ACC95: Using OLE Automation to Import Microsoft Exchange Message (162078)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Access for Windows 95 7.0

This article was previously published under Q162078


Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.

Microsoft Access provides the SendObject method, which enables you to send a mail message through Microsoft Exchange. However, Microsoft Access provides no way to import messages from Microsoft Exchange. This article demonstrates how to use OLE Automation to import messages from Microsoft Exchange into a Microsoft Access database.

This article assumes that you are familiar with Visual Basic for Applications and with creating Microsoft Access applications using the programming tools provided with Microsoft Access. For more information about Visual Basic for Applications, please refer to the "Building Applications with Microsoft Access for Windows 95" manual.

NOTE: This article uses Microsoft Exchange, a product which must be purchased and installed separately. The Microsoft Exchange component which ships with Windows 95 will not work with this article.


The Microsoft Exchange object model provides information stores (InfoStores) that may contain multiple folders. An information store may consist of a user's Personal Information Store (.PST file), network stores, and Public Folders. Each folder in an information store may contain multiple messages. This procedure demonstrates how to import messages from top level folders of a specific information store or all information stores.

To import messages from Microsoft Exchange, follow these steps:
  1. Start Microsoft Access and create a new database.
  2. Create a new table with the following fields:
          Table: Messages
          Field Name: MessageID
             Data Type: Text
             Field Size: 255
          Field Name: InfoStore
             Data Type: Text
             Field Size: 255
          Field Name: FolderName
             Data Type: Text
             Field Size: 255
          Field Name: Sender
             Data Type: Text
             Field Size: 255
          Field Name: To
             Data Type: Memo
          Field Name: CC
             Data Type: Memo
          Field Name: BCC
             Data Type: Memo
          Field Name: Subject
             Data Type: Memo
          Field Name: MessageText
             Date Type: Memo
          Field Name: DateReceived
             Date Type: Date/Time
          Field Name: DateSent
             Date Type: Date/Time
          Field Name: Importance
             Data Type: Text
             Field Size: 50
  3. Save the table as Messages.
  4. Create a module and type the following line in the Declarations section:
          Option Explicit
          Dim db As DATABASE
          Dim rsMsg As Recordset
  5. In the References box, select OLE/Messaging 1.0 Object Library, and click OK. NOTE: If this object library is not available in the References list, you will need to browse your Windows\System folder for the file Mdisp32.tlb.
  6. Type the following procedures:
        'FUNCTION: ParseRecipients
        ' Purpose: Check a MAPI message for a specific type of recipient and
        ' return a semicolon delimited list of recipients. For instance, if
        ' this function is called using the MapiTo constant, this function
        ' will return a semicolon delimited list of all recipients on the
        ' 'TO' line of the message.
        Function ParseRecipients(objMessage As Object, RecipientType As _
         Dim RecipientCount As Long
         Dim Recipient As Object
         Dim ReturnString As String
         Set Recipient = objMessage.Recipients(RecipientCount)
         For RecipientCount = 1 To objMessage.Recipients.Count
            If RecipientType = Recipient(RecipientCount).Type Then
                ReturnString = ReturnString & Recipient(RecipientCount).Name _
                    & "; "
            End If
         If Len(ReturnString) > 0 Then
            ReturnString = Left(Trim(ReturnString), Len(ReturnString) - 2)
            ParseRecipients = ReturnString
            ParseRecipients = Null
         End If
        End Function
        'SUB: WriteMessage
        'Purpose: Adds message information to fields in the table through the
        'the recordset opened in the ImportMessages Sub. This procedure
        'is called from the RetrieveMessage Sub when it is time to write
        'information to the table.
        Sub WriteMessage(objMessage As Object, FolderName As String, _
                     InfoStore As String)
         Dim RetVal
         Dim iString As String
         iString = "Importing messages from: " & InfoStore & "\" & FolderName _
                  & "..."
         RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, iString)
         With rsMsg
            !MessageID = objMessage.ID
            !InfoStore = InfoStore
            !FolderName = FolderName
            !Sender = objMessage.Sender.Name
            !To = ParseRecipients(objMessage, mapiTo)
            !CC = ParseRecipients(objMessage, mapiCc)
            !BCC = ParseRecipients(objMessage, mapiBcc)
            On Error Resume Next
            !subject = objMessage.subject
             If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                !subject = Null
            End If
            !MessageText = objMessage.Text
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                !MessageText = Null
            End If
            !DateReceived = objMessage.TimeReceived
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                !DateReceived = Null
            End If
            !DateSent = objMessage.TimeSent
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                !DateSent = Null
            End If
            !importance = Switch(objMessage.importance = 0, "Low", _
                objMessage.importance = 1, "Normal", _
                objMessage.importance = 2, "High")
         End With
        End Sub
        'SUB: RetrieveMessage
        'Purpose: Loop through the Messages collection of each Folder of the
        'specified information store(s) and calls the WriteMessage Sub
        'to write individual messages to the table. This procedure is
        'called by the ImportMessages Sub.
        Sub RetrieveMessage(objInfoStore As Object, FolderName As Variant)
         Dim objFoldersColl As Object, objFolder As Object
         Dim objMessage As Object, objMessageColl As Object
         'Set a Variable equal to the Folders Collection of the InfoStore's
         'Top Level Folder. (RootFolder)
         Set objFoldersColl = objInfoStore.RootFolder.Folders
         With objFoldersColl
            Set objFolder = .GetFirst
            'Loop through each folder and determine if we're looking for a
            'specific folder from which we're importing messages, or all
            Do While Not objFolder Is Nothing
                If IsMissing(FolderName) Then
                    Set objMessageColl = objFolder.Messages
                    With objMessageColl
                        Set objMessage = .GetFirst
                        Do While Not objMessage Is Nothing
                            Call WriteMessage(objMessage, objFolder.Name, _
                            Set objMessage = .GetNext
                    End With
                    Set objFolder = .GetNext
                    If objFolder.Name = FolderName Then
                        Set objMessageColl = objFolder.Messages
                        With objMessageColl
                            Set objMessage = .GetFirst
                            Do While Not objMessage Is Nothing
                                Call WriteMessage(objMessage, objFolder.Name, _
                                Set objMessage = .GetNext
                        End With
                        Exit Do
                        Set objFolder = .GetNext
                    End If
                End If
         End With
        End Sub
        'SUB: ImportMessage
        'Purpose: Opens a MAPI session through OLE automation and opens a
        'recordset based on the Messages table. Then, this procedure
        'checks to see if it needs to import messages from top level
        'folders in ALL information stores, or just a specific
        'information store. Based upon this, the procedure will call
        'the RetrieveMessage sub for the specified information stores.
        Sub ImportMessages(Optional FolderName As Variant, _
                       Optional InfoStoreName As Variant)
         Dim objMapi As Object
         Dim objFoldersColl As Object
         Dim objInfoStore As Object
         Dim RetVal
         DoCmd.Hourglass True
         Set db = CurrentDb
         Set rsMsg = db.OpenRecordset("Messages", dbOpenDynaset)
         RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Establishing MAPI Session...")
         Set objMapi = CreateObject("Mapi.Session")
         RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Logging on to MAPI Session...")
         'In the following line, replace the ProfileName argument with a valid
         'profile. If you omit the ProfileName argument, Microsoft Exchange
         'will prompt you for your profile.
         objMapi.Logon ProfileName:="Nancy Davolio"
         'Loop through each InfoStore in the MAPI session and determine if we
         'should read in messages from ALL InfoStores or just a specified
         'InfoStore. InfoStores include a user's personal store files
         '(.PST Files), Network stores, and Public Folders.
         For Each objInfoStore In objMapi.InfoStores
            If Not IsMissing(InfoStoreName) Then
                If objInfoStore.Name = InfoStoreName Then
                    Call RetrieveMessage(objInfoStore, FolderName)
                    Exit For
                End If
                Call RetrieveMessage(objInfoStore, FolderName)
            End If
         objMapi.Logoff  ' Log out of the MAPI session.
         Set objMapi = Nothing
         db.Close  ' Close the Database.
         Set db = Nothing
         DoCmd.Hourglass False
         RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdClearStatus)
        End Sub


