XFOR: Event 290 Occurs When Performing Dirsync with cc:Mail (170535)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0

This article was previously published under Q170535


An event similar to the following occurs:
   Event: 290
   Source: MSExchange MTA
   Category: X.400 Service
   Description: A non-delivery report (reason code unable-to-transfer and
   diagnostic code unrecognized-OR-name) is being generated for message
   C=US;A= ;P=FL GOV;L=AG1EXS01=970612143602Z-28. It was originally
   destined for DN:/o=FL GOV/ou=AUDITOR GENERAL/cn=RECIPIENTS/cn=8F7045D1S
   (recipient number 1); and was to be redirected to.
   (MTA DISP:RESULT 21 136)(12)


The message transfer agent that is attempting to pass the message to the Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus cc:Mail generates this event when the address space has not been defined or has been defined incorrectly.


Correct the address space defined for the cc:Mail postoffice in the Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus cc:Mail.


For additional information on other causes of Event 290, please see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

170471 XCON: 290/4284 Errors Indicate Misconfigured MTA or Connector

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:4/28/2005
Keywords:kbprb KB170535