ACC: Procedure to Create Data Sources and Relink ODBC Tables (159691)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Access for Windows 95 7.0
  • Microsoft Access 97

This article was previously published under Q159691
Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.


This article shows you how to create a lookup table that contains the necessary information to register an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Data Source Name (DSN) and to create new, or refresh, existing ODBC tables in your application.

This article assumes that you are familiar with using the tools supplied for setting up and using ODBC Data Sources.


When you link a table to a Microsoft Access database using an ODBC Data Source, the information regarding that connection is stored in the Description property of the table. If you move the database to another computer that does not contain the Data Source Name (DSN) for the ODBC connection to the linked table, you receive the following error when you try to open the table:
ODBC--connection to <ServerName> failed.
Visual Basic for Applications supports the RegisterDatabase method to create or modify the DSNs on a computer. Use it to refresh your existing ODBC connections with new information or create new TableDef objects based on the DSN.

When you implement this technique in your database, you ensure that a code mechanism exists that will set up and relink to any ODBC Data Sources that you use in your application.

The steps in the following example create a DSN for a SQL Server database:
  1. Create a new database called TestODBC.mdb.
  2. Create the following table to store SQL Server ODBC Data Source information. You can modify the fields in this table to store the DSN information for any ODBC driver. For many ODBC connections, the Server and Database entries will not be necessary because these values are saved with the DSN.
          Table: tblODBCDataSources
          Field Name: DataBase
             Data Type: Text
             Field Size: 50
          Field Name: UID
             Data Type: Text
             Field Size: 50
          Field Name: PWD
             Data Type: Text
             Field Size: 50
          Field Name: Server
             Data Type: Text
             Field Size: 50
          Field Name: ODBCTableName
             Data Type: Text
             Field Size: 50
          Field Name: LocalTableName
             Data Type: Text
             Field Size: 50
          Field Name: DSN
             Data Type: Text
             Field Size: 50
          Table Properties: tblODBCDataSources
          PrimaryKey: LocalTableName
  3. Create a record in the tblODBCDataSources table with information about your ODBC databases. This example uses a SQL Server connection to the Authors table in the Pubs database; substitute the correct information for your environment, and add a record for each linked table in your database:
          Field Name          Value
          DataBase            Pubs
          UID                 <username>
          PWD                 <strong password>
          Server              SQLPUBS
          ODBCTableName       dbo.authors
          LocalTableName      Authors
          DSN                 Pubs
    Note that the ODBCTableName represents the name of the table in the source database (in this example, SQL Server), and that the LocalTableName represents the name assigned to the linked table in the Access database.
  4. Create a module and type or paste the following code. If you are not using all the connection-related parameters--for example, if you are not using the Server and Database arguments--comment out or omit the corresponding lines in the strConn definition. Otherwise, passing the arguments with empty values may cause your connection to fail.
          'The DoesTblExist function validates the existence of a TableDef
          'object in the current database. The result determines if an
          'object should be appended or its Connect property refreshed.
          Function DoesTblExist(strTblName As String) As Boolean
             On Error Resume Next
             Dim db As Database, tbl As TableDef
             Set db = CurrentDb
             Set tbl = db.TableDefs(strTblName)
             If Err.Number = 3265 Then   ' Item not found.
                DoesTblExist = False
                Exit Function
             End If
             DoesTblExist = True
          End Function
          Function CreateODBCLinkedTables() As Boolean
             On Error GoTo CreateODBCLinkedTables_Err
             Dim strTblName As String, strConn As String
             Dim db As Database, rs As Recordset, tbl As TableDef
             ' ---------------------------------------------
             ' Register ODBC database(s)
             ' ---------------------------------------------
             Set db = CurrentDb
             Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblODBCDataSources")
             With rs
                While Not .EOF
                   DBEngine.RegisterDatabase rs("DSN"), _
                            "SQL Server", _
                            True, _
                            "Description=VSS - " & rs("DataBase") & _
                            Chr(13) & "Server=" & rs("Server") & _
                            Chr(13) & "Database=" & rs("DataBase")
                   ' ---------------------------------------------
                   ' Link table
                   ' ---------------------------------------------
                   strTblName = rs("LocalTableName")
                   strConn = "ODBC;"
                   strConn = strConn & "DSN=" & rs("DSN") & ";"
                   strConn = strConn & "APP=Microsoft Access;"
                   strConn = strConn & "DATABASE=" & rs("DataBase") & ";"
                   strConn = strConn & "UID=" & rs("UID") & ";"
                   strConn = strConn & "PWD=" & rs("PWD") & ";"
                   strConn = strConn & "TABLE=" & rs("ODBCTableName")
                   If (DoesTblExist(strTblName) = False) Then
                      Set tbl = db.CreateTableDef(strTblName, _
                                    dbAttachSavePWD, rs("ODBCTableName"), _
                      db.TableDefs.Append tbl
                      Set tbl = db.TableDefs(strTblName)
                      tbl.Connect = strConn
                   End If
             End With
             CreateODBCLinkedTables = True
             MsgBox "Refreshed ODBC Data Sources", vbInformation
             Exit Function
             MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "MyApp"
             Resume CreateODBCLinkedTables_End
          End Function
  5. To test this function, type the following line in the Debug window, and then press ENTER:
    Note that you receive the message "Refreshed ODBC Data Sources." Also note that a new linked table called Authors exists in your database, and a new User DSN called Pubs exists in the ODBC Administrator in Control Panel.


For more information about the RegisterDatabase() function, search the Help Index for "RegisterDatabase method," or ask the Microsoft Access 97 Office Assistant.

For additional information about handling linked tables that are connected to SQL Server views, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

112131 ACC: Creating Virtual Indexes with SQL Data-Definition Queries

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:1/26/2005
Keywords:kbhowto kbusage KB159691