When you run Setup for Microsoft Access 7.0 from the stand-alone program
disks or from the Office Professional compact disc or floppy disks, you may
receive the following error message, and then Setup fails:
Unable to register Mfc40.dll
One cause of the error may be a mismatched version of Msvcrt40.dll in the
Windows\System or Winnt\System32 folder. A 65 kilobyte (KB) debug version
of Msvcrt40.dll ships with Visual C++, ActiveX SDK, and Windows NT version
4.0. Because this file is newer than the one that ships with Microsoft
Access 7.0 or Microsoft Office Professional for Windows 95, the Setup
program does not overwrite it.
The file installed by Microsoft Access or Microsoft Office Professional is
as follows:
Msvcrt40.dll 312,832 bytes
The file installed by Visual C++, ActiveX SDK, and Windows NT version 4.0
is as follows:
Msvcrt40.dll 65,024 bytes
If you suspect you have the wrong version of Msvcrt40.dll, rename the file
on your hard drive and replace it with the correct version from Microsoft
Access or Microsoft Office Professional media. Because the Windows 95 or
Windows NT 4.0 operating system may be using this file, you may have to do
the following in order to replace the file:
- Start the computer while holding down the SHIFT key to disable all
startup programs.
- Rename the existing Msvcrt40.dll file.
- Copy the Msvcrt40.dll file from the Microsoft Office Professional
compact disc, or use the EXTRACT.EXE utility to extract it from the
Microsoft Access disks into the Windows\System or Winnt\System32 folder.
- Rerun Setup for Microsoft Access 7.0.
If a mismatched Msvcrt40.dll is not the problem, the only other known
workaround is to reinstall Windows 95 or Windows NT in a clean folder, and
then install Microsoft Access.
NOTE: Microsoft Money 5.0 installs version 4.1.6038 of MFC40.dll, dated
7/31/96. If this file is deleted or renamed during a Remove All/Reinstall
of Microsoft Access 7.0, and Microsoft Money has its Reminder utility
enabled, you may receive the following error message when Windows 95 is
Reminder.exe is linked to missing export MFC40.DLL .5782.
To avoid this error, check the MFC40.dll version number before renaming or
deleting MFC40.dll. To fix this error, reinstall Microsoft Money. The older
MFC40.dll file will be overwritten by the newer version of Microsoft Money.
For more information about incorrect versions of Msvcrt40.dll, please see
the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
154591 BUG: Wrong Version of MSVCRT40.DLL (Forwarder DLL) in
Windows 95
153733 PRB: Wrong Mfc40.dll and Msvcrt40.dll from ActiveX CD-ROM
For information about how to use the EXTRACT.EXE utility to extract files
from setup disks, please see the following articles in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
132913 How to Use EXTRACT.EXE to Copy Files from DMF Disks