDisallowed      Null keys are disallowed on index  4294966243
 -1054 0xFFFFFBE2  JET_errNotInTransaction       Operation must be within a 
                                                 transaction                        4294966242
  1055 0x0000041F  JET_wrnNoErrorInfo            No extended error information      1055
  1058 0x00000422  JET_wrnNoIdleActivity         No idle activity occurred          1058
 -1059 0xFFFFFBDD  JET_errTooManyActiveUsers     Too many active database users     4294966237
 -1061 0xFFFFFBDB  JET_errInvalidCountry         Invalid or unknown country code    4294966235
 -1062 0xFFFFFBDA  JET_errInvalidLanguageId      Invalid or unknown language id     4294966234
 -1063 0xFFFFFBD9  JET_errInvalidCodePage        Invalid or unknown code page       4294966233
  1067 0x0000042B  JET_wrnNoWriteLock            No write lock at transaction 
                                                 level 0                            1067
  1068 0x0000042C  JET_wrnColumnSetNull          Column set to NULL-value           1068
 -1069 0xFFFFFBD3  JET_errVersionStoreOutOfMemory  lMaxVerPages exceeded 
                                                   (XJET only)                      4294966227
 -1070 0xFFFFFBD2  JET_errCurrencyStackOutOfMemory lCSRPerfFUCB * lMaxCursors exceeded 
                                                                  (XJET only)       4294966226
 -1071 0xFFFFFBD1  JET_errCannotIndex            Cannot index escrow column         4294966225
 -1072 0xFFFFFBD0  JET_errRecordNotDeleted       Record has not been deleted        4294966224
 -1101 0xFFFFFBB3  JET_errOutOfSessions          Out of sessions                    4294966195
 -1102 0xFFFFFBB2  JET_errWriteConflict          Write lock failed due to 
                                                 outstanding write lock             4294966194
 -1103 0xFFFFFBB1  JET_errTransTooDeep           Xactions nested too deeply         4294966193
 -1104 0xFFFFFBB0  JET_errInvalidSesid           Invalid session handle             4294966192
 -1105 0xFFFFFBAF  JET_errWriteConflictPrimaryIndex  update attempted on 
                                                     uncommitted primary index      4294966191
 -1108 0xFFFFFBAC  JET_errInTransaction          Operation not allowed within a 
                                                 transaction                        4294966188
 -1109 0xFFFFFBAB  JET_errRollbackRequired       Must rollback current transaction - 
                                                 cannot commit or begin a new one   4294966187
 -1201 0xFFFFFB4F  JET_errDatabaseDuplicate      Database already exists            4294966095
 -1202 0xFFFFFB4E  JET_errDatabaseInUse          Database in use                    4294966094
 -1203 0xFFFFFB4D  JET_errDatabaseNotFound       No such database                   4294966093
 -1204 0xFFFFFB4C  JET_errDatabaseInvalidName    Invalid database name              4294966092
 -1205 0xFFFFFB4B  JET_errDatabaseInvalidPages   Invalid number of pages            4294966091
 -1206 0xFFFFFB4A  JET_errDatabaseCorrupted      non-db file or corrupted db        4294966090
 -1207 0xFFFFFB49  JET_errDatabaseLocked         Database exclusively locked        4294966089
 -1208 0xFFFFFB48  JET_errCannotDisableVersioning  Cannot disable versioning for 
                                                   this database                    4294966088
 -1209 0xFFFFFB47  JET_errInvalidDatabaseVersion   Database engine is incompatible 
                                                   with database                    4294966087
 -1210 0xFFFFFB46  JET_errDatabase200Format      The database is in 200 format      4294966086
 -1211 0xFFFFFB45  JET_errDatabase400Format      The database is in 400 format      4294966085
 -1212 0xFFFFFB44  JET_errDatabase500Format      The database is in 500 format      4294966084
  1301 0x00000515  JET_wrnTableEmpty             Open an empty table                1301
 -1302 0xFFFFFAEA  JET_errTableLocked            Table is exclusively locked        4294965994
 -1303 0xFFFFFAE9  JET_errTableDuplicate         Table already exists               4294965993
 -1304 0xFFFFFAE8  JET_errTableInUse             Table is in use, cannot lock       4294965992
 -1305 0xFFFFFAE7  JET_errObjectNotFound         No such table or object            4294965991
 -1307 0xFFFFFAE5  JET_errDensityInvalid         Bad file/index density             4294965989
 -1308 0xFFFFFAE4  JET_errTableNotEmpty          Cannot define clustered index      4294965988
 -1310 0xFFFFFAE2  JET_errInvalidTableId         Invalid table id                   4294965986
 -1311 0xFFFFFAE1  JET_errTooManyOpenTables      Cannot open any more tables 
                                                 (cleanup already attempted)        4294965985
 -1312 0xFFFFFAE0  JET_errIllegalOperation       Oper. not supported on table       4294965984
 -1314 0xFFFFFADE  JET_errObjectDuplicate        Table or object name in use        4294965982
 -1316 0xFFFFFADC  JET_errInvalidObject          object is invalid for operation    4294965980
