Installing Theme Designer
To install Theme Designer, quit all programs and then do the following:
- On the Windows Start menu, click Run.
- In the Run dialog box, click Browse.
- Select the drive that contains the FrontPage 98 compact disc.
- Open the \SDK\Themes\Designer folder and double-click Tdsetup.exe.
- Follow the instructions on your screen.
Starting Theme Designer
After the Setup program has completed, start FrontPage Explorer and start
Theme Designer by clicking Show Theme Designer on the Tools menu.
Theme Verification Assistant
When you install Theme Designer, another utility called Theme Verification
Assistant, is also installed. To run this program, open Windows Explorer and
double-click the Thmveras.exe file in the \Program Files\Microsoft
FrontPage\Bin folder. You can use this program to verify that the custom
themes you created meet the basic requirements to work well with FrontPage.
Because it analyzes one or more theme folders and creates a report that can
be saved or printed, it is very useful if you create your themes without
using Theme Designer.
Design Elements in Theme Designer
Theme view in FrontPage Explorer only shows partial theme elements. Theme
Designer, on the other hand, shows you all of the design elements of a theme,
including the following:
- Theme name
- Banner
- Top-level navigation buttons
- Horizontal navigation buttons
- Vertical navigation buttons
- Body text
- Regular hyperlink text
- Active hyperlink text
- Followed hyperlink text
- Horizontal rule
- Table border colors
- Headings
- Navigation buttons (Home, Up, Previous, and Next)
- Horizontal alignment of elements
- Vertical alignment of elements
When you rest the pointer over a theme element, the pointer changes into a
hand and the element's name appears in the status bar. If you want to change
the properties of an element or see a dynamic preview, you can open the
element's Properties dialog box by double-clicking the element or right-
clicking the element and then selecting the appropriate command on the menu
that appears.
Design Elements in FrontPage 98 Themes
FrontPage 98 themes define elements and settings for the following
Colors Graphics
------ --------
Text Bullets
Headings Banners
Backgrounds Navigation Icons
Table Borders Navigation Bar Buttons
Links Horizontal Lines
Selecting a Font for Your Theme
Unlike a word processor, you cannot specify fonts in point sizes in the
HyperText Markup Language (HTML). The Web browser that is used to view the
page, not the author of the page, controls this. There are only seven
settings available. The following table lists the seven settings and their
respective values.
Point Size HTML
---------- ----
8 Heading 6
10 Heading 5
12 Heading 4
14 Heading 3
18 Heading 2
24 Heading 1
36 Text
When you select a font for a theme, you should select a universal font--one
that is likely to be installed on the computer from which your page will be
viewed. Selecting a font that is not likely to be installed on the browsing
computer will be a poor choice. To specify one or more alternative fonts,
separate each font with a comma, like this:
Verdana, Arial, Helvetica
In this example, Verdana is the primary font used by the theme. If Verdana is not installed on the
browsing computer, Arial will be used. Because Verdana and Arial are both Windows-based fonts, you
can specify a third font, such as Helvetica. Helvetica is available on Macintosh computers.
The following fonts ship with FrontPage. You should select one of these fonts when you design your theme.
Arial Black
Arial Narrow
Arial Rounded MT Bold
Book Antiqua
Bookman Old Style
Brush Script MT Italic
Century Gothic
Century Schoolbook
Comic Sans MS
Courier New
Times New Roman
Trebuchet MS
Choosing Colors for Your Theme
All colors that you want to use for your theme should be in the 216 color
safe palette for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator Web
browsers. These colors result from all RGB (Red/Green/Blue) combinations of
0, 51, 102, 153, 204, and 255.
Saving a New or Modified Theme
When you have finished creating a new theme or editing an existing one, click Save As on the File menu to save the theme as a new theme, or click Save to overwrite the original theme with your changes. Note that you cannot overwrite the original FrontPage 98 themes that are shipped on the FrontPage 98 compact disc. These themes are read-only.