When you cut or copy some objects inserted into a page of labels created
by clicking New Document on the Label tab, the following error message may appear:
This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. If the problem persists, contact the program vendor.
When you click Details, the following error message is shown:
Winword caused an invalid page fault in module WINWORD.EXE at
NOTE: The Label tab can be accessed by clicking Envelopes And Labels on the
Tools menu.
To prevent the error from occurring, use any of the following methods to
change the object from a floating object to an inline object.
Method 1: Object Already in the Document
- Click the object to select it, and then click Picture on the Format
- Click the Position Tab, and then click to clear the Float Over Text check box.
NOTE: When clip art is inserted from the Microsoft Clip Gallery, the clip
art is always inserted as a floating object. Method 1 should be used to
turn off the Float Over Text option before you copy or cut an image
inserted from Microsoft Clip Gallery.
Method 2: Insert Picture as Inline
- On the Insert Menu, point to Picture, and then click From File.
- Look In should point to the Clipart directory or the directory where
your clip art has been stored.
- If necessary, double-click Popular or a different folder.
- Click to select the image you want to insert.
- Click to clear the Float Over Text check box, and then click Insert.
Method 3: Insert Object as Inline
- On the Insert Menu, click Object.
- Click to clear the Float Over Text check box, scroll through the list of objects, and then click to select the object you want to insert.
- Click OK.
For additional information on instances of Word not responding (hanging),
please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
163365 WD97: Hang During Copy/Paste or Drag/Drop of Object After Undo
For additional information on Float Over Text, please see the following
articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
161692 WD97: Problems With Float Over Text Objects
163276 OFF97: Office 97 Clipart Not Available
When inserting a graphic into a label, it is very common to insert the
graphic as an inline object rather than a floating object. For more
information about converting floating objects to inline objects, please see
the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
167738 WD97: Can't See or Manipulate Objects (and Other Odd Behavior)
For more information about floating objects, click the Office Assistant,
type "floating objects," click Search, and then click "Label a graphic or
insert text in a shape."
For more information about adding graphics to labels, please see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
123312 WD: How to Add a Graphic or Logo to Every Label on a Page
For more information about positioning objects, click the Office
Assistant, type "float over text," click Search, and then click one of the
following topics:
- About positioning text and graphics
- Type over existing text
- Select text and graphics
- Change a floating picture to an inline picture and vice-versa