OLEXP: Outlook Express 4.0 Msimn.txt file (176623)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Outlook Express 4.0 for Windows NT 4.0
  • Microsoft Outlook Express 4.0 for Windows 95

This article was previously published under Q176623


This article contains a copy of the information in the Msimn.txt file included with Outlook Express 4.0. The Msimn.txt file is located in the folder in which you installed Outlook Express.


             README for Microsoft Outlook(TM) Express
                           September l997

               (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1997

This document provides complementary or late-breaking information
to supplement the documentation.


To view Msimn.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window.

To print Msimn.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, then
use the Print command on the File menu.








Outlook Express Mail is an Internet standards based e-mail and news

To read e-mail with Outlook Express, you must be using a mail system
that uses SMTP and POP3 or IMAP protocols. At this time, you cannot
use Microsoft Outlook Express to access your e-mail account with any
of the following services: MS Mail, cc:Mail, The Microsoft Network
(MSN), with the exception of the MSN "Metro" (MSN 2.5) beta release,
CompuServe, America Online (AOL), or Microsoft Exchange Server prior
to version 5. If you don't know whether your system uses these services,
contact your administrator or your Internet service provider and ask if
they support SMTP/POP3 or IMAP mail clients.

You can also use Microsoft Outlook Express News to read bulletin-board
discussion groups, such as the Usenet, using NNTP-based news servers.
Contact your Internet service provider or network administrator for
the name of the news server that you should use. Outlook Express News
can also be used to receive support for a variety of Microsoft
products on the news server msnews.microsoft.com.


- When receiving a message using a GeoCities mail account, you might
  be unable to view any of the original message, or you may see only
  the following information:  Postage Paid by... [graphic].

- You will not be able to see embedded objects or images sent from
  people using Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Exchange, or Windows
  Messaging. File attachments work fine, however.

- If you use HTML in your signature, and you send the message before
  any included images have finished drawing, the text you add to the
  message may be lost.

- Some mail clients send Cyrillic messages with tags indicating that
  they are in a western European character set. As a result, Outlook
  Express uses a western-European font to display the message, which
  then appears garbled. To work around this problem, click the View
  menu, click Language, and then choose a Russian character set, such
  as K0I8. The message should display properly using the Russian font.

- Inbox rules are not available for IMAP accounts.

- If you are using Outlook Express with a SUN Solstice, Netscape, or
  Innosoft IMAP server, it may cause your server to stop responding.
  Please contact the 3rd party provider for an update to the IMAP
  server software to correct this problem.

- Outlook Express S/MIME does not verify the status of digital IDs
  before sending encrypted or signed messages. This means that a
  digital ID that is revoked, expired, not trusted or that has an
  incorrect e-mail address will be used without providing any warning.

- To send signed messages and receive encrypted messages,  you must
  have a digital ID. Currently, the only way to get a digital ID
  for use with Outlook Express is to use Internet Explorer 4.0 and
  go to the Verisign Web site, http://digitalid.verisign.com.

- While sending and retrieving messages, closing Outlook Express and
  restarting it will cause Outlook Express to crash.

- In Outlook Express News, if the option "Get 300 headers at a time" is
  turned on, the following commands: Get New Headers, Get New Messages,
  Get All Messages, and Get Marked Messages will retrieve only 300 (or
  the number that you specify) headers at a time. To prevent this, you
  should turn off this option.

- To cancel a news message, you must be using the same message encoding
  options as was used for the original message.

- If no folders are displayed for your IMAP server or if you want
  to refresh the list of IMAP folders you need to download the folder
  list from the server. To do this, select the IMAP server. If you
  connect to the server by using a modem, click the Tools menu, and
  then select Offline > Dial. If you connect to the IMAP server by
  using a LAN, you can skip this step. After you have connected to
  the server, click the File menu, click Folders, and then click
  Refresh Folder List.

- If you need to change any of the following settings for your IMAP

  . IMAP server name or port number
  . Account type (POP3 or IMAP)
  . Any logon information

  it is recommended that you delete the IMAP account and create a new
  account with the updated settings.

- Outlook Express is designed to work only with IMAP4 compliant
  servers.  IMAP2bis servers are not supported in this release.

- If you rename a news server account name and then attempt to
  perform some action on it, for example copying messages from the
  server, you may receive an error message. To work around this
  problem, close OE and restart after the renaming of a server.

- If encrypting a message when there is not a certificate for one of
  the recipients, an error will display stating that there is not
  a certificate for that recipient as well as the sender.

- Certificates are now handled on a per account basis. You must
  reselect which certificate to use for each account from the
  Accounts menu. Select the account you want to configure for
  security features and check the box to use a certificate when
  sending secure messages. You must also click the Certificate button
  to select which to use.

- If you used Internet News for reading newsgroups, any messages
  in your "Posted Items" folder will be moved into the "Sent Items
  folder when you upgrade to Outlook Express.

- Outlook Express only shows subscribed IMAP folders in the
  folder list. It no longer shows all your folders (subscribed and
  unsubscribed). If you want to see all your folders in the folder
  list, you should subscribe to all your folders. Click on the "File"
  menu, then click "Folder >" and select "Subscribe All Folders" menu.
  If there are folders that you don't want to displayed in the folder
  list, you can unsubscribe the folder.  Click on the File menu, click
  on Folder >, and select "Unsubscribe Folder".

