To resolve this issue, use the following methods.
Install the Latest Version of the Sound Driver
Contact the manufacturer of your sound card to inquire about how to obtain and install the latest version of the sound driver for your sound card.
If the latest version of the sound driver for your sound card is installed on your computer and the issue continues to occur, proceed to the next method.
Install the Latest Version of DirectX
Download and install the latest version of DirectX from the following Microsoft Web site:
If the issue continues to occur, rename the Dsound.dll file. To do this:
- Click Start, point to Find, and then click
Files or Folders.
- In the Named box, type dsound.dll.
- In the Look in box, click My Computer.
- In the list of found files, right-click the Dsound.dll file,
and then click Rename.
- Type dsound.old, and then press ENTER.
- Close the Find: Files or folders named dsound.dll
NOTE: If you experience any sound related problems in other programs after you rename the Dsound.dll file, rename the file back to "Dsound.dll," and then proceed to the next method.
Disable Sound Playback in Greetings Workshop
To work around this issue, disable interface sounds in Greetings Workshop. When you do this, multimedia sounds remain available in all of your projects. Only the interface or menu sounds that use dsound.dll are disabled.
To disable interface sounds in Greetings Workshop:
- Click Start, point to Find, and then click
Files or Folders.
- In the Named box, type gworkshp.exe.
- In the Look in box, click My Computer.
- In the list of found files, right-click the gworkshp.exe file,
and then click Create Shortcut. When you are prompted to create
the shortcut on your desktop, click Yes.
- Close the Find: Files or folders named
gworkshp.exe window.
- Right-click on the Shortcut to Gworkshp.exe icon,
and then click Properties.
- Click the Shortcut tab.
- Click the Target box, press the END key, and then type
"drive:\Program Files\Greetings Workshop\
Gworkshp.exe" /q
where drive is the hard disk on which Greetings
Workshop is installed.
- Click OK. to this window and double-click the icon.
To start Greetings Workshop, double-click the
Shortcut to Gworkshp.exe icon. When your receive the following message, click
Sound is not available on your machine.