A SELECT query containing an ORDER BY DESC clause can
sometimes cause a high number of logical reads in SQL Server 6.0.
The second execution of a user-defined stored procedure causes the connection
to be broken, if an exact numeric datatype is used in the compute clause of the
The Dump Database command can continue or span a dump
across multiple tapes. If the Load Headeronly command is used to verify the
dump, it will not report files that span tapes.
FIX: Updates in Browse Mode Applications Can Cause AVs
If a DB-Library browse mode client updates a row and the row has
changed since the client selected the row, a handled exception of the client
thread on the SQL Server can occur.
If a table is created with
greater than 223 columns, and SELECT permissions are then granted to a user or
group, then a subsequent SELECT, issued by a permitted user, can result in the
following message being reported for each column defined after column 223 in
the table structure:
Msg 230, Level 14, State 1 SELECT
permission denied on column <column> of object <table>, database
<db>, owner <owner>
A DB-Library application making
repeated cursor calls encounters one or more of the following errors:
SQL Server message 1101, state 1, severity 17: unable to
allocate new page for database 'tempdb'. There are no more pages available on
valid allocation pages.
space can be created by dropping objects,
extending the database or dumping the log with no_log.
error: General SQL Server error: Check error messages from SQL Server
Attempting to dump a database while a dbwritetext, dbmoretext, or
WRITETEXT is being executed on one of the tables in the database may cause a
handled access violation (AV) followed by a SQL Server hang. A partial dump is
created, and the loading header from the dump shows the dumpsize to be 0 (0
pages). It may not be possible to shut down SQL Server under these conditions.
In order to restart SQL Server, you may have to restart Windows NT.
When you attempt to connect to a SQL Server using the 16 bit TCP/IP sockets
network library with a fully qualified DNS name 20 characters or greater, the
following error message appears:
Msg No.:10004 Severity:
9 State: 0
Unable to connect: SQL Server is unavailable or does not
General network error. Check your documentation.
Error: 11004 ConnectionOpen(gethostbyname())
A select that contains
a subquery combined with a GROUP BY and a HAVING clause with the function
ROUND() results in the following error message and terminates with a thread
level Access Violation (AV):
Msg 913, Level 22, State
Could not find row in Sysdatabases with database id 0.
CHECKTABLE on Sysdatabases.
If you declare a non-insensitive cursor,
which involves selecting a value converted to the bit datatype, a handled
Access Violation occurs.
The SQL Server process can go into a 100%
CPU spin when a DB-Library or ODBC application opens a server cursor which
executes a procedure created using the Recompile option.
In general,
when you use the Select statement and a query that involves the multiplication
of a decimal number and the value returned from a function, an Arithmetic
Overflow error message appears. This error message also appears in the
following three specific conditions:
- Calculation must involve at least three operands
- Calculation must include the following three operations:
- an integer constant multiplied by
- an integer returned from a function multiplied
- a decimal or numeric value in the form of either a
constant, local variable or a column value.
- Calculation be performed in the order in which they are
listed in Condition 2 above.
When you attempt to insert the value
into a column defined as numeric, float, or any other exact or approximate
numeric datatype, the following error message appears:
Msg 1007, Level 15, State 1:
The number '0.' is out of the range for
numeric representation (max precision: 33).
Table lock escalation,
and subsequent blocking, can occur if a query selects text, or image columns
and rows are searched with a unique index.
If a query's page locks
on a table escalate to a table lock and the table is searched with a unique
index, an Error 1203 occurs and terminates the client connection.
a DB-Library browse mode client updates a row, and the table has a Foreign key
constraint on any column, a handled exception error of the client thread on the
computer running SQL Server occurs.
If a DB-Library browse mode
client updates a row and the table has a Check constraint on any column, a
handled exception of the client thread on the SQL Server occurs.
TRUNCATE statement fails with the following error message:
Msg 4712, Level 16, State 1
Cannot truncate table
'<tablename>' because it is being referenced by a foreign key constraint.