- If you send a Rich Text (HTML) message which contains embedded
  pictures and the option to "Send pictures with message" is turned
  off, any pictures from a local computer or LAN will not be viewed
  when receiving and reading the message using Netscape's Messenger.

Note to French users
In order to comply with the French laws on the use of encryption
material, S/MIME support in Outlook Express has been disabled when
used in France. However, SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 support is authorized,
and hence left enabled.


- To start the online Help troubleshooters, carry out the following steps:

  1. In Outlook Express, click the Help menu, and then click Help
  2. Double-click the "Troubleshooting" topic on the Contents tab.

- Check your connection to your Internet service provider.

- If you are unable to send or receive mail, check the following:

  - The TCP/IP protocol is installed on your computer.
  - All cables are properly connected to your computer, modem, or LAN.
  - You have a PPP or SLIP account with your Internet service
  - Your Internet service provider or LAN server supports POP3 or
    IMAP and SMTP.
  - Your modem communication parameters (baud rate and type of
    protocol) are set correctly.

- Make sure that you use an account name and password for a news
  server only if it requires them. If you use an account name and
  password and they are not required, you will not be able to connect
  to the news server.

- To access the Microsoft peer product support newsgroups, carry out
  the following steps:

  1. Click the Tools menu, and then click Accounts.
  2. Click Add, and then click News on the drop-down menu.
  3. Follow the directions on your screen.
  4. When you are prompted for a server name, type

     NOTE: The IP addresses for msnews.microsoft.com servers were
     changed, and the previous address is no longer valid. Use or run a TCP/IP utility such as Ping or Tracert
     to determine the current IP address.

  You do not need to log on to this news server.


- You can change the sound that notifies you that you have received
  new mail. To do this, double-click the Sounds icon in Control
  Panel, and select New Mail Notification from the events list.

- Use the Check Names command, available on the Tools menu or on
  the New Message toolbar, to look up a person's e-mail address
  when sending mail. The name will be underlined when the
  associated address is found.

- You can move the toolbar to a different edge of your screen by
  right-clicking it and then choosing Left, Right, Bottom, or Top
  from the Align menu.

- To send a mail message in Plain Text only (no HTML formatting),
  click the Format menu, and then click on Plain Text. To make Plain
  Text the default setting for new messages, replies, and forwarded
  messages, click the Tools menu, click Options, click the Send
  tab, and then select Plain Text under Mail sending format.
  (News messages are sent in Plain Text by default, but similarly,
  this setting can be changed under News sending format.)

- To customize the toolbar, right-click it, and use the menu commands
  to perform the desired actions.

- You can resize the preview pane or the message list by dragging the
  divider between the preview pane and the message list.

- You can change how the preview pane splits, or turn it off entirely,
  by clicking the View menu, clicking Layout and changing the options
  in the dialog box.

- You can specify that you want to see only unread news messages. To
  do this, click a newsgroup, click the View menu, click Current
  View, and then click Unread Messages.

- You can set messages to automatically download to the preview pane
  by clicking the Tools menu, clicking Options, clicking the Read
  tab, then selecting the Automatically Show Messages in the Preview
  Pane check box.

- To view the e-mail address of someone who has sent you a message,
  double-click the message to open it, then double-click the author's
  name in the From field. You can also add this person to your Address
  Book by right-clicking the name, and then clicking Add To Address

- To view responses to a particular message in a newsgroup, click the
  plus sign (+) next to the message. The responses appear indented
  below it.

- In mail, you can leave a copy of your messages on the server. To set
  this option, click the Tools menu, and then click Accounts. Select
  the mail account you want to modify, and then click Properties. Click
  the Advanced tab, and then select the Leave A Copy Of Messages On
  Server check box.

- You can search for newsgroups that contain specific words in their
  names. To do this:

  1. Click the Tools menu, and then click Newsgroups.
  2. In the Search box, enter the words separated by a space.

  You can also search newsgroup descriptions. If you cannot see the
  descriptions, click the Tools menu, and then click Accounts.
  Select the news account you want to modify, click Properties, and
  then click the Advanced tab. Next, select the Use Newsgroup
  Descriptions check box. Click the Tools menu, and then click
  Newsgroups. In the Newsgroups window, click "Reset List."

- You can have your signature added to all messages, including those
  that you reply to or forward. To do this, click the Tools menu, and
  then click Stationery. On the Mail or News tab, select the following
  check box: Add Signature To The End Of All Outgoing messages.

- It is possible to use HTML files as signatures as well as plain
  text files.

- To reorder columns, you can drag and drop column headings. Columns
  can be resized by dragging the right edge of the column header.

- You can view all the headers for a news message. To do this,
  double-click the message to open it in a separate window, click the
  View menu, and then click Full Headers.

- If you are running Outlook Express on Windows NT and you need to add
  support for a different language, double-click the Keyboard icon in
  Control Panel, and then click Add. Follow the instructions on your
  screen. This installs the appropriate NLS (National Language
  Support) files. You do not have to use the associated keyboard


For the latest information about Outlook Express as well as a list of
Frequently Asked Questions, see our Web page at
http://www.microsoft.com/ie/ie40/collab/imn. You may find that your
questions can be answered here.

A newsgroup is dedicated to the discussion of Microsoft Outlook
Express and provides peer support:

 - news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.inetexplorer.ie4.

To read it, follow the procedure outlined in the Troubleshooting section

This site is the best place to go if you are experiencing a problem,
as someone else who experienced the same problem might already have
posted the solution.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:7/6/2006