For more information about ActiveX, please see the following articles in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
163435 Programming Resources for Visual Basic for Applications
155965 WD97: CTRL+Z UNDO Will Not Work In Form Control Tools
162598 WD97: ActiveX Controls Lose Sizing After Previewing in Browser
155903WD97: Error Inserting ActiveX Control
For more information about "ActiveX," click the Office Assistant, type
ActiveX, click Search, and then click one of the following topics:
- Insert form fields or ActiveX controls in a form
- Form elements you can use on a web page
- Register a new ActiveX control
- Designing a web page
NOTE: If the Assistant is hidden, click the Office Assistant button on the
Standard toolbar. If Word Help is not installed on your computer, please
see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
120802 Office: How to Add/Remove a Single Office Program or Component