Deleting from the table produces the following error:
Msg 439, Level 16, State 1
Unable to find foreign
key constraints for table '<tablename>' in dbid 'x' though table is
flagged as having them.
If you create a view with a CASE statement,
and one or more of the result expressions is a SELECT statement, the following
error may occur:
Msg 206, Level 16, State 2
type clash: UNKNOWN TOKEN is incompatible with varchar
The extra
SELECT keyword in the selection list of an aggregate function may cause a
thread level access violation, and result in the following error message:
This command did not return data, and it did not return
any rows. DB-Library Process Dead - Connection Broken.
expression in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement may cause a handled access
violation (AV).
The client's connection to the server is broken when
the access violation occurs. The client will receive the following message:
DB-Library Process Dead - Connection Broken
Other processes on the server are not affected.
Assigning a decimal
value from a VIEW to an OUTPUT parameter of a stored procedure causes a handled
access violation (AV). The client reports the AV message on SQL Server version
6.0, and appears to stop responding on SQL Server version 6.5. The errorlog
contains the details of the access violation.
If a stored procedure
is selected as the victim in a deadlock situation, a temporary table created
within the procedure may become stranded in tempdb. This situation will only
occur if, in addition to the temporary table, a cursor is declared within the
stored procedure, and the stored procedure then acts upon the temporary table.
Because the standard method for handling a deadlock is to resubmit
the command that was terminated, problems may arise if that command attempts to
re-create the temporary table upon resubmission.
Specifically, error
message 2714 may be reported when the query is resubmitted, as follows:
SQL Server message 2714, state 1, severity 16:
There is already an object named '#temp' in the database.
to drop the temporary table prior to re-creating it will fail, and you will
receive error message 3701:
SQL Server message 3701,
state 1, severity 11:
Cannot drop the table '#temp', because it doesn't
exist in the system catalogs.
The existence of the temporary table
can be confirmed by selecting from tempdb.sysobjects for that table.
This problem does not occur if a cursor is not used within the stored
procedure. Thus, if a cursor is absent, the temporary table is correctly
cleaned up from tempdb after a deadlock.
When you issue a create
view statement with a view column list, a correlated subquery, and a group by
clause, the SQL Server may incorrectly produce the following error message:
Msg 8158, Level 16, State 1
'View_name' has more
columns than were specified in column name list.
Selecting from a
view that contains a correlated subquery and a distinct clause can cause a
thread level access violation (AV) in SQL Server.
A nested cursor
fetch on basic select type cursors can cause a handled access violation, as
well as the inability to locate locally defined variables or the cursor. The
SQL Server error log will contain a Language Exec error, followed by a stack
trace. The following errors, as well as a client disconnect, are reported on
the client:
16921 Cursorfetch: Must declare variable
16916 A cursor with the name '%s' does not exist.
non-system administrator (SA) user will receive a Permission Denied error
message (number 229) when he or she tries to update a table through a stored
procedure, even if the user has permission to run the stored procedure. If the
SA or database owner (DBO) runs the stored procedure first, the user will then
be able to use the stored procedure. This problem occurs when the following
sequence of events occurs:
- Non-SA user runs stored procedure A.
- Stored procedure A calls procedure B.
- Procedure B updates a table through a cursor in which the
table is located in another database.
Selecting from a view which contains a correlated subquery, a
group by clause, and an extra column in the views column list may cause a
thread level access violation (AV) in SQL Server.
On SQL Server 6.5
SP1 (6.00.213) Alpha platforms, the checkpoint process will encounter an access
violation (AV) if both of the following are true:
- A database's transaction log becomes full between cycles of
the checkpoint process. -and-
- The database has the option "trunc. log on chkpt" enabled.
This problem is specific to Alpha platforms, and does not occur
on non- Alpha versions of Microsoft SQL Server.
When you select from
a view with an aggregate subquery using an ANSI style outer join, you receive
an access violation error message.
For example, the following view
will cause this behavior:
Create view testview as
select titles.title_id, totalcount = (select count(*) from titles) from
Left Outer Join titleauthor On titles.title_id = titleauthor.title_id
Using Dynamic Cursor within a user-defined transaction can cause
hundreds of 1203 errors in the SQL Server errorlog and Windows NT Event Viewer.
