SQL Server implementation of server side cursor uses worktables to maintain
keyset and optimistic concurrency values. This article describes the format
and contents of these worktables in SQL Server version 6.5. You can find
additional information on server side cursors in the SQL Server
documentation and the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
: INF: Overview of SQL Server, ODBC, and DB-Library Cursors
: INF: Locking Behavior of Cursors on SQL Server Version 6.0
A good understanding of the use of these worktables can hopefully help in
troubleshooting server side cursor performance and tempdb space allocation
For each table involved in each type of cursor, one or two worktables are
created in tempdb at cursor declaration/open time. One is the keyset table
that stores the row identifier (RID) and the key values (and also possibly
the timestamp). The other is the OPTCCVAL table, which stores the complete
rows that are currently in the fetch buffer.
The following section describes these worktables in more detail, based on
the type of cursor is used.
When the cursor is opened, the query defining the cursor is run and the RID
and unique key values of the qualifying rows are saved in a keyset table in
tempdb. There is one such keyset table for every table involved in the
query. If there is a timestamp on the table, it is also saved in the keyset
table. All further cursor fetch commands are based on these keyset tables.
To fetch a given row, first a RID lookup is performed on the main table,
based on the saved RID value in the keyset table. If the row is found, the
key values (or timestamp if it exists) are compared with those that are
saved in the keyset table. If these match, the desired columns are fetched
from this row. Otherwise, an index-based scan is performed on the table,
searching for the row with the given unique key values found in the keyset
table. These keyset tables are created during cursor declaration, and
populated during cursor open. Closing and reopening a cursor causes these
tables to be truncated and repopulated. For a cursor with a very large
results set, the task of populating these keyset tables may take up a
considerable amount of time during cursor open. This problem can be solved
in two ways: by using dynamic cursors, or by populating keyset tables
Format of keyset tables: row# + RID + key values (+ timestamp if it exists)
If the cursor is opened with an optimistic concurrency option of OPTCC or
OPTCCVAL and there is no scroll locking in effect, for every table that is
involved in the query with no timestamp, there will also be an OPTCCVAL
table that stores the complete rows corresponding to the currently fetched
buffer. When an optimistic lookup is needed later, the values of the
current row are compared against the values in the OPTCCVAL table row. This
requires truncation and re-population of the OPTCCVAL table(s) with every
fetch command, which can introduce negative impact on cursor performance.
Users and application developers concerned with obtaining maximum
performance can avoid an OPTCCVAL cursor type by using either timestamp or
scroll locking instead. Scroll locking can be achieved either by using the
LOCKCC option on the cursor, or by using the UPDLOCK or HOLDLOCK keywords
in the original query. Because LOCKCC, UPDLOCK, and HOLDLOCK will likely
reduce concurrency and possibly introduce more blocking in the system, it
is recommended that you carefully evaluate performance and concurrency
requirements, and choose the proper cursor type accordingly.
The keyset tables are populated only during cursor fetch operations. These
tables only contain the RIDs and key values of the rows that were in the
last fetched buffer. Every fetch operation truncates the keyset table and
refills it with the new qualifying rows. This eliminates the problem of a
cursor open taking too long for a large results set, while adding extra
overhead and a performance penalty to fetch operations. In cases when the
tempdb is too small to accommodate huge keyset tables, this may be the only
The keyset table may have one of the following forms:
- If the cursor is opened with an optimistic concurrency option of OPTCC
- Table has timestamp and unique index: row#+RID+keys+timestamp
- Table has timpstamp but no unique index: row#+RID+timestamp
- Table has no timestamp: row#+RID+complete row
- If the cursor is opened with an optimistic concurrency option of
Read-Only or LOCKCC:
- Table has unique index: row#+RID+keys
- Table has no unique index: complete row
There is no OPTCCVAL table for DYNAMIC cursors.
In SQL Server 6.5, FORWARD-ONLY cursors are DYNAMIC by default, but if the
query plan involves interim worktables, the FORWARD-ONLY cursor is opened
as KEYSET-DRIVEN if there is a unique index on every one of its underlying
tables, and INSENSITIVE and READ-ONLY otherwise. In addition, if the
Transact-SQL statement contains one of the keywords UNION, DISTINCT, GROUP
BY and/or HAVING, or aggregate functions, the cursor is automatically READ-
As an additional performance improvement, FORWARD-ONLY DYNAMIC ANSI cursors
have a procedure cache page instead of a temporary table to store the
keyset because these cursors are DYNAMIC and only have one row in the fetch
buffer at a time.
No keyset or OPTCCVAL table is created; a temporary table is created and
the complete result set is copied into the temporary table at cursor open