The Use Relative Paths option and the Copy to Document Folder option can
be found by clicking Video on the Insert menu, or by pointing to
Background Sound on the Insert menu and clicking Properties.
Use Relative Path
When the Use Relative Paths option is enabled, the path to the video clip
or background sound will contain only information about where the object
is, relative to the HTML document the object is being inserted into.
For example:
Assume the HTML document is located on \\server\share\mydoc.html
and assume the video clip is located one level deeper on
Scenerio 1: Use Relative Path is Enabled
If the Use Relative Paths option is enabled, the HTML document will only
contain path information for the video clip relative to the HTML document.
In this case, the HTML code will be:
Scenerio 2: Use Relative Path is Disabled
If the Use Relative Paths option is disabled, the HTML document will
contain complete path information for the video clip. In this case, the
HTML code will be
If the HTML document is saved or copied to a new location, the video clip
will not work in Scenerio 1 because the path to the video clip would now
incorrect. In Scenerio 2, the video clip would continue to work as long as
the computer on which the HTML file is stored has access to the server
where the video clip is located.
Copy to Document Folder
When the Copy to Document Folder option is enabled, the video clip or
background sound will be copied to the same folder as the HTML file.
For example:
Assume the HTML document is located on \\server\share\mydoc.html
and assume the video clip is located one level deeper on
If the "Copy to Document Folder" option is enabled, the video clip will be
copied to the \\server\share folder so that it will be in the same folder
as the HTML document.
If the Use Relative Paths option is enabled, the HTML code will be
If the Use Relative Paths option is disabled, the HTML code will contain
the full path to the video clip: