Flight Simulator 98/2000: Basic Keyboard Controls (176295)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 Professional Edition
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 98

This article was previously published under Q176295


This article lists the keyboard assignments for the basic aircraft controls in Microsoft Flight Simulator 98. Note that the Number Lock keyboard feature should be turned off when you use these keyboard commands.

Flight Controls

Control                             Key(s)
-------                             ------

Mouse/Joystick Control:

Toggle mouse-as-yoke                CTRL+DELETE
Toggle joystick control on/off      K

Ailerons (roll):

Left                                KEYPAD 4
Center                              KEYPAD 5
Right                               KEYPAD 6

Elevator (pitch):

Nose up                             KEYPAD 2
Nose down                           KEYPAD 8
Trim up                             KEYPAD 1
Trim down                           KEYPAD 7

Rudder (yaw):

Left                                KEYPAD ZERO (0)
Center                              KEYPAD 5
Right                               KEYPAD ENTER

Throttle (power) in Airplanes:

Increase                            F3 or KEYPAD 9
Decrease                            F2 or KEYPAD 3
Cut                                 F1
Full                                F4

Throttle (power turbine) in Helicopter:

Increase                            CTRL+F3
Decrease                            CTRL+F2
Set at ground idle                  CTRL+F1
Set at flight idle                  CTRL+F4

Collective (torque) in Helicopter:

Increase                            F3
Decrease                            F2
Set full down                       F1
Set full up                         F4

Propeller Control:

Increase RPM                        CTRL+F3
Decrease RPM                        CTRL+F2
Minimum RPM                         CTRL+F1
Maximum RPM                         F4

Mixture Control:

Enrich                              CTRL+SHIFT+F3
Lean                                CTRL+SHIFT+F2
Idle cutoff                         CTRL+SHIFT+F1
Full rich                           CTRL+SHIFT+F4

EGT Bug:

Select EGT                          U
Move needle forward                 U+PLUS SIGN
Move needle back                    U+MINUS SIGN


Magnetos on/off                     M, PLUS SIGN (+) or MINUS SIGN (-)
Jet fuel flow start                 CTRL+SHIFT+F4
Jet engine start                    J, PLUS SIGN (+) or MINUS SIGN ()
Jet engine shut down                CTRL+SHIFT+F1

Multiengine Controls:

Select engine                       E


Extend in increments                F7
Retract in increments               F6
Full Up                             F5
Full Down                           F8

Spoilers/Speed Brakes:

Extend/retract spoilers             / 
Arm auto-spoilers                   SHIFT+/ 

Landing Gear:

Landing gear up/down                G
Pump landing gear down
 (after system failure)             CTRL+G


Parking brakes on                   CTRL+PERIOD (.)
Parking brakes off                  PERIOD
Differential (left/right) brakes    F11 and F12
Apply brakes                        PERIOD

Carburetor and Pilot Heat:

Turn carburetor heat on/off         H
Turn pilot heat on/off              SHIFT+H


Display, cycle through,
 and hide on-screen checklists      SHIFT+C

Land Me:

Land Me                             X

To Calibrate Instruments:

Altimeter                           B
Heading indicator                   D

To Display/Hide the Instrument Panel:

Display/Hide instrument panel,
 radio stack, and mini-controls     W or SHIFT+[

To Make Instrument Panel Windows Active:

Activate instrument
 panel windows 1-9                  SHIFT+1 through SHIFT+9

Autopilot Functions:

Autopilot on/off                    Z
Wing leveler (LVL)                  CTRL+V
Altitude hold                       CTRL+Z
Heading hold                        CTRL+H
Attitude hold                       CTRL+T
NAV1 hold                           CTRL+N
ILS lock (APP)                      CTRL+A
Localizer lock                      CTRL+O
Back course lock                    CTRL+B
Yaw damper on/off                   CTRL+D
Airspeed hold                       CTRL+R
Arm autothrottle                    SHIFT+R
Set takeoff power/go-around         CTRL+SHIFT+R


Instrument panel/navigation
 lights on/off                      L
Landing light on/off                CTRL+L
Strobes on/off                      O
Point helicopter
 spotlight/landing light            CTRL+KEYPAD 8,4,5,6,2


To tune the radios, press the following keys to select the appropriate
radio, then press PLUS SIGN (+) or MINUS SIGN (-) to change the digits on
the display.

