To resolve this problem, download and install the Dilpatch.exe patch file.
You can download this patch file from the following Web site:
Click the "download this patch" link, click the "Run this program from
its current location" option, and then click OK.
The Dilbert patch is a self-extracting file. The file is automatically
extracted to the Ddtoys folder.
Verify that your sound card is installed and functioning properly. If the
sound card is working properly, see the following article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base for additional information about troubleshooting problems
with your sound card, Dilbert's Desktop Games, and DirectX:
158122 DreamWorks: Error Initializing DirectSound
If you are using Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, obtain the Windows NT 4.0
Service Pack 3. For more information about the Windows NT 4.0 Service
Pack 3, please visit the following Microsoft Web site: