Close the program that is using the Wstream.dll file. To get full sound,
start your DreamWorks program and then restart the TeleCommander software.
TeleCommander is a driver currently identified as using Wstream.dll. A true
Diamond TeleCommander card can be disabled by remarking out the Tcinit line
in the autoexec.bat file. The Diamond sound card uses TeleCommander as 3D
audio software.
A Digital TeleCommander uses hardware jumper settings and the customer will
need to contact Digital for assistance.
NOTE: The generic OPTi930 drivers solve this error for the Telecommander
sound cards. You can download these files from the following World Wide Web
For Windows 95, use the file:
NOTE: These are generic drivers not supported by Diamond, Digital or
For more information about how to perform these tasks in Windows,
see your Windows printed documentation, online Help, or the Microsoft
Knowledge Base on the World Wide Web.