Try to remove and reinstall the application software before you attempt to
replace the OS/2 subsystem files as corrupt application files are more
often the cause of the error.
To reinstall the OS/2 subsystem use EXPAND.EXE or EXPNDW32.EXE (found in
the Windows NT Resource Kit) for the following files:
OS2SS.EXE - %SystemRoot%\System32\
OS2.EXE - %SystemRoot%\System32\
OS2SRV.EXE - %SystemRoot%\System32\
NETAPI.DLL - %SystemRoot%\System32\Os2\Dll\
doscalls.dll - %SystemRoot%\System32\Os2\Dll\
Oso001.009 does not need to be expanded, but replace the file in the
%SystemRoot%\System32\Os2\ with a fresh copy.
For steps to remove the OS/2 subsystem registry entries please see the
following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
TITLE : GP Fault in OS/2 Subsystem