Use any of the following methods to work around these problems.
Method 1
If you do not require text searching or other features that use content
indexing, you can remove the Microsoft Find Fast shortcut from the StartUp
group. To do this, follow these steps:
- Right-click Start. On the shortcut menu, click Open.
- In the C:\<Windows>\Start Menu window (where <Windows> is the name of
the folder in which you installed Microsoft Windows), double-click
Programs. Then, double-click StartUp.
- Click the Microsoft Find Fast shortcut. Then, delete it by pressing
BACKSPACE or DELETE or by dragging it to the desktop or to another
Method 2
If your computer is not running on battery power, you can turn off the
automatic suspension feature. To do this, follow these steps:
- On the Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
Double-click Power.
- In the Power tab, click to clear the "Allow Windows to manage power
use on this computer" check box. Then, click OK.
NOTE: You may be required to restart the computer.
Method 3
If you want to use Microsoft Find Fast most of the time but turn it off for
the session during which your computer is running on battery power, leave
the Microsoft Find Fast shortcut in the StartUp group. To turn off
Microsoft Find Fast, follow these steps:
- On the Start menu, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
- Double-click Find Fast.
- On the Index menu, click Close And Stop.
This method turns off Microsoft Find Fast until you restart your computer
or start Microsoft Find Fast again.
Method 4
If you want to use Microsoft Find Fast only some of the time, remove it
from the StartUp group by using the instructions in Method 1. Then, when
you want to index files, double-click the Microsoft Find Fast shortcut, and
then click Update Index on the Index menu.
To prevent battery power from running too low after you install Microsoft
Office 97, Microsoft recommends that you plug the computer into a wall
socket when you install Microsoft Office 97 and after you restart the
computer. The computer should remain plugged into the wall socket until
Microsoft Find Fast has finished indexing files.