Before the release of the Microsoft Exchange Macintosh client 5.0 SP1,
administrators with X.400 gateways could not properly send files from the
Macintosh client because there is no specified mechanism for transporting
Macintosh file types via X.400. In addition, Microsoft has been asked to
address requests from organizations asking for the ability to send specific
Macintosh File/Creator pairs as a data fork only.
This ability takes the form of editing a new string ID in the Exchange
Preferences file, ID #134, "Windows File Types." An editor such as ResEdit
will be required.
NOTE: ResEdit can manipulate resources crucial to the running of a
Macintosh application. Users and administrators should run the Command-D
keystroke combination against the Exchange Preferences file to create a
copy for safekeeping.
To add a global extension that will always be excluded from MacBinary
Conversion (in this example, ResEdit is used):
- Open the Exchange Preferences file (located in the Preferences folder.)
- Open ID 134.
- Highlight String 7. It will appear as 7) *****
- Do the Command-K keystroke combination (to insert a new field).
- Enter the extension to be excluded in the form of
It is a "7" because 6 common extensions have already been inserted.
Increment as required.
To add a specific extension from a specific application Creator/Type to the
exclusion list (again, ResEdit in this example):
- Open the Exchange Preferences file.
- Open ID 134.
- Scroll down to the last string ID; 83) *****
- Do the Command-K keystroke combination.
- Enter the Creator/Type and Extension to be excluded as follows:
:[CREATOR]:[TYPE]= .[Extension]
- Save the file and quit the editor. Test when done. If the attachments
arrive as expected, you can delete the saved copy of the Exchange
Preferences file.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Exchange Server
version 5.0.
This problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0 U.S. Service Pack. For information on obtaining the service pack, query on the
following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):