When you try to build the ActiveX SDK WebImage sample from Developer
Studio, the following error message appears:
Cannot open include file: WImgInterfaces.h: No such file or directory
The WImgInterfaces.h is an output header file generated by Mktyplib.exe.
When you look at \Inetsdk\Samples\Basectl\Webimage\Makefile, you can see
that the Mktyplib.exe is carried out in this manner:
mktyplib /DWIN32 -I..\Include
/h $(Proj)Interfaces.h
/tlb $(Proj).Tlb $(Proj).ODL
This error comes up only if the sample is built within Developer Studio.
Note that the sample builds without any errors if you use the Makefile that
comes with the WebImage sample by typing "nmake" directly from the command
When you build the sample within Developer Studio, the error appears if the
project settings are not configured correctly; that is, mktyplib is not
carried out with the same options as the Makefile. WImgInterfaces.h is
absent because the following /h switch is not specified in the call to
/h $(Proj)Interfaces.h
where $(Proj) refers to "WImg" for this particular sample
A similar problem might occur when you build the CARD and OBJVW samples
within Developer Studio. The error message indicates that the
CardInterfaces.h and ObjVwInt.h files cannot be found.