The SQL Server shuts down afterwards, with the following error message:
Error: 1203, Severity: 20, State: 2
Caller of lock
manager is incorrectly trying to unlock an unlocked object.
locktype=%d dbid=%d lockid=%Id
If Insert Row Level Locking (IRL) is
enabled, using INSERT/SELECT may cause the following error message:
Msg 818, Level 19, State 1
There is no room to hold
the buffer resource lock %S_BUF in SDES %S_SDES
An undetected
deadlock can occur between a database dump and a user process that holds locks
on syscolumns. When this deadlock occurs, all activity within the database is
suspended until the deadlock is manually resolved.
Selecting from a
view which has nested selects in its text may cause errors 2804 or 4401, if the
SELECT is run after recycling the server. The text of each error message is:
Msg 2805, Level 18, State 0
Bad pointer 0x13a5388
encountered while remapping stored procedure 'vw21'. Must re-create procedure.
Msg 4401, Level 16, State 2
View 'vw21' no longer exists.
Restructure the query to use an intermediate temporary
table such as the following:
SELECT * INTO #tmp_inv
FROM inv_table
WHERE inv_no BETWEEN 100 AND 500
FROM #tmp_inv
Note that this workaround should only be necessary in rare
circumstances. Testing should be done to determine if the workaround uses fewer
logical reads than the original query in your environment.
FIX: LOAD HEADERONLY Doesn't Report Files Cont on Another Tape
Convert the application to use normal locking or cursors.
FIX: SELECT from Table with >223 Columns Fails with Error 230
Consider trimming the number of tables in the columns or use
aliasing or different security schemas to allow data to be seen by all users.
FIX: SQL Terminates on Repeated Cursor Calls w/ ODS Handlers
Stop any ODS applications, such as SQL Trace, that may be running
at the server. This causes the ODS handlers to be de-installed and prevents the
server from terminating.
FIX: TEXT Operations Can AV During DUMP DATABASE
BUG #: NT: 15703 (6.5) (sqlserver)
Schedule database dumps so that they do not execute while
applications are using text operations such as dbwritetext, dbmoretext, or
FIX: 16-bit TCP/IP Fails to Connect With Long DNS Names
BUG #: Windows NT: 15694
To work around this problem, use shorter DNS names or use the IP
address of the SQL server.
FIX: AV if Subquery GROUP BY and HAVING with ROUND()
Re-code the query so that it does not fit the pattern.
FIX: AV Declaring a Cursor Involving Conversion to Bit
Do not convert to the bit datatype or declare the cursor as
FIX: 100% CPU Spin Opening Cursor on a RECOMPILE proc.
Change the procedure to not have WITH RECOMPILE.
FIX: Select Statement Can Cause Arithmetic Overflow
To work around this problem, convert the decimal or numeric
values to integer values using the Convert function. For more information on
how to use the Convert function, please see the Transact-SQL Reference guide.
FIX: Error Msg 1007 Occurs While Inserting Value '0
BUG #: Windows NT: 15866 (6.50)
Enable trace Flag 107 for the server or any connection that needs
to use this value in or against a column defined as float, decimal, numeric or
FIX: SH_PAGE Locks Held on Text or Image Data in Service Pack 1
BUG #: Windows NT: 15870 (6.50)
Increase the LE Threshold Maximum configuration value with
sp_configure so that it takes more locks before the query escalates from page
locks to table locks.
FIX: Table Lock Escalation in Service Pack 1 Causes Error 1203
BUG #: Windows NT: 15871 (6.50)
To work around this problem:
- Use non-unique index.
- Use the optimizer locking hint "TABLOCK."
- Increase the LE Threshold Maximum configuration value with
FIX: Updates with Foreign Key Constraint Cause Exception Error
BUG #: 15716 (Windows NT: 6.50)
To work around this problem, either create a trigger to manage
referential integrity (instead of using the Check constraint), or convert the
application to use normal locking or cursors.