The ImportMessages procedure accepts two optional arguments, Foldername and InfoStoreName. This enables the user to import messages from only a specified folder in any information store, or messages from all top level folders in either in any information store. To import messages from all top level folders of all information stores, call the procedure with no arguments:


To import messages from a top level folder folder named "InBox" in all information stores, call the procedure with "InBox" as the FolderName argument and no InfoStoreName argument:

ImportMessages "InBox"

To import messages from all top level folders of an information store named "My Info Store," call the procedure with no FolderName argument and "My Info Store" as the InfoStoreName argument:

ImportMessages , "My Info Store"

To import messages from a top level folder named "InBox" from an information store named "My Info Store", call the procedure with "InBox" as the FolderName argument and "My Info Store" as the InfoStoreName argument:

ImportMessages "InBox", "My Info Store"


For more information about OLE Automation, search on the phrase "OLE Automation," and then view "Using Microsoft Access as an OLE Automation Controller" using the Answer Wizard from the Microsoft Access for Windows 95 Help menu.

For more information about referencing object libraries, search on the phrase "referencing object libraries," and then view "setting references" using the Answer Wizard from the Microsoft Access for Windows 95 Help menu.

For more information about using OLE Automation with Microsoft Exchange, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

153311 ACC: Using Automation to Send a Microsoft Exchange Message

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:10/11/2006
Keywords:kbinfo kbinterop kbProgramming KB162078