ADF                                 A (one, two, or three times)
COM                                 C or CC (Fractional)
DME                                 F+1 or F+2-Toggle DME 1 or DME 2
                                     PLUS SIGN (+)-Toggle distance
                                     from station/speed
NAV                                 N+1 or N+2, NN (Fractional)
Transponder                         T (one, two, three or four times)
VOR/OBI                             V+1 or V+2

Morse Code Identifiers:

Toggle VOR 1 ident on/off           CTRL+1
Toggle VOR 2 ident on/off           CTRL+2
Toggle DME 1 ident on/off           CTRL+3
Toggle DME 2 ident on/off           CTRL+4
Toggle ADF ident on/off             CTRL+5


Sound on/off                        Q
Pause on/off                        P


Save current flight                 ; (semicolon)
Reset current flight                CTRL+; (semicolon)


Exit Flight Simulator               CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK

View direction:

Front                               SHIFT+KEYPAD 8
Rear                                SHIFT+KEYPAD 2
Left                                SHIFT+KEYPAD 4
Right                               SHIFT+KEYPAD 6
Left front                          SHIFT+KEYPAD 7
Right front                         SHIFT+KEYPAD 9
Left rear                           SHIFT+KEYPAD 1
Right rear                          SHIFT+KEYPAD 3
Down                                SHIFT+KEYPAD 5
Pan up                              SHIFT+BACKSPACE
Pan down                            SHIFT+ENTER
Pan right                           CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
Pan left                            CTRL+SHIFT+BACKSPACE
Pan View Reset                      CTRL+SPACEBAR
Straight and level (no pan)         SCROLL LOCK
To cycle through cockpit,
 virtual cockpit, tower, and
 spot views                         S or SHIFT+S

Slewing Controls


Turn slewing on/off                 Y
Set aircraft position to North
 Heading, level pitch, level bank   SPACEBAR
Turn latitude/longitude
 display on/off                     Z
Coordinates on/off                  SHIFT+Z


Forward                             KEYPAD 8
Backward                            KEYPAD 2
Left                                KEYPAD 4
Right                               KEYPAD 6
Freeze                              KEYPAD 5


Increase slowly                     Q
Increase quickly                    F4
Decrease slowly                     A
Decrease quickly                    F1
Freeze                              F2 or F3


Left                                KEYPAD 1
Right                               KEYPAD 3
Freeze                              KEYPAD 5


Nose up                             9
Nose up fast                        F5
Freeze                              F6 or F7
Nose down fast                      F8
Nose down                           ZERO (0)


Left                                KEYPAD 7
Right                               KEYPAD 9
Freeze                              KEYPAD 5

Windows Functions

Opening and Closing Windows:

Open a new window                   [
Open a map window                   NUMLOCK
Close the active window             ]

Switching Between Views and Windows:

Switch to next view                 CTRL+TAB
Switch to previous view             CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
Cycle through view modes            S
Switch from map view to
 other views                        CTRL+S
Bring window to front               ' (apostrophe)
Toggle instrument panel on/off      SHIFT+[

To zoom:

In                                  PLUS SIGN
Out                                 MINUS SIGN
In (fine)                           SHIFT+PLUS SIGN
Out (fine)                          SHIFT+ MINUS SIGN
1X (normal)                         BACKSPACE
Maximize active window              W


Display coordinates/frame rate      SHIFT+Z


For more information about how to use keyboard controls in Flight Simulator 98, please see the "Basic Keyboard Controls" topic in the Flight Simulator 98 online Help file.

For more information about how to use keyboard controls in Flight Simulator 2000, please see the "Flying Using the Keyboard" topic in the Flight Simulator 2000 online Help file.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/13/2003
Keywords:kbinfo kbui KB176295