Windows CE H/PC Explorer CD-ROM Readme.txt File (159364)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows CE for the Handheld PC, Versions 1.0

This article was previously published under Q159364


This article contains a copy of the information in the Readme.txt file from the Windows CE H/PC Explorer CD-ROM. Setup copies this file to the Program Files\H/PC Explorer folder.


                      Readme.txt file for H/PC Explorer

***** Table of Contents *****

1. Starting installation

2. Creating floppy disks of the CD-ROM installation files

3. Installing H/PC Explorer from floppy disks

4. If you encounter errors during H/PC Explorer Setup

5. H/PC Explorer on International versions of Windows 95

6. To remove/reinstall Schedule+ or Microsoft Exchange Update

7. If you are asked to replace MAPI32.DLL during setup

8. If Schedule+ says it cannot open the file req32.cfg

***** 1. Starting installation *****

To begin installation, insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The Setup
program will automatically be run from the CD-ROM. If it does not start
automatically, type "Start -> Run -> D:\Setup", where D: is the drive
letter of your CD-ROM drive.

The main setup window will provide you with 3 buttons on the right hand
side of the screen, labeled:

1. Install Microsoft Exchange Update for Windows 95
2. Install Microsoft Schedule+ 7.0a
3. Install Microsoft H/PC Explorer

Click each of these buttons *in this order*. If your desktop computer does
not need to install a component, you will be informed with a message. If
you do need the component, installation will automatically begin. Follow
the instructions to complete the installation of each component.

NOTE: After some steps, you may be asked to reboot your desktop computer.
After your computer finishes rebooting, reinsert the CD-ROM and continue
with the remaining setup components.

***** 2. Creating floppy disks of the CD-ROM installation *****

If you do not have a CD-ROM drive on the PC that you wish to install H/PC
Explorer on, then locate another machine with a CD-ROM drive and a 3.5"
1.44MB floppy drive. Use the following steps to create disks for floppy

1.  Find 9 blank, formatted 3.5" 1.44MB floppy disks.
2.  Label three of these disks, "Microsoft Exchange Update" Disk 1 to Disk
3.  On the CD-ROM, open the EXUPDUSA directory
4.  Copy all of the files inside each of the "Disk" directories (Disk1,
    Disk2, Disk3) to the corresponding floppy disks you made in step 2.
    NOTE: Do not copy the Disk1, Disk2 and Disk3 folders to the floppy
    disks; copy the files *inside* of these folders to the disks.
5.  Label the next three blank floppy disks, "Microsoft Schedule+ 7.0a"
    Disk 1 to Disk 3.
6.  On the CD-ROM, open the SPLUS70A directory
7.  Copy all of the files inside each of the "Disk" directories (Disk1,
    Disk2, Disk3) to the corresponding floppy disks you made in step 5.
    NOTE: Do not copy the Disk1, Disk2 and Disk3 folders to the floppy
    disks; copy the files *inside* of these folders to the disks.
8.  Label the next three blank floppy disks, "Microsoft H/PC Explorer" Disk
    1 to Disk 3.
9.  On the CD-ROM, open the H/PC directory
10. Copy all of the files inside each of the "Disk" directories (Disk1,
    Disk2, Disk3) to the corresponding floppy disks you made in step 8.
    NOTE: Do not copy the Disk1, Disk2 and Disk3 folders to the floppy
    disks; copy the files *inside* of these folders to the disks.


You have now copied all of the files necessary to complete the installation
of H/PC Explorer and all other supporting components. Proceed to the next
section of this README file to install H/PC Explorer from floppy disks.

***** 3. Installing H/PC Explorer from floppy disks *****

There are three components that may need to be installed for H/PC Explorer
to work correctly. Install (or determine that you do not require) them
using the following instructions:

   Install the Microsoft Exchange Update

        1. You only need to install the Microsoft Exchange Update if you
           have installed the version of Microsoft Exchange that came with
           Windows 95. If Microsoft Exchange is already installed on your
           computer, you can find the version in the About Microsoft
           Exchange dialog box under the Help menu. If the version is
           4.0.410.59, you must install the update. If Microsoft Exchange
           is not installed, or the version number is greater than
           4.0.410.59, DO NOT install the Microsoft Exchange Update.
        2. The Microsoft Exchange Update can potentially cause serious
           problems if installed on non-U.S. English versions of Windows
           95. See section 5 of this README file for further details.
        3. Insert the disk labeled "Microsoft Exchange Update Disk1" into
           drive a:
        4. From the Start Menu, choose Run.
        5. Type a:\setup and click OK.

