How to Install Internet Explorer 4.0 (170993)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 for Windows 98 SP 2
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 for Windows NT 4.0 SP 1
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 for Windows NT 4.0 SP 2
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 for Windows NT 4.0
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 for Windows 95 SP 1
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 for Windows 95 SP 2
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 for Windows 95
This article was previously published under Q170993 This article describes troubleshooting steps that may help
you solve problems setting up and uninstalling Internet Explorer.
SUMMARY This article provides general information about installing
Internet Explorer. The following topics are discussed:
- Internet Explorer system requirements
- How to install Internet Explorer
- Common Internet Explorer Setup problems
MORE INFORMATIONInternet Explorer System Requirements To install Internet Explorer, your computer must meet the
following minimum hardware requirements: - A 486 with a 66 Mhz processor (Pentium processor
- For Microsoft Windows 95:
12 MB of RAM minimum, 16 MB
with Active Desktop For Microsoft Windows NT: 24 MB of RAM
minimum - For Microsoft Windows NT:
You must be running Service
Pack 3 (or higher) - 40 to 70 MB of hard-disk space (depending on installation
- Mouse
- Modem
If you do not know if your computer meets the above listed
requirements, consult the documentation included with your computer. How to Install Internet Explorer To install Internet Explorer, follow these steps: - If Internet Explorer 4.0 Platform Preview 2.0 is currently
installed on your computer, uninstall it.
- Double-click the Ie4setup.exe file in My Computer or
Windows Explorer to start the Active Setup Wizard.
NOTE: Internet Explorer 4 is no longer available for download from
Microsoft Web sites; however, this information is still accurate if you already
have Internet Explorer 4 or are installing it from another location.
- If you already downloaded the Ie4setup.exe file, verify
that you are still connected to the Internet and then double-click the file in
My Computer or Windows Explorer to start the Active Setup Wizard. If you did
not already download the Ie4setup.exe file, locate the link to the file on the
Microsoft World Wide Web site, click the link, click Open It, and then click OK to start the Active Setup Wizard.
- Click the desired download option, and then click Next.
- Install: Downloads the Internet Explorer installation
files and then installs Internet Explorer on your computer.
- Download Only: Downloads the Internet Explorer
installation files, but does not install Internet Explorer on your computer. To
install Internet Explorer, you must run the Ie4setup.exe file located in the
folder to which you downloaded the installation files. You can use this option
to install Internet Explorer on your computer at a later time or copy the
installation files to another computer and then install Internet Explorer on
that computer.
- Click the desired installation option, and then click Next.
- Full Installation: Requires 59 MB of disk space to
download and installs the following components.
- Internet Explorer
- Outlook Express
- NetMeeting
- FrontPad
- NetShow
- Web Publishing Wizard
- Wallet
- Multimedia enhancements
- Standard Installation: Requires 50 MB of disk space to
download and installs the following components.
- Internet Explorer
- Outlook Express
- Web Publishing Wizard
- Multimedia enhancements
- Browser Only: Requires 43 MB of disk space to download
and installs the following components.
- Internet Explorer
- Multimedia enhancements
NOTE: To reduce traffic on the Internet and reduce the amount of time
it takes you to download or install Internet Explorer, you should use the
Minimal Installation option the first time you run the Active Setup Wizard.
Additional components can be installed at a later time using the Add/Remove
Programs tool in Control Panel or by running the Active Setup Wizard again and
clicking the Full Installation or Standard
Installation option.
For information about how to install
additional components using the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel,
please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 171229 How to Add and Remove Internet Explorer Components
- Click the integration option you want, and then click Next.
- Yes: Integrates browser functionality into the desktop
and into many common shell activities.
- No: Does not integrate browser functionality into the
desktop or into common shell activities.
NOTE: The integration mode can be enabled or disabled after Internet
Explorer is installed. To change the integration mode, follow these
- Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Add/Remove
- Click the Install/Uninstall tab, click
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 in the list of installed
programs, and then click Add/Remove.
- If the Web Integrated Desktop is not active, click
Add Web Integrated Desktop from Web site to enable it. If the
Web Integrated Desktop is active, click Remove Web Integrated
Desktop, but keep the Internet Explorer 4.0 Web browser to disable
- Click the appropriate region, and then click Next.
- Type the path to the folder in which you want to install
Internet Explorer in the Install In Folder box, and then click
Next. If you clicked the Install option in step 3 and Internet
Explorer is currently installed on your computer, the folder in which Internet
Explorer is currently installed is selected by default. If you clicked the
Install option in step 3 and Internet Explorer is not currently installed on
your computer, or you clicked the Download Only option in step 3, a different
folder is selected by default.
- Click the appropriate region and download location in the Region and Download Location boxes, and then click Next. After you click Next, the Active Setup Wizard starts downloading
the Internet Explorer installation files.
