Page ix: Some Material is Review of Rapid Development
p. ix. Insert the following text before "Kinds of Projects This Book
Readers of Rapid Development [B head]
If you read Rapid Development, the first part of this book will be about
half review for you. Skim Chapters 1 through 5, read the end of Chapter 5
carefully, skim Chapter 6, and then begin reading carefully with Chapter 7.
Page 14: Typographical Error
Page 14, question 19:
Change: "annonymously"
To: "anonymously"
Page 32: Typographical Error
Page 32, paragraph 1, sentence 2:
Change: "...that will need to made..."
To: "...that will need to be made..."
Page 45: Incorrect Text
Page 45, first line:
Change: "relatively"
To: "relativity"
Page 122: Change In Wording
Page 122, paragraph 4, sentence 1:
Change: "...under configuration management,..."
To: "...under change control,..."
Page 149: Typographical Error
Page 149, paragraph 4, sentence 1:
Change: "...reuse data, detailed designs, text cases,..."
To: "...reuse data, detailed designs, test cases,..."
Page 203: Error in Recommended Integration Procedure Table
Page 203, Table 14-1:
Renumber table as follows:
#1 - #5 - as printed in book
- Developer informally turns code over to testing for test case
- Code is reviewed.
- Developer fixes any problems identified during the review.
- Fixes are reviewed.
- Developer integrates final code with the main build.
- Code is declared "complete"...
Page 205: Comment Regarding Footnote
The footnote for Table 14-2 is incorrect as printed, but will become
correct as printed once the change on p. 203 is made.
Page 265: Incorrect Citations
Page 265, notes for pages 60, 61, 62, and 64:
Change citations for "Relationships, Models and Management Rules" to:
_Manager's Handbook for Software Development, Revision 1_, SEL-84-101,
Revision 1, NASA Software Engineering Laboratory, Goddard Space Flight
Center, Greenbelt, MD, November 1990.
Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books.
All comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future
printings of this book. If you have a later printing of the book, it may
already contain the above corrections.