This is a Simple MAPI console application that demonstrates
how to use most of the Simple MAPI functions available. It is written in
Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 but any previous version of the compiler works just as
following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download
The Smplmapi.exe file contains the following files:
additional information about how to download Microsoft Support files, click the
following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most
current virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file
was posted. The file is stored on security-enhanced servers that help to
prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.
SwapMain.cpp is the main controlling program file. It is
responsible for displaying a menu to the user and interpreting the commands
given by the user. The code in this file is written specifically for a console
application, but because it makes calls into a separate module that implements
functionality using a user-defined class, a windows style application could be
easily substituted as the main controller of the application.
Swap.cpp is the implementation of an application class that provides the basic
functionality required by the menu presented in the main control module.
This messaging application is a Simple MAPI client. It implements
the following features:
- Present the user with a menu
- Logon to messaging system
- Select a recipient/Get e-mail address
- Enter e-mail address/Get recipient
- Get details of recipient
- Send mail message to recipient using default UI
- Send mail message to recipient with no user
- Send mail message with an attachment
- Create a new message
- List messages in the Inbox
- Read next unread message
- Log off of the messaging system
- Exit the client
- Refresh the menu
The following features are not discussed in this document
because the code to implement them is trivial and not related to MAPI at all:
- Present the user with a menu
- Exit the client
- Refresh the menu
Logon to Messaging System
The user is prompted for a profile name. If it can find the
profile name in the list of profiles, it will log the user on to the messaging
system. If it cannot find the profile entered by the user in the list of
profiles, the user is to cancel the operation or choose from an existing list.
Select a Recipient/Get E-Mail Address
The user is prompted with an address book list. When an entry is
chosen from this list, the method allocates a buffer and stuffs the buffer with
the e-mail address of the recipient chosen in the list. The buffer must be
released by the caller of this method.
Enter E-Mail Address/Get Recipient
The user is prompted to type an e-mail address. When a valid
e-mail name is entered and found in the address book, the method allocates
storage for a buffer and stuffs the buffer with the display name of the e-mail
alias. The buffer allocated in this method must be released by the caller.
Get Details of Recipient
The user is prompted to type an e-mail address. When a valid
e-mail address is entered and found in the address book, the user is presented
a "details" page filled with information specific to the e-mail address entered
by the user.
Send Mail Message to Recipient Using Default UI
The user is prompted with the default "Compose Note" form. When
the message has been given a recipient to send to and the send button is
pressed, the intended recipient gets the message.
Send Mail Message to Recipient with No User Interface
The user is prompted for the intended recipient. After a valid
recipient is entered, a hard-coded message is sent to the intended recipient.
Send Mail Message with an Attachment
The user is prompted for the intended recipient. After a valid
recipient is entered, the user is prompted for the file and path of a file to
attach. The file name must be the 8.3 representation of the file to attach. The
path name must be in the following format: "c:\windows\" (Note: the trailing
backspace is mandatory). A message is then sent to the intended recipient.
Create a New Message
A new message is automatically created in the Inbox of the user's
default message store.
List Messages in the Inbox
The user is presented with a list of the messages in the user's
default message store Inbox.
Read Next Unread Message
The user is presented with the contents of the next unread
message in the default message store Inbox.
Log Off of the Messaging System
The session handle is released and the user is logged off of the
messaging system. No MAPI specific menu options are available until the user
requests to be logged back on to the messaging system. The application remains
running until the user chooses to exit the application. If the user elects to
exit the application without first logging off, the session is terminated in an
orderly fashion and then the application closes.