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OFF97: How to Run Sample Code from Knowledge Base Articles
You can use one of the following methods to delay execution of a macro by using Visual Basic for Applications.
Method 1: Use an Empty For...Next Loop
A disadvantage to this method is that there is no direct way to determine the exact amount of time that the program takes to run the loop. The amount of time depends on the speed of your computer. The following code runs a loop that does nothing but take up some time.
Sub MyDelayMacro
For iCount = 1 to 1000
Next iCount
End Sub
Method 2: Use an API Call to Suspend the Execution of Word
Use an API call to suspend the execution of Word for a fixed amount of time.
The Kernel32 contains a function that pauses a program's execution for a specified amount of time, specified in milliseconds. To use the function, it must first be declared in the General Declarations section of the module in which it will be used:
Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" Alias "Sleep" _
(ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Use the following syntax to call the
Sleep function:
Sub Sleep()
Sleep 1000 'Implements a 1 second delay
End Sub
Method 3: Use the OnTime Method
Use the
OnTime method to set an amount of time to pause before running additional macro commands. The
OnTime method uses the following syntax:
expression.OnTime(When, Name, Tolerance)
Because the
Name argument requires the name of a macro to run, you must create two macros. The first macro contains the
OnTime method call and other commands relevant to your macro. The second macro runs when the allotted time has passed. The second macro can be a "dummy" macro that does nothing.
This example runs the macro named "MyDelayMacro" for 15 seconds from the time the example macro (MyMainMacro) is run.
Sub MyMainMacro()
' Pause for 15 seconds.
Application.OnTime When:=Now + TimeValue("00:00:15"), _
End Sub
Public Sub MyDelayMacro()
' Place your delayed macro commands here.
MsgBox "This macro runs after 15 seconds."
End Sub
For additional information about getting help with Visual Basic for Applications, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
163425 WD97: Macro Programming Resources
163435 VBA: Programming Resources for Visual Basic for Applications