If you clicked the Download Only option in step 3, the
following message is displayed after the Active Setup Wizard downloads the
Internet Explorer installation files:
Setup has finished downloading Internet Explorer 4.0.
Run "IE4SETUP.EXE" from the <path> folder when ready to complete
Setup. You must run IE4Setup.exe to complete the installation. If you clicked the Install option in step 3, the following
message is displayed after the Active Setup Wizard downloads the Internet
Explorer installation files:
Setup has finished downloading Internet Explorer 4.0.
If you are connected to the Internet, you can disconnect now if you
want. Installation will continue in a few moments. If your computer stops responding (hangs) after this message is
displayed or the installation does not continue for some other reason, you can
restart the Setup program by running the Ie4setup.exe file located in the
folder to which you downloaded the installation files. When you restart the
Setup program, the Smart Recovery feature allows the Active Setup Wizard to
recognize where the installation halted and recover the installation where it
left off. After the installation is finished, the following message
is displayed:
Configuring your system. Please wait... While this message is displayed, all remaining files are copied
to your hard disk, the registry is updated, and all remaining Setup log file
entries are made. Common Internet Explorer Setup Problems When you attempt to install Internet Explorer, one of the
following error messages may be displayed: - Setup could not retrieve the information needed for the
installation. The network is probably busy. Please run Setup again later.
- Setup was unable to download information about available
installation sites. The network may be busy, do you want to retry? If you
continue having this problem, please try Setup at a later time.
- Installation Failed.
- The folder '<path>' is invalid.
- Setup cannot upgrade the current version of Internet
Explorer. You must uninstall it before you can install this version of Internet
Explorer. Setup cannot continue.
- There is not enough disk space to install Internet Explorer
4.0 using the installation option you selected. You need to have <xxxx>
KB free on drive C. Currently, there are <xxxx> KB free. Please free up
some hard-disk space, and then click Next. Or click Back to change your
installation options or folder.
- You do not have enough disk space to install Internet
Explorer 4.0 with the options you selected. You need to have <xxxx> KB
free on drive C. Currently, there are <xxxx> KB free. Please free up some
hard-disk space, and then click Next. Or click Back to change your installation
options or folder.
- Error initializing the cache. Shut down all programs and
run Scandisk or Chkdsk. Delete the cache, cookies, and history directories in
your Windows directory and the restart Internet Explorer. If the problem
persists reinstall Internet Explorer.
- Setup was unable to download all the required components
for this installation. The Internet is likely busy. Please try setup again
later and select Smart Recovery to continue downloading.
Only the desktop wallpaper may appear when you restart your
computer after you install Internet Explorer. For information about
these problems, please see the appropriate section below. - Setup Could Not Retrieve the Information Needed for the
To resolve this behavior, please see the following
article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 166917
Err Msg: Setup Could Not Retrieve the Information Needed...
- Setup Was Unable to Download Information About Available
Installation Sites:
This behavior can be caused by either of the
following situations:
- The location from which you are attempting to download
Internet Explorer is extremely busy or there is a different behavior with the
- The proxy server settings that Internet Explorer is
configured to use or the settings for the Dial-Up Networking connectoid that
Internet Explorer is configured to use are incorrect.
To work around this behavior, use the appropriate method:
- Try downloading Internet Explorer from a different
location or downloading it at a later time.
- Verify that the proxy server settings or the settings
for the Dial- Up Networking connectoid are correct.
- Installation Failed:
If this error message is
displayed, Setup also displays a red X next to all the items in the install
list. If the error message is not displayed, Setup may display a red X next to
one or more items in the install list.
This behavior can be caused
by any of the following situations:
- There is not enough free space on the hard
- A file that Internet Explorer is attempting to copy to
your hard disk is already being used by another program.
- One or more of the installation files is
- You are no longer connected to the Internet.
To work around this behavior, use the appropriate method:
- Increase the amount of free space on the drive on which
you are installing Internet Explorer. To do so, follow these steps:
- Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click
Add/Remove Programs.
- Click a program you do not use, and then click
Add/Remove. Follow the on-screen instructions, until the
program is removed.
- Quit all programs that are currently running. To do so,
right-click a program name appearing on the taskbar, and then click Close. Repeat this process until no programs appear on the
- Delete the folder to which you downloaded the
installation files and then download the files again. For information about how
to do this, view the online Help topic deleting.
- Verify that the proxy server settings are correct and
then connect to the Internet again.
After performing one of the above steps, attempt to install
Internet Explorer again. - The Folder '<path>' Is Invalid:
information about this behavior, please see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base: 166990 Error Message: The Folder '<Path>' Is Invalid...
