When you try to synchronize all folders from a client with an offline folder (.ost) file,
you receive the following error message:
Synchronization with the offline folder file could not be completed.
Consult the synchronization log in the deleted items folder for details.
If you review the synchronization log, you see the following entries:
11:43:26 Synchronizing Organization Forms
11:43:27 Error synchronizing folder
11:43:27 [8004010F-501-0-521]
11:43:27 The client operation failed.
11:43:27 Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store
11:43:27 Done
The following MAPI code may be displayed in the synchronization log for
the same issue:
8:20:20 Synchronizing Organization Forms
Error synchronizing folder
8:20:25 [80004005-507-0-522]
8:20:25 The contents of this public folder are currently
unavailable. Either the Microsoft Exchange Server computer servicing this
public folder is down or the public folder has not been replicated to this
site. See your administrator.
The Organizational Forms Library has been deleted and re-created after the .ost file has synchronized
the library
To resolve this issue, verify the following:
The replica of the original Organizational Forms Library has been removed from the public folder
This issue can also occur in a situation where the replica of the original
Organizational Forms Library has been removed from the public folder. As
long as the original Organizational Forms Library has not been deleted, a
replica can again be created in the site and the error message will
disappear after the folder has been successfully replicated.
To create a replica, follow these steps:
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5
- Start Microsoft Exchange Administrator, and then connect to the server that holds the original Organizational Forms Library.
- Expand Folders, expand System Folders, and then expand EFORMS REGISTRY.
- Click your Organizational Forms Library folder. For example, click Organizational Forms.
- On the File menu, click Properties.
- Click the Replicas tab.
- In the left column, click the server that you want to replicate the folder to, and then click Add.
- Click Apply, and then click OK.
Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server and Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
- Start Exchange System Manager.
- If administrative groups are displayed, expand Administrative Groups, and then expand the group that you want to work with.
- Expand Folders.
- Right-click Public Folders, and then click View System Folders.
- Right-click your Organizational Forms Library folder, and then click Properties.
- Click the Replication tab.
- Click Add, click the server that you want to replicate the folder to, and then click OK two times.
Note If the Organizational Forms folder has been deleted from your Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 computer, you can re-create
it by using the Exchange Administrator program. To re-create it, click
Forms Administrator
on the
Tools menu, and then click
For additional information about how to recover individual organizational forms in Exchange Server 5.5, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to rebuild a deleted Organizational Forms Library
If the Organizational Forms folder has been deleted from your Exchange 2000 computer or from your Exchange 2003 computer, follow the steps in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article to add a new Organizational Forms folder:
244591 How to create an Organizational Forms Library in Exchange
Eforms Registry folder does not exist
If the Eforms Registry folder does not exist, you can use the Guidgen.exe tool to create a new system folder to replace the Eforms Registry. You can use the Guidgen.exe tool on a server that is running Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003.
Note You cannot reset the GUID for only a single site folder. If you reset the GUID, all offline address books and Free/Busy Information for a single administrative group are deleted.
For additional information about how to use the Guidgen.exe tool, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to reset system folders on an Exchange 2000 Server
822444 How to reset system folders in Exchange Server 2003