FIX: Browse Mode Updates with Check Constraint Causes Exception
BUG #: Windows NT: 15715 (6.50)
To work around this problem, create a Rule and bind it to the
column instead of using the Check constraint, or convert the application to use
normal locking or cursors.
FIX: Unable to Truncate a Table That Had a Constraint Defined
To work around this problem, do the following:
- Back up the database.
- Drop and re-create the table.
FIX: Create View with Nested SELECT in CASE Causes Error 206
Use the CONVERT function to convert the result of the SELECT
statement to the same datatype as the other result expressions.
FIX: Access Violation with Extra SELECT in Aggregate Function
To work around this problem, remove the extra SELECT keyword.
FIX: CASE Expression in WHERE Clause of SELECT May Cause AV
This problem only occurs if the variable into which the parameter
values are passed to the stored procedure is used in the CASE expression of the
SELECT statement. Therefore, the problem can be avoided by transferring the
parameter value to another variable that is defined inside the stored
procedure, and then using that second variable in the CASE expression. See the
MORE INFORMATION section of this article for an example.
FIX: AV Assigning Decimal from VIEW to OUTPUT Parameter
BUG #: 15860 (Windows NT: 6.5)
To work around this problem, do one of the following:
- Avoid assigning the decimal datatype OUTPUT parameter to a
stored procedure.
- Avoid using views; select directly from the underlying
- Instead of using OUTPUT parameters, return values from the
stored procedure.
- Create a temporary table to hold the results of the SELECT
statement. Then assign the results to OUTPUT parameters, selecting data from
the temporary table.
FIX: Temp Table Stranded If Deadlock in Stored Proc. w/ Cursor
BUG #: 16037 (Windows NT, 6.50)
To work around this problem, try to close out the connection on
which the deadlock occurred, prior to resubmitting the command. It is not
necessary to cycle SQL Server in order to clean up an object left stranded in
this manner, because that process (and any associated resources) appear to be
released once the creating process is closed.
FIX: Error 8158 Caused by Create View Statement
To work around this problem, do one of the following:
- Correct the view to drop the column list. -or-
- Do not use either the correlated subquery or group by.
FIX: AV Caused by View with Distinct and Correlated Subquery
Recode the query so that a distinct clause and a correlated
subquery are not combined.
FIX: Nested Cursors Can Cause a Handled Access Violation
Do not use cursors in a nested fashion where the inner cursor
relies on the results of the outer cursor.
FIX: Permission Denied Err 229 Updating Table in Another DB
Do not use cursors to update tables when the cursor is in a
stored procedure that is called by another procedure. Another workaround is to
give the user permissions to the underlying table.
FIX: AV from View with Group By and Incorrect Column List
To work around this problem, do one of the following:
- Correct the view's column list. -or-
- Drop the column list.
FIX: Checkpoint Process Access Violation when Log Fills
BUG #: 16060 (Windows NT: 6.5)
To work around this problem, do not use the database option
"trunc. log on chkpt." Instead, do one of the following:
- Develop a procedure to regularly truncate your transaction
log using the DUMP TRANSACTION command. -or-
- Extend your transaction log to avoid encountering a
transaction log full
FIX: AV Selecting View with Aggregate Subquery and Outer Join
Replace Left Outer Join with "*=" to avoid the access violation.
FIX: Error 1203 Using Dynamic Cursor Within Transaction
To work around this problem, do one of the following:
- Change the cursor definition to use either SCROLL or
- Increase "LE Threshold Maximum" setting in sp_configure.
- Do not use transaction around Dynamic Cursor.
FIX: Insert/Select May Cause Error 818 If IRL Is Enabled
To work around this problem, do either of the following:
- Disable IRL. -or-
- Drop the clustered index on the table.
FIX: Undetected Deadlock on System Catalogs During Dump
Killing either the user process or the database dump process will
resolve the deadlock and allow activity within the database to continue.
FIX: Selecting From Views With Nested Select Causes Errors
Drop and re-create the view after recycling server. The problem
occurs as a result of the view resolution at server startup.