- Setup Cannot Upgrade the Current Version of Internet
This behavior can occur if either of the following
conditions exist:
- You are installing Internet Explorer 4.01 (Version
4.72.2106.8) over Platform Preview 1.0 (Version 4.71.544.) or 2.0 (Version
To resolve this problem, uninstall the Platform Preview
version of Internet Explorer 4.0 before you install Internet Explorer 4.01. NOTE: If for some reason you cannot uninstall the Platform Preview
version of Internet Explorer 4.0, rename the Shdocvw.dll file.
information about renaming files, click Start, click Help, click the Index tab, type renaming, and then double-click Renaming
Files. - The Active Setup Wizard cannot determine which version
of Internet Explorer is currently installed on your computer.
work around this behavior, use one of the following methods:
- If you are upgrading to Internet Explorer 4.0 or
4.01 from Internet Explorer 3.x and you have never successfully installed
Internet Explorer 4.0 or 4.01, or Internet Explorer 4.0 or 4.01 has been
uninstalled, reinstall the version of Internet Explorer 3.x you are currently
running before you installing Internet Explorer 4.0 or 4.01.
- If you are upgrading Internet Explorer 4.0 to 4.01
(or reinstalling Internet Explorer 4.0 or 4.01), then check the Active Setup
Log.txt file for lines that begin with "File Version" to determine the cause of
the problem.
NOTE: If any of these files have a version number of 4.71.544.x or
4.71.1008.x, rename them before you run Internet Explorer 4.0 or 4.01 Setup.
When you install Internet Explorer, it checks the version of several
files to determine which version of Internet Explorer is currently installed on
your computer. If Internet Explorer 4.0 or 4.01 is currently installed, it
determines whether the Web Integrated Desktop is enabled. The results of this
version check are added to the Active Setup log.txt file.
- There Is Not Enough Disk Space to Install Internet Explorer
4.0 Using the Installation Option You Selected:
This behavior can
occur when you install Internet Explorer on a drive other than the drive on
which Windows is installed and the drive contains less than 50 MB of free disk
To work around this behavior, increase the amount of free
space on the drive on which you are installing Internet Explorer and then
attempt to install Internet Explorer again. - Error Initializing the Cache: This behavior can occur if
you are using Windows NT and you disabled long file name support for partitions
using the FAT file system.
To work around this behavior, enable long
file name support for partitions using the FAT file system and then attempt to
install Internet Explorer again. For information about how to do this, view the
online Help topic long filenames. - Setup Was Unable to Download All the Required Components:
This behavior can occur if Internet Explorer Active Setup finds a version of a
file that is incompatible with Internet Explorer.
To resolve this
behavior, use the following steps.
NOTE: If you are currently running Internet Explorer with the Active
Desktop enabled, disable the Active Desktop before you proceed. To disable the
Active Desktop, right-click an empty area on your desktop, point to
Active Desktop, and then click View As Web
Page to clear the check mark.
For information about how to
remove the Windows Desktop Update component, see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base: 165695 How to Add or Remove Windows Desktop Update
- Restart your computer to a command prompt. To do so,
follow the steps in the appropriate section below:
Windows 95:
Restart your computer, press the F8 key when you see the "Starting
Windows 95" message, and then click Safe Mode Command Prompt
Windows NT:
Restart your computer using an
MS-DOS-formatted floppy disk.
NOTE: If your system partition uses the NT file system (NTFS) file
system, follow these steps instead of starting your computer to a command
- Install Windows NT into a separate
- Restart your computer.
- From the Windows NT boot menu, choose the new
installation of Windows NT.
Rename the following files located in the
<drive>:\<windows>\system folder or the
<drive>:\<windows>\system32 folder, where <drive> is the
drive letter on which Windows 95 or Windows NT is installed, and
<windows> is the folder in which Windows 95 or Windows NT is installed:
- Wininet.dll
- Urlmon.dll
- Shdocvw.dll
- Shlwapi.dll
- Wintrust.dll
- Digsig.dll
- Inseng.dll
- Jobexec.dll For example, to rename the Wininet.dll file, type the following
command at a command prompt, and then press ENTER:
ren wininet.dll NOTE: If you are running Windows NT and your system partition uses
NTFS, rename the files using Windows NT Explorer in the new installation of
Windows NT. For information about how to rename a file, click Start, click Help, click the Index tab, type renaming, and then double-click Renaming Files.Restart
your computer normally, and then install Internet Explorer again.
NOTE: If you are running Windows NT and your system partition uses NTFS,
restart your computer into the previous installation of Windows NT, and then
install Internet Explorer again.
- Only the Desktop Wallpaper Appears When You Restart Your
For information about how to work around this problem,
please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 174486 Only Desktop Wallpaper Appears When You Start Your Computer
Note If you receive an error message during setup that is not included
in this article, please click below to search the Microsoft Knowledge Base for
troubleshooting steps about the error message:
Modification Type: | Major | Last Reviewed: | 8/21/2006 |
Keywords: | kbhowto kbsetup kbtshoot KB170993 |