Windows NT Logs
CRS always writes basic logging to the Windows NT Event Log. Below is an
example of the events written to the application log during a successful
replication. The timestamp and machine name have been omitted:
CRS Information None 15024 Summary information for replication of
project test to server ServerName:
Total Scanned : 1733 Files 257684188 Bytes
Actually Sent : 8 Files 133877 Bytes
Not Sent due to match : 1599 Files 257550311 Bytes
CRS None None 15018 Replication for project test completed
CRS Information None 15017 Replication for project test started by
user ServerName with flags NONE.
CRS Information None 15015 Content Replication Service started
CRS Information None 15016 Content Replication Service shutdown
To save event logs, click Save As on the Log menu. If the file is large,
select Event Log Files (*.EVT) as the Save As type. It is also useful to
clear the Application log before doing a replication. Always verify that
there are no hardware-related problems in the System log.
Generating Logs
If CRS generates an error, you will need to generate CRS log files. To do
this, add the global setting FullLogging. (Note that the CRS service must be running when you modify global variables.) Three commands are needed to turn on this setting:
crs setglobal fulllogging=YES
crs stop
crs start
This will add the registry key FullLogging with a value of YES to the
Windows NT Registry. You can check this either with the command:
Crs queryglobal
Or, you can add the registry value manually with Regedt32.exe.
WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may
require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve
problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own
To add the FullLogging value:
- Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
- Go to the following key in the registry:
- On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then use the following entry:
- Exit Registry Editor.
If you open this key and find that the value has a type of REG_UNKOWN and a
hexadecimal value of 59 45 53, you mistyped the word FullLogging. There is no error checking. Any word that you type after setglobal will be added to the registry. Obviously, if the value is not correct, no log files will be generated.
Log Files
Log files will be written to the following location:
<Site Server Root>:\CRS\Logfiles
There are three different log files:
Crs.log is created if you use the CRS command line interface. This file
will be renamed Crs.old when CRS is stopped and restarted. Webadmin.log is
only generated if you open the CRS Web Administration page. This file is
kept locked by the World Wide Web Publishing Service even after CRS is
stopped. Thus the only way to delete or rename the Webadmin.log file is to
stop and restart the WWW service. Both of these files will give information
such as this the creation of a socket. Generally these files do not contain
useful information.
Crssrv.log contains the information you will need to understand any problem
that has happened in a replication. The Crssrv.log has a limit of 8 MB
(8,388,608 bytes). Once this limit is reached, the file will be copied to
Crssrv.old. Remember that only the next time the limit is reached the OLD
file will be overwritten. Thus by default you will get a maximum 16 MB of
log data.
If you cannot find the error in the log or the old file then you will need
to increase the amount of data being logged. To increase the limit, follow these steps:
- Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
- Go to the following key in the registry:
- On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then type the following:
Value Name: LogLimit
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Radix: Dec
Value: 25165824
- Exit Registry Editor.
- Stop and restart the CRS service by using Services in Control Panel or
by doing either of the following at the command prompt:
In this example, a LogLimit value of 25165824 will produce a Crssrv.log
file that will grow up to 24 MB. Then it will roll over to the Crssrv.old
file. Thus you will get a total of 48 MB (24 MB+24 MB) of data.
Reading Log Files
All three log files have the same format. The file is separated into six
columns: Date, Time, Type, Error Number, Thread Number, and Text Message.
The timestamp only is accurate to seconds, just like the Windows NT Event
Log. The number of actions that are handled in a second make this field not
useful for search purposes. It is always a good idea to synchronize the
clock on the starting-point and end-point servers. You can do this with the
following command:
Net time \\<machine_name> /Set
There are six types of possible log entries:
DBG = Debug
INF = Information
WRN = Warning
ERR = Error
FTL = Fatal
UNK = Unknown.
Most of the events are marked DBG and the error number is zero. If the type
is not DBG or INF, you will also get an Error Number.
The next field is the Thread number. This is crucial to understanding where
CRS is sending the file. If multiple destinations are configured you can
find the destination by looking when a thread is created. This will tell
you what files are being sent.
The final field is the Text Message. This will tell you what action is
taking place. If an error occurs you can see what function was called and
what line of source code was executing. In some cases you can also find the
return code.
Sample Log
This is an example of an error found in the CRSSRV.LOG file:
11/21/97 15:55:33 WRN 10053 183 recv
@E:\77fre\server\crs\crsdll\cserve.cpp 1876
First, you should notice that the type is not set to ERR. Most of the time
CRS will write a Windows NT Event as an error but in the log it has the WRN
type. This is what was written to the Application Log:
11/21/97 3:55:33 PM CRS Error None 15162 Waiting to abort project
CRSVIEW after losing connection with source machine.
Second, the error code written to the event log (in this case 15162) is
different from the error number in the log (in this case 10053).
Third, you can see that thread 183 failed in the recv function, which is
located in the CSERVE.CPP source file. The failure happened on line 1876.