XL97: Macro Command Menubars(xlWorkBook) Is Not Valid (170448)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Excel 97 for Windows

This article was previously published under Q170448


When you run a macro to display the Microsoft Excel 4.0 menu bar, the menu bar does not appear, and no error message is displayed.


This problem occurs when you use the constant xlworkbook to display the Microsoft Excel 4.0 menu bar. This menu bar is no longer available in Microsoft Excel 97.

For additional information about customizing menu bars in Microsoft Excel 97, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

166755 XL97: WE1183: "Customizing Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items"


This behavior is by design of Microsoft Excel 97.


In Microsoft Excel 97, menu bars and toolbars are referred to as the same programmable object type (a command bar). You can use Visual Basic for Applications to manipulate the built-in command bars in Microsoft Excel 97. Although command bars are recommended over menu bars, the menu bars object is used for backward compatibility with earlier versions of Microsoft Excel.


For more information about programmatically customizing command bars, click Microsoft Visual Basic Help on the Help menu in the Visual Basic Editor, type Customizing menus,click Search, and then click "Overview of Command Bars" to go to the topic.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/22/2000
Keywords:kbcode kbmacro kbprb kbProgramming kbui KB170448