 -1317 0xFFFFFADB  JET_errCannotDeleteTempTable  use CloseTable instead of 
                                                 DeleteTable to delete temp table   4294965979
 -1318 0xFFFFFADA  JET_errCannotDeleteSystemTable  illegal attempt to delete a 
                                                   system table                     4294965978
 -1319 0xFFFFFAD9  JET_errCannotDeleteTemplateTable  illegal attempt to delete a 
                                                     template table                 4294965977
 -1320 0xFFFFFAD8  errFCBTooManyOpen             Cannot open any more FCBs 
                                                (cleanup not yet attempted)         4294965976
 -1321 0xFFFFFAD7  errFCBAboveThreshold          Can only allocate FCB above 
                                                 preferred threshold (cleanup not 
                                                 yet attempted)                     4294965975
 -1322 0xFFFFFAD6  JET_errExclusiveTableLockRequired Must have exclusive lock 
                                                     on table.                      4294965974
 -1323 0xFFFFFAD5  JET_errFixedDDL               DDL operations prohibited on 
                                                 this table                         4294965973
 -1324 0xFFFFFAD4  JET_errFixedInheritedDDL      On a derived table, DDL operations 
                                                 are prohibited on inherited portion 
                                                 of DDL                             4294965972
 -1325 0xFFFFFAD3  JET_errCannotNestDDL          Nesting of hierarchical DDL is not 
                                                 currently supported.               4294965971
 -1326 0xFFFFFAD2  JET_errDDLNotInheritable      Tried to inherit DDL from a table
                                                 not marked as a template table.    4294965970
  1327 0x0000052F  JET_wrnTableInUseBySystem     System cleanup has a cursor open 
                                                 on the table                       1327
 -1328 0xFFFFFAD0  JET_errInvalidSettings        System parameters were set 
                                                 improperly                         4294965968
 -1329 0xFFFFFACF  JET_errClientRequestToStopJetService Client has requested stop 
                                                        service                     4294965967
 -1401 0xFFFFFA87  JET_errIndexCantBuild         Index build failed                 4294965895
 -1402 0xFFFFFA86  JET_errIndexHasPrimary        Primary index already defined      4294965894
 -1403 0xFFFFFA85  JET_errIndexDuplicate         Index is already defined           4294965893
 -1404 0xFFFFFA84  JET_errIndexNotFound          No such index                      4294965892
 -1405 0xFFFFFA83  JET_errIndexMustStay          Cannot delete clustered index      4294965891
 -1406 0xFFFFFA82  JET_errIndexInvalidDef        Illegal index definition           4294965890
 -1409 0xFFFFFA7F  JET_errInvalidCreateIndex     Invalid create index description   4294965887
 -1410 0xFFFFFA7E  JET_errTooManyOpenIndexes     Out of index description blocks    4294965886
 -1411 0xFFFFFA7D  JET_errMultiValuedIndexViolation Non-unique inter-record index 
                                                    keys generated for a multivalued 
                                                    index                           4294965885
 -1412 0xFFFFFA7C  JET_errIndexBuildCorrupted    Failed to build a secondary index 
                                                 that properly reflects primary 
                                                 index                              4294965884
 -1413 0xFFFFFA7B  JET_errPrimaryIndexCorrupted  Primary index is corrupt - defrag 
                                                 required                           4294965883
 -1414 0xFFFFFA7A  JET_errSecondaryIndexCorrupted  Secondary index is corrupt - 
                                                   defrag required                  4294965882
  1415 0x00000587  JET_wrnCorruptIndexDeleted    Out of date index of the attached 
                                                 db is removed                      1415
 -1501 0xFFFFFA23  JET_errColumnLong             Column value is long               4294965795
 -1502 0xFFFFFA22  JET_errColumnNoChunk          no such chunk in long value        4294965794
 -1503 0xFFFFFA21  JET_errColumnDoesNotFit       Field will not fit in record       4294965793
 -1504 0xFFFFFA20  JET_errNullInvalid            Null not valid                     4294965792
 -1505 0xFFFFFA1F  JET_errColumnIndexed          Column indexed, cannot delete      4294965791
 -1506 0xFFFFFA1E  JET_errColumnTooBig           Field length is > maximum          4294965790
 -1507 0xFFFFFA1D  JET_errColumnNotFound         No such column                     4294965789
 -1508 0xFFFFFA1C  JET_errColumnDuplicate        Field is already defined           4294965788
 -1510 0xFFFFFA1A  JET_errColumnRedundant        Second autoincrement or version 
