To configure FrontPage 97 Server Extensions for Windows NT-based Web servers,
modify the parameter settings in the Frontpg.ini file. This file is typically
located in the C:\Windows or C:\Winnt folder. If the server is multi-homed, the
sections for each virtual server are shown in the following table:
FrontPg.ini Section Server Type
[Port <IPAddress>:<port>] IIS server
[Port <Hostname>:<port>] other NT servers
Global settings, which affect all virtual servers, are stored in
the [FrontPage 2.0] section of the Frontpg.ini file. The default
value for each parameter is 0, unless otherwise noted. The syntax for the
statements is:
For example:
When you place the parameter in the [FrontPage 2.0] section of the
Frontpg.ini file, all ports and all web servers installed on that
server are affected by the setting. When you place the parameter in
the [Port *:<port>] section of the Frontpg.ini file, the specific port
is affected.
When you set Logging to a non-zero value, authoring operations are
logged in the Author.log file located in the _vti_log folder of the
root Web. Each log entry includes the current time, the remote host,
the author's user name, the name of the Web, the operation performed,
and per-operation data.
When you set NoSaveResultsToAbsoluteFile to a non-zero value, you
prevent the Save Results, Registration, and Discussion WebBot
components from writing to an absolute file path when the browsing
account has the NTFS rights set to write to that path. When this is
set, the Save Results WebBot component can only write a file within
the Web's content area.
When you set NoExecutableCgiUpload to a non-zero value, authors cannot
upload files to a directory marked as executable and they cannot mark
a directory as executable. For example, when you set
NoExecutableCgiUpload to a non-zero value, authors are prevented from
uploading and executing Active Server Pages (ASP), Internet Database
Connector Pages (IDC), PERL Scripts (PL), CGI scripts, and ISAPI
extensions. To restrict an author's ability to upload and execute CGI
scripts and ISAPI extensions only, use the AllowExecutableScripts
configuration parameter.
When you set AllowExecutableScripts to a non-zero value, FrontPage
sets the executable bit on files within executable directories. Hence,
when directories are marked as executable, all files within the
directory are also marked as executable. For example, when you set
this parameter to a non-zero value, authors will be able to execute
newly uploaded CGI scripts and ISAPI extensions because they will be
marked executable.
When you set ReformatHtml to "Y" or a non-zero value, the FrontPage 97
Server Extensions reformat all HTML pages as they are uploaded. When
you set ReformatHTML to zero, the FrontPage 97 Server Extensions
reformat only pages that contain WebBot components.
When you set UpperCaseTags to "Y" or a non-zero value, all HTML tags
are converted to upper-case characters when the FrontPage 97 Server
Extensions reformat the HTML pages.
When you set PreserveTagCase to "Y" or a non-zero value, the case of
HTML tag attributes is preserved when the FrontPage 97 Server
Extensions reformat the HTML pages. Note that the tag itself will
always be upper- or lower-case according to the UpperCaseTags
When you set TextMemory to zero, you turn off full-text indexing of
your Webs. When you set TextMemory to a non-zero value, you allocate
how many megabytes the full-text indexing uses for its hash-tables and
other data structures. The default setting is 1.