   Install Microsoft Schedule+ 7.0a

        1. You only need to install Microsoft Schedule+ 7.0a if you don't
           already have Schedule+ 7.0a installed. You can check which
           version is installed by looking at the introduction screen that
           appears when you run Schedule+. If the version in the lower
           right corner of this screen is 7.0a, DO NOT install Schedule+
           7.0a from the floppy disks you made.
        2. Insert the disk labelled "Microsoft Schedule+ 7.0a Disk1" into
           drive a:
        3. From the Start Menu, choose Run.
        4. Type a:\setup and click OK.

   Install H/PC Explorer

        1. Insert the disk labelled "Microsoft H/PC Explorer Disk1" into
           drive a:
        2. From the Start Menu, choose Run.
        3. Type a:\setup and click OK.

***** 4. If you encounter errors during H/PC Explorer Setup *****

If you encounter any errors during H/PC Explorer Setup, the H/PC Explorer
Help will assist you in finding the solution to the problem. To use H/PC
Explorer Help, run H/PC Explorer by double-clicking its icon on the Windows
desktop, or by selecting "Start -> Programs -> H/PC Explorer -> H/PC

Once H/PC Explorer is running, select "Help -> H/PC Explorer Help Topics".
the "Contents" tab, double-click "Troubleshooting -> Communications
problems -> Help me fix a specific communications error". Follow all the
steps detailed in the Help.

If you cannot start H/PC Explorer, re-install H/PC Explorer by following
steps in the first section of this README file.

***** 5. H/PC Explorer on International versions of Windows 95 *****

The software products that come with your H/PC, including H/PC Explorer,
Microsoft Exchange Update, and Schedule+ 7.0a, are all U.S. English
versions. Installation on versions of Windows 95 other than the U.S.
English version is not supported.

Known issues include:

- The Microsoft Exchange Update can cause serious problems if installed on
  non-U.S. English versions of Windows 95. Installing this update on any
  installation of Windows 95 other than the U.S. English version is not
  recommended or supported.
- During H/PC Explorer setup, the Network Control panel may not be
  automatically dismissed. When you click OK to dismiss it, you will be
  asked if you want to reboot your computer. Clicking Yes may abort setup
- The H/PC Explorer desktop shortcut may not be automatically created after
  setup is complete.
- H/PC Explorer may not automatically run after setup is complete.

These are the known issues; others may arise depending on the version of
Windows 95 you are running as well as your particular software

***** 6. To remove/reinstall Schedule+ or Microsoft Exchange Update *****

If you need to uninstall or reinstall either Schedule+ 7.0a or the
Microsoft Exchange Update from your computer, you need to use the setup
programs on the CD-ROM that came with your H/PC. Attempting to do this by
using Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel will not work correctly.

     To uninstall or reinstall the Microsoft Exchange Update:
        - Insert the H/PC Explorer CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
        - Click the Start button, and choose Run.
        - Type "d:\exupdusa\exupdusa.exe" where d: is the drive letter for
          your CD-ROM, and press Enter.
        - When the installation program runs, follow the instructions
          provided. You will be given a number of options during the setup,
          including Remove All, which will uninstall Microsoft Exchange,
          and Reinstall, which will reinstall the Microsoft Exchange

     To uninstall or reinstall Schedule+ 7.0a:
        - Insert the H/PC Explorer CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
        - Click the Start button, and choose Run.
        - Type "d:\splus70a\disk1\setup.exe" where d: is the drive letter
          for your CD-ROM, and press Enter.
        - When the installation program runs, follow the instructions
          provided. You will be given a number of options during the setup,
          including Remove All, which will uninstall Microsoft Schedule+
          7.0a, and Reinstall, which will reinstall the Microsoft Schedule+

NOTE: If you installed the program from floppy disks, you will need to run
setup from the floppy disks to uninstall or reinstall the program.

***** 7. If you are asked to replace MAPI32.DLL during setup *****

During H/PC Explorer setup, you may be warned that you are about to replace
the currently installed MAPI32.DLL with an earlier version. If you see this
message, choose to keep the newer version of MAPI32.DLL.

If you do not have the newer version of MAPI32.DLL, you may have difficulty
using Schedule+ for group scheduling. If you are having problems with group
scheduling, and if you did not keep the newer version of MAPI32.DLL during
setup, you need to reinstall the Microsoft Exchange Update. Instructions
for doing so can be found in section 6 of this README file.

NOTE: Reinstalling the Microsoft Exchange Update may lead to the problem
described in section 8 of this README file. If it does, reinstall Schedule+
7.0a after reinstalling the Microsoft Exchange Update to fix the problem.

***** 8. If Schedule+ says it cannot open the file req32.cfg *****

If an error message appears stating that Schedule+ cannot open the file
req32.cfg, it is likely that you installed the Microsoft Exchange Update
after you installed Schedule+ 7.0a. To fix this problem, reinstall
Schedule+ 7.0a as described in section 6 of this README file.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:9/3/2002