Uniform Resource Locator Not Shown as a Link in Comic Strip View (168195)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Chat 2.1 for Windows NT 4.0
  • Microsoft Chat 2.0 for Windows NT 4.0
  • Microsoft Chat 2.1 for Windows 95
  • Microsoft Chat 2.0 for Windows 95

This article was previously published under Q168195


In Microsoft Chat, when you send text that contains a Universal Resource Locator (URL) in Comic Strip view, the URL may not be recognized as an Internet link.


This problem occurs when the text that you sent is too long to fit in one comic panel. If the text that contains the URL is spread over two or more comic panels, the URL is not recognized as an Internet link, even if the URL is displayed within one comic panel.


To have the URL be recognized as an Internet link, use any of the following methods:
  • Send the URL separately from the remaining text so that only one comic panel is used to display the URL.

  • Decrease the number of panels that are displayed in Comic Strip view. When Microsoft Chat uses fewer comic panels, each panel is larger and can display more text. To decrease the number of panels in a comic strip, click Options on the View menu, click the Comics View tab, and then select the number of panels in the Page Layout box. The minimum number of comic panels that can be displayed is one, and the maximum is four.
  • Upgrade to Microsoft Chat version 2.5. Microsoft Chat 2.5 is available for free download from Microsoft at the following Web address:


The text containing the URL must fit within one comic panel in order for the URL to be recognized as an Internet link. For example, if Microsoft Chat is configured to display the comic strip using four panels, the URL in the following sentence is not recognized as an Internet link:

http://www.example.microsoft.com contains a lot of information about Microsoft Chat version 2.0.

In this example, although the URL (http://www.example.microsoft.com)fits within the first comic panel, it is not recognized as an Internet link because a second panel is created to display the rest of the sentence.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:6/28/2004
Keywords:kbenv KB168195