                                                 column                             4294965786
 -1511 0xFFFFFA19  JET_errInvalidColumnType      Invalid column data type           4294965785
  1512 0x000005E8  JET_wrnColumnMaxTruncated     Max length too big, truncated      1512
 -1514 0xFFFFFA16  JET_errTaggedNotNULL          No non-NULL tagged columns         4294965782
 -1515 0xFFFFFA15  JET_errNoCurrentIndex         Invalid w/o a current index        4294965781
 -1516 0xFFFFFA14  JET_errKeyIsMade              The key is completely made         4294965780
 -1517 0xFFFFFA13  JET_errBadColumnId            Column Id Incorrect                4294965779
 -1518 0xFFFFFA12  JET_errBadItagSequence        Bad ItagSequence for tagged column 4294965778
 -1519 0xFFFFFA11  JET_errColumnInRelationship   Cannot delete, column participates 
                                                 in relationship                    4294965777
  1520 0x000005F0  JET_wrnCopyLongValue          Single instance column bursted     1520
 -1521 0xFFFFFA0F  JET_errCannotBeTagged         AutoIncrement and Version cannot be 
                                                 tagged                             4294965775
  1522 0x000005F2  wrnLVNoLongValues             Table does not have a long value 
                                                 tree                               1522
  1523 0x000005F3  JET_wrnTaggedColumnsRemaining   RetrieveTaggedColumnList ran out 
                                                   of copy buffer before retrieving 
                                                   all tagged columns               1523
 -1524 0xFFFFFA0C  JET_errDefaultValueTooBig     Default value exceeds maximum size 4294965772
 -1601 0xFFFFF9BF  JET_errRecordNotFound         The key was not found              4294965695
 -1602 0xFFFFF9BE  JET_errRecordNoCopy           No working buffer                  4294965694
 -1603 0xFFFFF9BD  JET_errNoCurrentRecord        Currency not on a record           4294965693
 -1604 0xFFFFF9BC  JET_errRecordPrimaryChanged   Primary key may not change         4294965692
 -1605 0xFFFFF9BB  JET_errKeyDuplicate           Illegal duplicate key              4294965691
 -1607 0xFFFFF9B9  JET_errAlreadyPrepared        Already copy/clear current         4294965689
 -1608 0xFFFFF9B8  JET_errKeyNotMade             No call to JetMakeKey              4294965688
 -1609 0xFFFFF9B7  JET_errUpdateNotPrepared      No call to JETPrepareUpdate        4294965687
  1610 0x0000064A  JET_wrnDataHasChanged         Data has changed                   1610
 -1611 0xFFFFF9B5  JET_errDataHasChanged         Data has changed, operation aborted  4294965685
  1618 0x00000652  JET_wrnKeyChanged             Moved to new key                   1618
 -1619 0xFFFFF9AD  JET_errLanguageNotSupported   Windows NT installation does not 
                                                 support language                   4294965677
 -1701 0xFFFFF95B  JET_errTooManySorts           Too many sort processes            4294965595
 -1702 0xFFFFF95A  JET_errInvalidOnSort          Invalid operation on Sort          4294965594
 -1803 0xFFFFF8F5  JET_errTempFileOpenError      Temp file could not be opened      4294965493
 -1805 0xFFFFF8F3  JET_errTooManyAttachedDatabases Too many open databases          4294965491
 -1808 0xFFFFF8F0  JET_errDiskFull               No space left on disk              4294965488
 -1809 0xFFFFF8EF  JET_errPermissionDenied       Permission denied                  4294965487
 -1811 0xFFFFF8ED  JET_errFileNotFound           File not found                     4294965485
  1813 0x00000715  JET_wrnFileOpenReadOnly       Database file is read only         1813
 -1850 0xFFFFF8C6  JET_errAfterInitialization    Cannot restore after init.         4294965446
 -1852 0xFFFFF8C4  JET_errLogCorrupted           Logs could not be interpreted      4294965444
 -1906 0xFFFFF88E  JET_errInvalidOperation       invalid operation                  4294965390
 -1907 0xFFFFF88D  JET_errAccessDenied           access denied                      4294965389
  1908 0x00000774  JET_wrnIdleFull               idle registry full                 1908
 -1909 0xFFFFF88B  JET_errTooManySplits          Infinite split. Call PSS           4294965387
 -1910 0xFFFFF88A  JET_errSessionSharingViolation  Multiple threads are using the 
                                                   same session                     4294965386
 -1911 0xFFFFF889  JET_errEntryPointNotFound     An entry point in a DLL we require 
                                                 could not be found                 4294965385
  2000 0x000007D0  JET_wrnDefragAlreadyRunning   Online defrag already running on 
                                                 specified database                 2000
  2001 0x000007D1  JET_wrnDefragNotRunning       Online defrag not running on 
                                                 specified database                 2001

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:12/15/2003
Keywords:kbinfo kbusage KB177761