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The following sample Visual Basic for Applications macro adds a custom menu
item (New Menu) to the main menu bar (Menu Bar), and then adds a submenu
drop-down (Sub Menu) to the New Menu item.
NOTE: The default behavior is to show all menu items when no documents are
Sub AddMenuItem()
Dim oMainMenuBar As Object
Dim oNewMenu As Object
Dim oSubMenu As Object
' Save changes to menu bars in the Normal (default) Template.
CustomizationContext = Application.NormalTemplate
' Specify the CommandBar to add to. In this example, the New Menu
' item is added to the Word for Windows default menu bar.
Set oMainMenuBar = CommandBars.Item("Menu Bar")
' Create New Menu object and add it to the built-in Menu Bar.
Set oNewMenu = oMainMenuBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
oNewMenu.Caption = "New Menu Item"
' Create a submenu item for the New Menu menu item.
Set oSubMenu = oNewMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoBarTypeMenuBar)
With oSubMenu
' Give the submenu item a reference name and display text.
.Caption = "Sub Menu"
' Specify macro to run when user clicks the submenu item.
.OnAction = "NewMenuMacro"
End With
End Sub
The following sample macro runs when the user clicks the submenu item Sub
Sub NewMenuMacro()
Dim myMenuItem as Object
Set myMenuItem = CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls("New Menu Item")
MsgBox myMenuItem.Caption
End Sub
For more information about customizing command bars, while in the Visual
Basic for Applications Editor click the Office Assistant, type
bars, click Search, and then click to view
the "Using command bars" topic.
Or, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
163160 WD97: Sample Macro to Remove a Submenu From a Menu
For additional information, please see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
173707 OFF97: How to Run Sample Code from Knowledge Base Articles